So why don't all ninjas / rogues use whips?



the more I use my ninja with whips the more I think it's just crazy good.

lvl 11 human pure ninja, no splashes or nothing...

two weapon feint? check, now they are flat footed, remaining attacks? Hit on die rolls of like 2-3 at the worst most times.

Dark Archive

Knife master with the d8 sneak attack seems to be the way to go mechanically, but whips are nice too.


mechanically for max damage yeah, but a whip lets you ignore armor and when they are flat footed it's basically 10 + dex penalty + size penalty... which is pretty easy to hit and range of 15!

lantzkev wrote:
mechanically for max damage yeah, but a whip lets you ignore armor and when they are flat footed it's basically 10 + dex penalty + size penalty... which is pretty easy to hit and range of 15!

I think you're confusing whips with firearms, as whips do no such thing...

They can't HURT anyone wearing armor, unless you invest in feats up through Whip Mastery. Or enchant them with Deadly.

Dark Archive

lantzkev wrote:
mechanically for max damage yeah, but a whip lets you ignore armor and when they are flat footed it's basically 10 + dex penalty + size penalty... which is pretty easy to hit and range of 15!

This is a good factor, Though having a weapon that does Slashing and Piercing that you can also throw is handy. I think a scorpion whip does piercing too though, I will have to look at it again. I think they are both sound choices.


naw it's me misreading the can't hurt for thinking that somehow also translated into they don't care about the armor class.


With the extra investment of 1 feat whips can make a great option for a sneak attacking person who can feint mid combat. Relevant feats are whip mastery, weapon finesse (add agile enchant to whip), two weapon fighting, two weapon feint...toss in imp trip and combat reflexes ( whip in one hand and dagger in the other). If you can't feint then trip and move in for the AoO...or use the trip to keep them from closing on you. If you want, when you qualify for imp whip mastery then you can use the whip for AoA.

Grand Lodge

Snag Net targets touch AC.

Inubrix weapons ignore all armor or shield bonuses granted by iron or steel armor or shields.


yeah but they do no damage.... so I'm not sure you can sneak attack through a net... =D

Although there is the whole "energy" enhancement, although it's a hefty +4.

Grand Lodge

Snag Nets deal damage.

Ultimate Equipment wrote:

Snag net

Cost 30 gp Weight 10 lbs.
Damage — (small), — (medium); Critical —; Range 10 ft.; Type P; Special trip, see text
This short, wide net is covered in barbed loops and slipknots. It works like a typical net, except it has the trip weapon special feature. If you entangle an opponent and hold the trailing rope, on your turn in place of a melee attack you may make a combat maneuver check to trip against that opponent; if you succeed, you may trip your opponent or deal 1 point of piercing damage to it. The concentration DC to cast while entangled in a snag net is 17 + the spell’s level. The Escape Artist DC to escape a snag net is 22.

Then, there is the Net feats.

Also, an Inubrix weapon costs +5,000 gp.


It seems tenuous, the net its self doesn't do damage on it's initial attack, and then it's when you do entangle them, you can do a cmd and if succesful you trip or it deals... I'd argue that you can't use sneak attack because it's not your attack that's doing the damage, much like you can't sneak attack with a tangle foot bag ae.

Grand Lodge

Combat Maneuvers are still very much attacks, and it still very much deals damage.

Nets and Snag Nets are not touch attacks, but do target touch AC.

These are very different.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Note that the net does "—" damage, not "0". You can't add to that.

Grand Lodge

You can make a special attack with a Snag Net, and it deals damage.

As noted above.

Grand Lodge

See official PRD entry here.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I don't think you can add sneak attack damage to the result of a combat maneuver, though.


I suppose you could, but it seems like too much investment for such a little pay off.

exotic weapon prof (unless you want to eat the -1)

Then you do your ranged touch
If successful next round you do CMB to trip and then rather than trip em, you do exactly 1pt of damage and then your sneak attack damage if successful...

In the round you set it up, your opponent can get out, someone else can free it from it, or it can ignore the entangled and just beat on ya in general.

Sneak attack just specifies that you do damage, although considering UE is newest, I'd probably go with it. Which is identical to the racial listing you had



Price 30 gp
Type exotic
This short, wide net is covered in barbed loops and slipknots. It works like a typical net, except it has the trip weapon special feature. If you entangle an opponent and hold the trailing rope, on your turn in place of a melee attack you may make a combat maneuver check to trip against that opponent; if you succeed, you may trip your opponent or deal 1 point of piercing damage to it. The concentration DC to cast while entangled in a snag net is 17 + the spell's level. The Escape Artist DC to escape a snag net is 22."

but includes added txt for concentration.

Dark Archive

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blackbloodtroll wrote:
See official PRD entry here.

That is an exotic weapon at the least, and I could see it not being allowed at many tables unless you are playing a Strix (An Uncommon Race)since it specifically Strix Equipment, but sure if your GM allows it he/she deserves the cheese that comes with it.


nimon the nets far from cheesy, also it's in the ultimate equipment, he just chose that entry because rather than have a value of "-" for weapon damage it listed "see txt"

The weapon its self still does no damage, it's after you hit, and then when you follow it up with a trip CMB, you do a single pt... although since it's a CMB you don't add str/dex etc to this damage and you don't add enhancement because it's not damage roll...

Which makes this far and above cheesy, if not just silly to use as an end of its self... As it stands it's a reusable tangle foot bag.

Dark Archive

lantzkev wrote:

nimon the nets far from cheesy, also it's in the ultimate equipment, he just chose that entry because rather than have a value of "-" for weapon damage it listed "see txt"

The weapon its self still does no damage, it's after you hit, and then when you follow it up with a trip CMB, you do a single pt... although since it's a CMB you don't add str/dex etc to this damage and you don't add enhancement because it's not damage roll...

Which makes this far and above cheesy, if not just silly to use as an end of its self... As it stands it's a reusable tangle foot bag.

You don't need to do damage, you are taking a combatant out of the fight, or setting them up for AoOs at the very least.


well that's not the point of the bbtrolls post!

Grand Lodge

Also, Flaming Snag Nets.


in that case flaming anything works then lol.

Grand Lodge

Flaming Gnomes?

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Rogues don't use whips because we're too busy being Sapmasters. Non-lethal combat expert rogue was the most entertaining rogue I ever made.


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My Tengu is too busy enhancing his claws to care about manufactured weapons.

Dark Archive

Regarding tengu and their natural weaponry, I'm not sure I want to combine sneak attack with a bite or beak attack, since it's supposed to represent an attack to a sensitive or vital part of someone's anatomy.

There's not a lot of vital parts of monster anatomy that I want in my mouth...

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Just name yourself Edgar Allen Poult. Quoth the raven: "KRAAAAW! KRAAAAAAAAAW!"

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I thought about a whip using rogue/ninja a long time.
Guess that could work especially well with fighter Lore warden 2, giving you combat expertise. Eventually you could add moonlight stalker in there, but with the whip feats you gonna be really feat starved.

Remember, there is also the bludgeoner feat and with a whip you could use sap mater too i think, since it deals non-lethal damage. There are also traits for such builds now i think.

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