Wealth By Level in PFS

Pathfinder Society


Is there an adjustment for the Heroic Nature of the campaign such that PCs should have WBL one higher than the table on average(6th level PCs should have 7th level gold for example)?

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Given that all PCs start at 1st level and only get what gold shows up on their chronicle sheets, I'm not sure how the question is relevant.


I'm just curious what the assumption is. Standard Wealth by level or some sort of adjustment?

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

No idea, I'm afraid. :/

This is a couple of years old, but I thought it was a useful analysis:

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2mgek?How-much-gold-will-you-have-as-you-advanc e#5


Hogarth - that's a great link. It has satisfied my musings quite well.



The Exchange 4/5 Owner - D20 Hobbies

Michael C Allen wrote:

Hogarth - that's a great link. It has satisfied my musings quite well.



I've done the new (season 5) calculations, you can search the threads for the newest version of this info.

Grand Lodge 4/5 ***

It use to be that you can end up with anywhere from ~25% to ~400% of WBL. Now, we are looking at between 75% and 200% I believe. Most character end up pretty near WBL however...with being maybe 10-15% off at most.

The Exchange 4/5 Owner - D20 Hobbies

Cold Napalm wrote:
It use to be that you can end up with anywhere from ~25% to ~400% of WBL. Now, we are looking at between 75% and 200% I believe. Most character end up pretty near WBL however...with being maybe 10-15% off at most.

Actually pre-Season 5 rules you could get an absolute maximum of slightly more than 200,000 gp and the expected wealth was around 110,000 gp with In-Tier average of 110,000 gp. With current Season 5 rules, you can only manage a maximum of 157,000 gp. So the current season 5 is limited to 42 % over average with the old Season 4 max is 90 % beyond expected WBL.

Grand Lodge 4/5 ***

James Risner wrote:
Cold Napalm wrote:
It use to be that you can end up with anywhere from ~25% to ~400% of WBL. Now, we are looking at between 75% and 200% I believe. Most character end up pretty near WBL however...with being maybe 10-15% off at most.
Actually pre-Season 5 rules you could get an absolute maximum of slightly more than 200,000 gp and the expected wealth was around 110,000 gp with In-Tier average of 110,000 gp. With current Season 5 rules, you can only manage a maximum of 157,000 gp. So the current season 5 is limited to 42 % over average with the old Season 4 max is 90 % beyond expected WBL.

You could get more then 200k in the old system. Play 4-5 at levels 1-2 nets you over 10k alone. Play 6-7 at 3-4 and your at a quarter of that 200k mark. Play 8-9 at 5-6 and 10-11 at 7-9. But that is an EXTREME.

The Exchange 4/5 Owner - D20 Hobbies

Cold Napalm wrote:
You could get more then 200k in the old system.

In the old system, you could get a maximum of 185,607 (not a GP more) from level 1-11 using Scenarios.

If you also used some of the 11-13 AP and Modules at 11th level, you could expand this to a maximum of 218,406.

Grand Lodge 4/5 ***

James Risner wrote:
Cold Napalm wrote:
You could get more then 200k in the old system.

In the old system, you could get a maximum of 185,607 (not a GP more) from level 1-11 using Scenarios.

If you also used some of the 11-13 AP and Modules at 11th level, you could expand this to a maximum of 218,406.

No, because you assumed that you aren't playing every single session up from level 1 in that calculation. You did not have the person play in 4-5 tier in level 1-2 for example. Try the calculation again doing that and you will end up with WAY more then 200k. Hell level 7-11 playing 10-11 tier exclusively will net you ~140k all on it's own.


Sorry Cold Napalm, but you're wrong on this one. Unless you use some high level modules you couldn't break 200k.

The Exchange 4/5 Owner - D20 Hobbies

Cold Napalm wrote:
No, because you assumed that you aren't playing every single session up from level 1 in that calculation.

You are flat wrong on every account.

That calculation used all 200+ known chronicle sheets and was a calculation using EVERY SINGLE PLAY at up tier to gain the exact maximum possible with a legal PFS character of 185,607 gp. If you cheat, or you used some of the legal 11-13 modules (or AP) you could net a maximum of 218,406 gp. This doesn't include some of the modules, ap, and scenarios released since the beginning of Season 5.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Cold Napalm wrote:
Try the calculation again doing that and you will end up with WAY more then 200k. Hell level 7-11 playing 10-11 tier exclusively will net you ~140k all on it's own.

How about you try the calculations, since you're so sure you're right. And show your work, so James can show you where you messed up. Other than insisting you're right without offering a shred of proof, I mean. The majority of the gold is going to come from 7-11 scenarios (120k to maybe the 140k you claim) but that's going to be more gold than the character earned in all the earlier levels combined.

Grand Lodge 4/5 ***

Humm...so I am. Using the average of my chronicles, I got ~190k for every single play up...so this whole brouhaha was over an extra 80k that pretty much NOBODY really got?!? Mike was complaining about people having double or more their WBL by level 10/11...so I kinda took his word for it. I suppose it is kinda out of whack at lower levels where you could technically have that ~400% WBL I suppose.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

According to Sean K Reynolds, WBL in the mainline Pathfinder game is supposed to represent the amount of wealth a character has at any given level. So if you buy a boat, and it sinks, the GM is expected to provide larger shares of treasure for a while until your WBL is restored to equilibrium. Likewise, if two PCs die in an encounter, and their companions keep all their equipment, the GM is expected to go light on treasure until they "grow into" their new wealth.

In Pathfinder Society Organized Play, there's no such assumption. If your PC dies and you pay 5450 for a raise dead, you're permanently out that gold; there's no mechanic for your PC to get more gold than everyone else for a while until he catches up. Likewise, if you spend prestige to buy a 750 gp item every session, your wealth will be higher than it would otherwise, but there's no penalty to keep that from being permanent.

Grand Lodge 4/5 ***

It's not even according to SKR. The WBL guidelines pretty clearly says that.

Character Wealth by Level lists the amount of treasure each PC is expected to have at a specific level

The PP is suppose to help with the consumable aspect. So you can use PP to cover a death or consumables you may use for your adventuring life. Also technically speaking, items gotten via PP has ZERO GP value. You paid zip for it and you get zip if you sell it.

The Exchange 4/5 Owner - D20 Hobbies

Cold Napalm wrote:
I got ~190k for every single play up...Mike was complaining about people having double or more their WBL by level 10/11

To get 190k you have to include some level 12 plays in that calculation or repeats of the same module.

Actually he was complaining about people with 160k to 175k when the expected was 110k. So he was seeing people with 59% more than expected. Not double.

Lantern Lodge 3/5

Regardless, it is good that rulings and mechanic adjustments have been put into place to hinder such extra WBL from accumulating as it once did.

The Exchange 4/5 Owner - D20 Hobbies

Lormyr wrote:
Regardless, it is good that rulings and mechanic adjustments have been put into place to hinder such extra WBL from accumulating as it once did.

Keep in mind it doesn't do much for the UP problem. The new Max in Season 5 is 150,873 with scenarios and a Max of 164,628 with high level modules which isn't much of a hindrance.

What it does do, that is really more important, is limit the low gold amount. Instead of being able to only get 30,000 gp or so by level 12 the new low limit is in the 80,000 range.

Lantern Lodge 3/5

Indeed. It also makes it a little bit harder to play up in some instances, which further reduces the ability to amass extra wealth.

I personally never had a huge problem with some players having extra wealth, because while that certainly helps a character, the build, archetype, feat, and spell selection are the core of strength.

I just like everyone to be on even footing is all, and while this solution is not perfect, it is superior to the previous state in my opinion.

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