![]() Canadian Bakka wrote:
It is a standard action to activate it. The effect activates when the melee attack goes off: the duration is counted from that point. ![]()
![]() Tacticslion wrote:
In his heyday, The Hanged Man would comment, "Patience, young nimble-fingers! Timing is all!" Thanks for the enthusiasm, Tacticslion! I think the saying that writers write the adventures they want to play comepetely shines through in this one for me. The cool thing about the playtest though, was I had just as much fun as a GM. These one-player stories really grab you from both sides of the table. Even with your busy schedule above, I bet you won't have to wait too long - after all - it is only two schedules you need to manage to get a game night in, and The Hanged Man's Orphans breaks into pretty easily digestible chunks, so playing for an hour or so before a regular session might work. Enjoy! ![]()
![]() Here are the characters being developed: A gnome sorcerer (Fey Bloodline) who had an dream encounter with a handmaiden of the Great Mother (the goddess of Halfings, Fey and even the odd Dwarf in her earth aspect). She has been seeking the sacred circle from this vision all her life and thinks it lies in Picollo. A half-orc bard who served seven years as an indentured servant in Picollo, loved her masters, and incorporates Picollan heroic music into her dazzling display before standing in the line with her companions, longspear in hand. A halfling cleric of the Great Mother - an expatriate returning to see what has become of his ancestral home, and wondering why it is so different from what he expected based on stories and tales handed down while in exile. A human fighter pressed into the Picollish navy, who married in Picollo and is desperately trying to get back to his family on the Big Island after being shipwrecked (and discovering magical arms and armor in ancient ruin). A halfling ranger (warslinger), a veteran of the Hoyrall wars, when much of Picollo was under the domination of an insectoid race. She brings her wisdom and still-considerable slinging abilities to the mix. A Dweorg (dwarf) rogue - a galley slave from the coastal navy of Stoneroot, the dwarven city under the Great Mountain. The rogue learned a bit of magic from a zwerc (another sub race of dwarves in Aventyr) and also how to travel the amber roads - a series of planar shifts and junctions that allow speedy travel to those who know how. While running an "underground railroad" for escaping indentures, and smuggling things into Picollo on the return trips, the dwarf found himself stranded on the mainland when one of the amber roads collapsed. Service on a homeward bound ship is his only way back. ![]()
![]() Hi Mike - I'm currently putting finishing touches on some pregens made specifically for the event. I am using as much Aventyr Lore (The AAW Games Campaign Setting) as possible to really tie them into the adventure and also makes sure the group as a whole is well balanced to face the challenges ahead. My original plan was if someone was signed up for all three slots, I would work with them to build a custom character (which might have been unrealistic the way the lottery worked). With the Pregens, I figured if someone was in two slots out of three, the continuity of characters would help a bit in addition to making sure the skills needed are there. Each of the PCs, although fairly core for ease of play on the fly, have some interesting quirks and abilities, and I saved a bit of gold in each build for players to buy some consumables for some of your personal favorite tricks. Once event trading is over, we will see where we stand and see if the plan needs a rethink at all. Hope that helps. ![]()
![]() Hello All. I am very much looking forward to running the first book of the Shattered Heart Adventure Arc from AAW Games at the end of the month. I had a blast writing the whole series and am excited to revisit the beginning of the story. As you can see from the description, I will be running the book in three self-contained segments (Parts 1,2, and 3) over the course of the Con. The break points line up with the chapters of the book, so there are good resolution points for each session. Picollo needs heroes, whether for one part, two parts, or the entirety of the quest to restore the water temple and reintroduce the tenets of community and joy to the beleaguered halfling nation. Stay tuned for more info on character builds and pregenerated characters as we get closer. Any questions, I am happy to answer. ![]()
![]() Hello all. This is Michael Allen, and I am the grand prize winner of the First Annual Pathmaster contest from AdventureAWeek.com. I am working up some pitches for the six-part adventure path I will be writing for AAW and had a few questions for the crowd to help me define the scope of the project. What scope of adventure path are you interested in? An epic 1-20th level path? A tighter (6-7 levels worth of advancement) path. Or something in between. If you are looking for a tighter path, what is your ideal level range? Would you be up for an adventure path with a larger level spread that you had to drop in other adventures in between episodes to level up? And finally, if you had to put a percentage on sandbox vs scripted tale where would your percentages lie? Thanks in advance for any feedback. I am really looking forward to working on this. Michael ![]()
![]() Don't worry Kyle - Jesse showed us the miniatures that would be used for that one - and that produced enough bowel loosening on our part for you to feel that your fiendish design was accomplished. Sadly we were just short on time at the end of a long local con weekend to play the op, but skipping it actually gave us some freedom to truly enjoy the fear and exaltation of the final struggle. ![]()
![]() If they beat the check by 10 or more they get the specific mechanics A successful check give them the hint (first line of the Rune description). A fail nothing. My group disabled all the runes, but they had to work it to take advantage of their Knowledge checks. Only hit them once with the curse. But they used up some resources for sure. ![]()
![]() Well...if more people like my adventure and I get some nice reviews and votes ;-) ... I have a few ideas percolating for a 6-part adventure path... I am working with a few other 3PP at the moment - which is really great - so more of my adventures will be coming out. I also have a few more pitches into AAW. I think maybe after GenCon, there will be some opportunities to see if any of those ideas have legs. ![]()
![]() Thanks all - I'm stoked. Had a great time writing the mod, and then playtesting it here before final draft with a bunch of great Pathfinders from the PFSOP crew here in Raleigh. The maps, art and layout are sweet. Jonathan was hugely helpful as my editor throughout as well as the other AAW team members. And many thanks to the various other 3PP forums I am involved with who helped me refine and revise my pitching style to get here in the first place. It is really great that Paizo encourages this fantastic community so well. Michael ![]()
![]() yeah - ok.. so the rules seem a little funky in terms of spotting an avalanche until its right on top of you. Maybe that is the intent. from the CRB: The avalanche can be spotted from as far away as 1d10 × 500 feet by a character who makes a DC 20 Perception check, treating the avalanche as a Colossal creature. Is this a straight DC 20 perception check with no modification for distance? Or is it a DC 4 check after you modify the "stealth" factor of the Colossal avalanche by -16 and then add the distance modifier. Even at 500 feet, the DC in this second case is 54 - 4 plus 50 for distance (500/10). I don't see how its possible to perceive a start point more than 1,000 feet away (DC 104 anyone?) - although I understand the party sees it automatically after it travels half way from the start point. Hearing the Avalanche at 500 feet is a bit easier because of the distance modifier change in the mountains to 1 per 20 feet. The modified DC -1 (the hearing perception check is base 15 ) becomes a 24 in that case (39 to hear it at 1,000 feet). And then there is this: Stealth and Detection in Mountains: As a guideline, the maximum distance in mountain terrain at which a Perception check for detecting the nearby presence of others can succeed is 4d10 × 10 feet. Certain peaks and ridgelines afford much better vantage points, of course, and twisting valleys and canyons have much shorter spotting distances. Because there's little vegetation to obstruct line of sight, the specifics on your map are your best guide for the range at which an encounter could begin. As in hills terrain, a ridge or peak provides enough cover to hide from anyone below the high point. If The Avalanche is treated as a colossal Creature (an other): seems like the max distance it can be spotted in this interpretation is 400 feet, heard more easily. Sheesh -that one phrase "treating the avalanche as a Colossal creature" is really messing up my understanding. Any help on calculating these DCs correctly would be appreciated. ![]()
![]() And then there is this: Stealth and Detection in Mountains: As a guideline, the maximum distance in mountain terrain at which a Perception check for detecting the nearby presence of others can succeed is 4d10 × 10 feet. Certain peaks and ridgelines afford much better vantage points, of course, and twisting valleys and canyons have much shorter spotting distances. Because there's little vegetation to obstruct line of sight, the specifics on your map are your best guide for the range at which an encounter could begin. As in hills terrain, a ridge or peak provides enough cover to hide from anyone below the high point. The Avalanche is treated as a colossal Creature (an other): seems like the max distance it can be spotted in this interpretation is 400 feet, heard more easily. Sheesh ![]()
![]() yeah - ok.. so the rules seem a little funky in terms of spotting the avalanche until its right on top of you. Maybe that is the intent. from the CRB: The avalanche can be spotted from as far away as 1d10 × 500 feet by a character who makes a DC 20 Perception check, treating the avalanche as a Colossal creature. Is this a straight DC 20 perception check with no modification for distance? Or is it a DC 4 check after you modify the "stealth" factor of the Colossal avalanche by -16 and then add the distance modifier. Even at 500 feet, the DC in this second case is 54 (4 plus 50 for distance [500/10]. I dont see how its possible to see it more than 1,000 feet away (DC 104 anyone?) Hearing the Avalanche at 500 feet is a bit easier because of the distance modifier change in the mountains to 1 per 20 feet. The modified DC -1 (the hearing perception check is base 15 ) becomes a 24 in that case. Any help on calculating these DC's correctly would be appreciated. Edited: to correct the Hearing Base Perception DC ![]()
![]() Congrats to my fellow finalists, and also all who entered. I think being willing to put your ideas out there for others to see counts as a win. I've gotten a lot from feedback discussions in various forums from other contests and patronage projects, so I encourage everyone to join in as Jonathan suggests. It truly helps you up your writing game. Michael Organized Play Characters