Crazy idea but could you beat a vampire to death with a sunrod?

Gamer Life General Discussion

Grand Lodge

As the title says beating down vamps while holding a sunrod. I can't seem to find any definitive information on these things, which is surprising considering every adventure and his grandmother have one tucked away.

Not more than with an other improvised weapon with light spell cast on it. In fact, chances are you won't be able to penetrate vampire's DR unless you are high level Barbarian or Fighter using Power Attack or Paladin using Smite Evil.

Despite the name sunrod does not produces sunlight.

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If I were the vampire in question, I'd play along for a bit before revealing that the attack did nothing.

Grand Lodge

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Drejk wrote:
Despite the name sunrod does not produces sunlight.


I think you are confused. Everyone knows that Vampires sparkle in the sun.

Or are those vampiric My Little Ponies?

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Vampiric...My Little...Ponies

This is the greatest idea ever

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Shore wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Despite the name sunrod does not produces sunlight.

I would also try to have this be my would be slayers last words.

Terquem wrote:

Vampiric...My Little...Ponies

This is the greatest idea ever


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Sunrod combat requires two feats and a lot of Ecstasy.

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Shore wrote:
As the title says beating down vamps while holding a sunrod. I can't seem to find any definitive information on these things, which is surprising considering every adventure and his grandmother have one tucked away.

Yes, but it only works on vampires that sparkle in sunlight.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This sounds like an idea that someone would try in the Leslie Nielsen Dracula movie. :)

Terquem wrote:

Vampiric...My Little...Ponies

This is the greatest idea ever

Anyways, the sunrod wouldn't work. Shiny things only make them stronger!

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