Chemlak |

Legendary Teamwork feat p. 68, should this have the Teamwork descriptor/tag like all the other teamwork feats?
"Legendary Teamwork (Mythic, Teamwork)"
No, because if it did a Cavalier would be able to select it with his Tactician ability rather than spending a Mythic feat on it.

Chemlak |

Marked For Glory feat p. 69
the "or" in the prereqs is vague "Great Fortitude, Iron Will, or Lightning
Reflexes"is it
"Great Fortitude, (Iron Will or Lightning Reflexes)"or
"(Great Fortitude, Iron Will) or Lightning Reflexes"
It's "any one of GF, IW, or LR".

Chemlak |

Mythic Crafter feat p. 70
should this have the Item Creation descriptor/tag like all the other Item Creation feats?
"Mythic Crafter (Mythic, Item Creation) "
No, because then a Wizard could select it with his bonus feats instead of using a Mythic feat.

edduardco |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Just errata Mythic Vital Strike to not be the most broken thing ever. I have no idea what it's original intended purpose was, but as it stands now it just adds a ton of free damage for nothing.
Are you kidding, right? that is how vital strike should have always worked, is intended for fighting styles that doesn't go full attack.

Joe Wells RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |
4 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Listed with the 1st-Tier Archmage Path Abilities:
Speedy Summons (Su): When you cast a summon monster
spell, the casting time is 1 standard action instead of 1
round. If you expend one use of mythic power, the casting
time becomes 1 swift action. If you’re a summoner, as a
full-round action you can expend one use of mythic
power to summon your eidolon. You must be at least 3rd
tier to select this ability.
So either it was listed with the wrong tier, or they intended to remove the 3rd tier requirement and didn't.

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uses "Craft Magic Arms and Armor" feat so why is it in the "Other Magic Items" section and not the "Specific armors And Shields" section?
Also, all other magic item helms are wondrous items and use the "Craft Wondrous Item" feat should this follow suit?
and I don't think a helm is a stated out piece of armor anyway

Mojorat |
5 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |

FlySkyHigh wrote:Just errata Mythic Vital Strike to not be the most broken thing ever. I have no idea what it's original intended purpose was, but as it stands now it just adds a ton of free damage for nothing.Are you kidding, right? that is how vital strike should have always worked, is intended for fighting styles that doesn't go full attack.
Short answer is because im pretty sure people are reading it wrong.
Long answer
Alot of people on the boards appear to deliberately read things in the most favoured way possible, often ignoring common sense.
So we have, vital strike defines that weapon damage dice refers to the damage dice of the weapon. Ie a great swords damage dice is 2d6.
So 18 str with normal vital strike and a greatsword is 4d6 +6.
Vital strike mythic has you multiply your static bonuses by the number of damage dice ( dont have the exact wording on hand.
So our above character should do 4d6 +12. Nice and gets nicer when you add in power attack and the other vital strike feats.
However ive seen several posts by people claiming you multiply by the number of dice rolled for damage. So the above character enlarged with improved vital strike at lvl 12 and a 22 str would be doing 9d6 + 188 or something along those kines.
Could it be a little clearer? Maybe but it really doesnt need to be fixed common sense should handle this and unlike normal pf rules it can be left for gm to interpet because i cant ever see mythic organized play happening.

edduardco |

Short answer is because im pretty sure people are reading it wrong.
Long answer
Alot of people on the boards appear to deliberately read things in the most favoured way possible, often ignoring common sense.
So we have, vital strike defines that weapon damage dice refers to the damage dice of the weapon. Ie a great swords damage dice is 2d6.
So 18 str with normal vital strike and a greatsword is 4d6 +6.
Vital strike mythic has you multiply your static bonuses by the number of damage dice ( dont have the exact wording on hand.
So our above character should do 4d6 +12. Nice and gets nicer when you add in power attack and the other vital strike feats.
However ive seen several posts by people claiming you multiply by the number of dice rolled for damage. So the above character enlarged with improved vital strike at lvl 12 and a 22 str would be doing 9d6 + 188 or something along those kines.
Could it be a little clearer? Maybe but it really doesnt need to be fixed common sense should handle this and unlike normal pf rules it can be left for gm to interpet because i cant ever see mythic organized play happening.
I see your point, after reading Mythic Vital Strike again I can see why some people claim 9d6 + 188, but I really think it was common sense, perhaps it would be nice to have some kind of errata or a FAQ, actually I'm going to mark your post for FAQ.

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As for lighting performance its lets you start as a free action - that is an upgrade. Getting a sift performance at much lower level is an upgrade. Either way works on this one.
Now back to the thread...
Any opinions on the mythic versions of Deadly aim , Power attack and Furious assault? Deadly aim and power attack are fine in the first paragraph - an addition a +1 damage (giving you at least a 4 level boost in damage effect) - its the 2nd paragraph in PA that confuses, you can use mythic power to ignore penalties for 1 minute, this poption doesn't exist on deadly aim AND is far better than the 1 round suspension of penalties that Furious Assault offers. Should the second paragraph be missing from the PA feat, ie same bonus and wording as deadly aim? This would seem to make Furious Assault a meaningful option. Or am I reading PA incorrectly?

Chemlak |

Any opinions on the mythic versions of Deadly aim , Power attack and Furious assault? Deadly aim and power attack are fine in the first paragraph - an addition a +1 damage (giving you at least a 4 level boost in damage effect) - its the 2nd paragraph in PA that confuses, you can use mythic power to ignore penalties for 1 minute, this poption doesn't exist on deadly aim AND is far better than the 1 round suspension of penalties that Furious Assault offers. Should the second paragraph be missing from the PA feat, ie same bonus and wording as deadly aim? This would seem to make Furious Assault a meaningful option. Or am I reading PA incorrectly?
Since "everyone" knows that archery is already one of the strongest combat styles in the game, I suspect that not allowing DA's penalty to be removed is intentional. I do agree that Furious Focus ability to remove PA's penalties is far weaker than PA's itself, but I suspect there's some design intent behind it, possibly relating to the combination of the limited number of mythic feats granted to a character and the tough choices a player has to make about where to assign those feats. For a power gamer, it's a no-brainier to pick mythic PA over mythic FF, but for an organic, personality-based build, FF might be the more applicable choice, and it needs the extra boost to bring it up to mythic standards. House-ruling it to work like PA would probably not be too extreme, though, and unless we can persuade the development team to give us an insight into why FF is so much weaker than PA, I could easily be persuaded to let it work that way.
So, my version of the original question: should mythic bond's bonus be on top of the bonus the animal companion already gets?
As for Lightning Performance, there's a world of difference between a level 1/tier 1 character having that ability, and a level 13 character. Some insight into how to incorporate UCam's retraining rules with Mythic Path abilities might be worth a blog post.

Pawn512 |
5 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Here's one:
The Archmage wild arcana ability vs. the Hierophant inspired spell ability. The abilities are identical except the wild arcana ability states that it requires a swift action, while the inpsired spell ability omits any mention of action cost (meaning in my mind that you spend whatever action is specified for the spell you choose, and spend a mythic power as part of that action). Is this difference intentional or not? Does the swift action in the wild arcana ability mean you are able to cast such spells as swift actions (wildly overpowered) or that we must spend a swift action in addition to the action need to cast the spell (weaker than the hierophant ability)?

FlySkyHigh |

Mojorat wrote:I see your point, after reading Mythic Vital Strike again I can see why some people claim 9d6 + 188, but I really think it was common sense, perhaps it would be nice to have some kind of errata or a FAQ, actually I'm going to mark your post for FAQ.Short answer is because im pretty sure people are reading it wrong.
Long answer
Alot of people on the boards appear to deliberately read things in the most favoured way possible, often ignoring common sense.
So we have, vital strike defines that weapon damage dice refers to the damage dice of the weapon. Ie a great swords damage dice is 2d6.
So 18 str with normal vital strike and a greatsword is 4d6 +6.
Vital strike mythic has you multiply your static bonuses by the number of damage dice ( dont have the exact wording on hand.
So our above character should do 4d6 +12. Nice and gets nicer when you add in power attack and the other vital strike feats.
However ive seen several posts by people claiming you multiply by the number of dice rolled for damage. So the above character enlarged with improved vital strike at lvl 12 and a 22 str would be doing 9d6 + 188 or something along those kines.
Could it be a little clearer? Maybe but it really doesnt need to be fixed common sense should handle this and unlike normal pf rules it can be left for gm to interpet because i cant ever see mythic organized play happening.
I also marked it for FAQ, because that's what I'm referring to. Not saying Mythic Vital Strike should be removed, it should just be clarified so that one Holy Gun build that was posted on the forums can't easily do upwards of 1000 damage without a crit.

Sean K Reynolds Designer, RPG Superstar Judge |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

If you'll look at the earliest posts in this thread, yesterday I added comments to other peoples' posts such as "Edit from SKR: not errata."
Stuff that can be addressed immediately has been addressed, stuff that requires discussion with the entire design team has not been addressed because that discussion has not yet occurred (I'm out today, Jason is out Thurs and Fri for DragonCon, so we probably won't get to any of this until next week).

PathlessBeth |
How does Improved/Greater Eldtrich Heritage? It seems entirely superior Improved EH, and almost as good if not better than greater EH, for two feats and a mythic feat instead of four feats. It does seem, however, like you would have very little reason to take both IEH/GEH and MEH for the same bloodline. Is this intentional?

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Sean, could we get back on track with a question about an actual game question?
IN Mythic Vital Strike it is my understanding that you multiply your static bonus by 2 if you have vital strike 3 if you have improved vital strike and 4 if you have so if you had greater vital strike and Mythic vital strike and you are using a +5 great ax with a 20 STR [+5] Weapons raining [+3] you would deal 4d12+52 {[4*5 Weapons bonus]+[4*5 STR Bonus]+
[4*3 Weapons Training AX]}and you would not multiply weapons enhancements like flaming or axiomatic. Am I reading the feat correctly?

FlySkyHigh |

Sean, could we get back on track with a question about an actual game question?
IN Mythic Vital Strike it is my understanding that you multiply your static bonus by 2 if you have vital strike 3 if you have improved vital strike and 4 if you have so if you had greater vital strike and Mythic vital strike and you are using a +5 great ax with a 20 STR [+5] Weapons raining [+3] you would deal 4d12+52 {[4*5 Weapons bonus]+[4*5 STR Bonus]+
[4*3 Weapons Training AX]}and you would not multiply weapons enhancements like flaming or axiomatic. Am I reading the feat correctly?
I think this is how it's supposed to be, but RAW currently it implies that you multiply it times the damage dice, which would mean with something like a greatsword and greater vital strike you'd just be adding a ridiculous amount of damage.