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Here is what I got from the case I bought at my game store.
1 Grindylow 5
2 Rat Swarm 4
3 Bloodbug 4
4 Vine Choker 4
5 Lady Ghoul 4
6 Sea Devil 3
7 Chelish Marine 2
8 Sea Devil Champion 3
9 Wererat 5
10 Elder Brykolakas 3
11 Greater Host Devil 5
12 Wereshark Pirate 2
13 Pirate Sailor 4
14 Pirate Smuggler 3
15 Sentinel Devil 3
16 Ambrose Kroop 3
17 Barnabus Harrigan 3
18 Admiral Thrune 3
19 Sandara Quinn 3
20 Selissa 2
21 Tsadok Goldtooth 2
22 Kerdak Bonefist 3
23 Master of the Gales 2
24 Tessa Fairwind 2
25 Luccaria 3
26 Jakaw Razorbeak 2
27 Arronax Endymion 3
28 Scourge Hellknight Paralictor 2
29 Giant Wasp 2
30 Sea Cat 3
31 Shimerae 3
32 Shark 3
33 Hammerhead Shark 2
34 Cyclops 3
35 Sea Troll 2
36 Drowning Devil 4
37 Aquatic Naga 2
38 Rosie Cuswell 1
39 The Eel 1
40 Brinebrood Queen 1
41 Golden Guardian 1
42 Selytiel 1
43 Lirianne 1
44 Isabella Locke 1
45 Whalebone Pilk 1
46 Gilbrok the Tongue 1
47 Duppy 1
48 The Whale 1
49 The Matorn 1
50 Daugters of imerta 1
51 Paeta 1
52 Cannon Golem 1
53 Captain Riptooth 1
54 Seaweed Siren 1
55 Brinebones, Skeletal Dragon 1
Total 129

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I don't have the energy for a per mini breakdown. However, I got a full set with 2 breakages: one medium detached from his base, and another with 1 foot detached.
The wings on the dragon don't want to stay attached. Too much movement wiggles them loose. The wings are also a slightly different shade than the rest of the dragon body.
Otherwise, the minis are excellent.

Cleanthes |

I only bought 2 bricks, figuring I would fill in whatever was missing with singles. I got at least one of everything except one uncommon (Barnabus Harrigan) and 9 rares (Brinebrood Queen, Duppy, Gilbrok, Lirianne, Paeta -- probably the one I'm most bummed to still be missing -- Seaweed Siren, The Eel, The Matron, and Whalebone Pilk). I had only one broken one, an Imerta who is missing one arm -- and it's not just broken, it wasn't in the box at all. So I'll be seeking a replacement from Wizkids for that one when they've got their replacement system up and running.
By and large I'm very happy with the set; standouts for me so far are the Sea Devils (though I worry they're a bit on the big side, making a couple of the Large minis look smaller than they are), the grindylow, the aquatic naga (nicely coily), the Whale, the giant wasp, the sea troll (nice size!), Ambrose, and Jakaw (*so* glad to have a nice tengu at last!) The least exciting for me were the Rat Swarm (their faces are weirdly painted and they have some of the turd pile look that WotC's rat swarms tended to have, though maybe that would be an interesting encounter in itself), the Wereshark Captain and Cyclops (both seemed too small for my tastes), and Seltyiel, who I want to like, but his skin seemed too glossy to me, and I'd like a little more separation between the color of his skin and his hair. Overall, though, a really nice set, and I look forward to finishing it off with the ones I'm missing!

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Okay, I think I forgot to count a few, but here's most of the list.
Seltyiel 1
Hammerhead Shark 2
Giant Wasp 3
Lady Ghoul 4
Sandara Quinn 2
Luccaria 2
Daughters of Imerta 1
Isabella Locke 1
Pirate Sailor 4
Wererat 4
Paeta 1
Elder Brykolakas 2
Barnabus Harrigan 2
Tessa Fairwind 3
Cannon Golem 1
Admiral Thrune 3
Scourge Hellknight 2
Chelish Marine 2
Seaweed Siren 1
Master of the Gales 3
Whalebone Pilk 1
Golden Guardian 1
Jakaw Razorbeak 2
Duppy 1
Sea Devil 5
Sea Devil Champion 4
The Matron 1
Ambrose Kroop 3
Rat Swarm 3
Gilbrok the Tongue 1
Cyclops 3
Aquatic Naga 3
Sea Cat 4
Sentinel Devil 2
Greater Host Devil 3
Drowning Devil 3
Bloodbug 4
Vine Choker 3
Rosie Cuswell 1
Eel 1
Shark 3
Wereshark Pirate 5
Captain Riptooth 1
Lirianne 1
Tsadok Goldtooth 2
Kerdak Bonefist 2
Grindylow 4
Brinebrood Queen 1
The Whale 1
Selissa 3
Shimerae 2
Arronax Endymion 3
Sea Troll 3
Pirate Smuggler 3

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Here is what I got from the case I bought thru Paizo.
1 Grindylow 4
2 Rat Swarm 5
3 Bloodbug 3
4 Vine Choker 3
5 Lady Ghoul 2
6 Sea Devil 3
7 Chelish Marine 4
8 Sea Devil Champion 2
9 Wererat 4
10 Elder Brykolakas 5
11 Greater Host Devil 3
12 Wereshark Pirate 3
13 Pirate Sailor 4
14 Pirate Smuggler 4
15 Sentinel Devil 3
16 Ambrose Kroop 1
17 Barnabus Harrigan 3
18 Admiral Thrune 2
19 Sandara Quinn 3
20 Selissa 2
21 Tsadok Goldtooth 3
22 Kerdak Bonefist 3
23 Master of the Gales 2
24 Tessa Fairwind 2
25 Luccaria 3
26 Jakaw Razorbeak 3
27 Arronax Endymion 2
28 Scourge Hellknight Paralictor 3
29 Giant Wasp 2
30 Sea Cat 3
31 Shimerae 3
32 Shark 4
33 Hammerhead Shark 3
34 Cyclops 3
35 Sea Troll 2
36 Drowning Devil 3
37 Aquatic Naga 3
38 Rosie Cuswell 1
39 The Eel 1
40 Brinebrood Queen 1
41 Golden Guardian 1
42 Selytiel 1
43 Lirianne 1
44 Isabella Locke 1
45 Whalebone Pilk 1
46 Gilbrok the Tongue 1
47 Duppy 1
48 The Whale 1
49 The Matron 0
50 Daugters of imerta 1
51 Paeta 1
52 Cannon Golem 1
53 Captain Riptooth 1
54 Seaweed Siren 1
55 Brinebones, Skeletal Dragon 1
Total 129
I did not get #49 The Matron in this set.
1 - #23 Master of the Gales, 1 - 30 Sea Cat and 1 - #51 Paeta were all broken off at the base. I may be able to fix Master of the Gales but I do not know about the Sea Cat or Paeta.

wxcougar |

Packing was a lot better this time and we didn't have any broken pieces. I did not try to put together the Brine Dragon yet.
1 Grindylow 4
2 Rat Swarm 5
3 Bloodbug 3
4 Vine Choker 3
5 Lady Ghoul 2
6 Sea Devil 3
7 Chelish Marine 4
8 Sea Devil Champion 2
9 Wererat 4
10 Elder Brykolakas 5
11 Greater Host Devil 3
12 Wereshark Pirate 3
13 Pirate Sailor 4
14 Pirate Smuggler 4
15 Sentinel Devil 5
16 Ambrose Kroop 2
17 Barnabus Harrigan 3
18 Admiral Thrune 2
19 Sandara Quinn 2
20 Selissa 2
21 Tsadok Goldtooth 3
22 Kerdak Bonefist 3
23 Master of the Gales 2
24 Tessa Fairwind 2
25 Luccaria 3
26 Jakaw Razorbeak 3
27 Arronax Endymion 2
28 Scourge Hellknight Paralictor 3
29 Giant Wasp 2
30 Sea Cat 3
31 Shimerae 3
32 Shark 3
33 Hammerhead Shark 3
34 Cyclops 3
35 Sea Troll 2
36 Drowning Devil 3
37 Aquatic Naga 3
38 Rosie Cuswell 1
39 The Eel 1
40 Brinebrood Queen 1
41 Golden Guardian 1
42 Selytiel 1
43 Lirianne 1
44 Isabella Locke 1
45 Whalebone Pilk 1
46 Gilbrok the Tongue 1
47 Duppy 1
48 The Whale 1
49 The Matron 1
50 Daugters of imerta 1
51 Paeta 1
52 Cannon Golem 1
53 Captain Riptooth 1
54 Seaweed Siren 1
55 Brinebones, Skeletal Dragon 1
Box Break Down:
1 Grindylow 1
2 Rat Swarm 1
3 Bloodbug 2
4 Vine Choker 0
5 Lady Ghoul 1
6 Sea Devil 1
7 Chelish Marine 0
8 Sea Devil Champion 1
9 Wererat 2
10 Elder Brykolakas 0
11 Greater Host Devil 1
12 Wereshark Pirate 2
13 Pirate Sailor 1
14 Pirate Smuggler 1
15 Sentinel Devil 0
16 Ambrose Kroop 0
17 Barnabus Harrigan 1
18 Admiral Thrune 0
19 Sandara Quinn 1
20 Selissa 1
21 Tsadok Goldtooth 1
22 Kerdak Bonefist 0
23 Master of the Gales 0
24 Tessa Fairwind 1
25 Luccaria 1
26 Jakaw Razorbeak 1
27 Arronax Endymion 1
28 Scourge Hellknight Paralictor 0
29 Giant Wasp 0
30 Sea Cat 1
31 Shimerae 1
32 Shark 1
33 Hammerhead Shark 1
34 Cyclops 0
35 Sea Troll 0
36 Drowning Devil 1
37 Aquatic Naga 1
38 Rosie Cuswell 0
39 The Eel 0
40 Brinebrood Queen 0
41 Golden Guardian 0
42 Selytiel 1
43 Lirianne 0
44 Isabella Locke 1
45 Whalebone Pilk 0
46 Gilbrok the Tongue 0
47 Duppy 0
48 The Whale 0
49 The Matron 0
50 Daugters of imerta 0
51 Paeta 0
52 Cannon Golem 1
53 Captain Riptooth 1
54 Seaweed Siren 0
1 Grindylow 1
2 Rat Swarm 2
3 Bloodbug 0
4 Vine Choker 1
5 Lady Ghoul 0
6 Sea Devil 0
7 Chelish Marine 2
8 Sea Devil Champion 0
9 Wererat 1
10 Elder Brykolakas 1
11 Greater Host Devil 0
12 Wereshark Pirate 0
13 Pirate Sailor 2
14 Pirate Smuggler 1
15 Sentinel Devil 2
16 Ambrose Kroop 1
17 Barnabus Harrigan 1
18 Admiral Thrune 1
19 Sandara Quinn 0
20 Selissa 0
21 Tsadok Goldtooth 0
22 Kerdak Bonefist 2
23 Master of the Gales 0
24 Tessa Fairwind 0
25 Luccaria 1
26 Jakaw Razorbeak 1
27 Arronax Endymion 0
28 Scourge Hellknight Paralictor 1
29 Giant Wasp 1
30 Sea Cat 0
31 Shimerae 1
32 Shark 1
33 Hammerhead Shark 0
34 Cyclops 1
35 Sea Troll 0
36 Drowning Devil 1
37 Aquatic Naga 1
38 Rosie Cuswell 0
39 The Eel 0
40 Brinebrood Queen 0
41 Golden Guardian 1
42 Selytiel 0
43 Lirianne 1
44 Isabella Locke 0
45 Whalebone Pilk 0
46 Gilbrok the Tongue 1
47 Duppy 0
48 The Whale 1
49 The Matron 1
50 Daugters of imerta 0
51 Paeta 0
52 Cannon Golem 0
53 Captain Riptooth 0
54 Seaweed Siren 0
1 Grindylow 1
2 Rat Swarm 1
3 Bloodbug 1
4 Vine Choker 1
5 Lady Ghoul 0
6 Sea Devil 0
7 Chelish Marine 2
8 Sea Devil Champion 0
9 Wererat 1
10 Elder Brykolakas 1
11 Greater Host Devil 0
12 Wereshark Pirate 0
13 Pirate Sailor 2
14 Pirate Smuggler 1
15 Sentinel Devil 2
16 Ambrose Kroop 1
17 Barnabus Harrigan 1
18 Admiral Thrune 0
19 Sandara Quinn 1
20 Selissa 0
21 Tsadok Goldtooth 1
22 Kerdak Bonefist 0
23 Master of the Gales 1
24 Tessa Fairwind 0
25 Luccaria 1
26 Jakaw Razorbeak 1
27 Arronax Endymion 0
28 Scourge Hellknight Paralictor 1
29 Giant Wasp 0
30 Sea Cat 1
31 Shimerae 0
32 Shark 0
33 Hammerhead Shark 1
34 Cyclops 1
35 Sea Troll 2
36 Drowning Devil 0
37 Aquatic Naga 1
38 Rosie Cuswell 1
39 The Eel 1
40 Brinebrood Queen 0
41 Golden Guardian 0
42 Selytiel 0
43 Lirianne 0
44 Isabella Locke 0
45 Whalebone Pilk 0
46 Gilbrok the Tongue 0
47 Duppy 1
48 The Whale 0
49 The Matron 0
50 Daugters of imerta 1
51 Paeta 1
52 Cannon Golem 0
53 Captain Riptooth 0
54 Seaweed Siren 0
1 Grindylow 1
2 Rat Swarm 1
3 Bloodbug 0
4 Vine Choker 1
5 Lady Ghoul 1
6 Sea Devil 1
7 Chelish Marine 1
8 Sea Devil Champion 1
9 Wererat 0
10 Elder Brykolakas 2
11 Greater Host Devil 1
12 Wereshark Pirate 1
13 Pirate Sailor 0
14 Pirate Smuggler 1
15 Sentinel Devil 2
16 Ambrose Kroop 0
17 Barnabus Harrigan 0
18 Admiral Thrune 1
19 Sandara Quinn 0
20 Selissa 1
21 Tsadok Goldtooth 1
22 Kerdak Bonefist 1
23 Master of the Gales 1
24 Tessa Fairwind 1
25 Luccaria 0
26 Jakaw Razorbeak 0
27 Arronax Endymion 1
28 Scourge Hellknight Paralictor 1
29 Giant Wasp 1
30 Sea Cat 1
31 Shimerae 1
32 Shark 1
33 Hammerhead Shark 1
34 Cyclops 1
35 Sea Troll 0
36 Drowning Devil 1
37 Aquatic Naga 0
38 Rosie Cuswell 0
39 The Eel 0
40 Brinebrood Queen 1
41 Golden Guardian 0
42 Selytiel 0
43 Lirianne 0
44 Isabella Locke 0
45 Whalebone Pilk 1
46 Gilbrok the Tongue 0
47 Duppy 0
48 The Whale 0
49 The Matron 0
50 Daugters of imerta 0
51 Paeta 0
52 Cannon Golem 0
53 Captain Riptooth 0
54 Seaweed Siren 1

danielc |

Ok, I have unboxed my case and provided the count below. I do want to say that two figures were broken. Tsadok I could have done it when I pulled him from the box, not sure.
But the Daugters of Imerta was clearly broken when she was put into the package. She was tightly stuffed into the tray, not moving but the stem was broken and bent. Her base did not seat in the package right thus too much pressure on the stem.
One last observation; I really like many of the figures. Some wonderful paint jobs and some wonderful sculpts. Well done folks.
My Breakdown:
1 Grindylow 4
2 Rat Swarm 4
3 Bloodbug 5
4 Vine Choker 5
5 Lady Ghoul 3
6 Sea Devil 3
7 Chelish Marine 3
8 Sea Devil Champion 3
9 Wererat 4
10 Elder Brykolakas 3
11 Greater Host Devil 5
12 Wereshark Pirate 2
13 Pirate Sailor 4
14 Pirate Smuggler 3
15 Sentinel Devil 3
16 Ambrose Kroop 3
17 Barnabus Harrigan 3
18 Admiral Thrune 3
19 Sandara Quinn 3
20 Selissa 2
21 Tsadok Goldtooth 2 (1 broken at ankles)
22 Kerdak Bonefist 2
23 Master of the Gales 2
24 Tessa Fairwind 2
25 Luccaria 2
26 Jakaw Razorbeak 3
27 Arronax Endymion 3
28 Scourge Hellknight Paralictor 2
29 Giant Wasp 3
30 Sea Cat 3
31 Shimerae 3
32 Shark 2
33 Hammerhead Shark 3
34 Cyclops 3
35 Sea Troll 2
36 Drowning Devil 3
37 Aquatic Naga 3
38 Rosie Cuswell 1
39 The Eel 1
40 Brinebrood Queen 1
41 Golden Guardian 1
42 Selytiel 1
43 Lirianne 1
44 Isabella Locke 1
45 Whalebone Pilk 1
46 Gilbrok the Tongue 1
47 Duppy 1
48 The Whale 1
49 The Matron 1
50 Daugters of imerta 1 (broken off stand)
51 Paeta 1
52 Cannon Golem 1
53 Captain Riptooth 1
54 Seaweed Siren 1

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |

Finally got mine minis today. Here is my case report:
1 Grindylow x3
2 Ratswarm x3
3 Bloodbug x4
4 Vine Choker x4
5 Lady Ghoul x4
6 Sea Devil x5
7 Chelish Marine x4
8 Sea Devil Champion x4
9 Wererat x3
10 Elder Brykolakas x3
11 Greater Host Devil x4
12 Wereshark Pirate x4
13 Pirate Sailor x4
14 Pirate Smuggler x2
15 Sentinel Devil x2
16 Ambrose Kroop x3
17 Barnabus Harrigan x2
18 Admiral Thrune x3
19 Sandara Quinn x3
20 Selissa x2
21 Tsadok Goldtooth x3
22 Kerdak Bonefist x2
23 Master of the Gales x3
24 Tessa Fairwind x2
25 Luccaria x3
26 Jakaw Razorbeak x2
27 Arronax Endymion x2
28 Scourge Hellknight x2
29 Giant Wasp x3
30 Sea Cat x3
31 Shimerae x3
32 Shark x3
33 Hammerhead Shark x3
34 Cyclops x2
35 Sea Troll x3
36 Drowning Devil x2
37 Aquatic Naga x3
38 Rosie Cusswell x1
39 The Eel x1
40 Brinebrood Queen x1
41 Golden Guardian x1
42 Seltyiel, Half-Elf Magus x1
43 Lirianne, Human Gunslinger x1
44 Isabella Locke x1
45 Whalebone Pilk x1
46 Gilbrok the Tongue x1
47 Duppy x1
48 The Whale x1
49 The Matron x1
50 Daughter of Imerta x1
51 Paeta x1
52 Cannon Golem x1
53 Captain Riptooth x1
54 Seaweed Siren x1
Damage Report:
1 Tsadok - Broke off base (mini intact)
1 Kerdak - Broke off base (mini intact)
1 Sea Cat - Broke off base (mini intact)
1 Selissa - Tongue missing
1 Sandara - Transparent blue spell effect missing from hand

Hobbun |

Ouch, that’s a lot of damaged minis.
I haven’t opened mine up yet, but from what I had heard, I thought these issues were supposed to be less with Skull & Shackles (compared to Shattered Star).
The debased minis can be easily fixed (although it still shouldn’t be happening) but missing components of minis is worrisome.

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |

Does anyone have a link to Wizkids' replacement page for Skull and Shackles, or has one not appeared yet? I haven't been able to find one on their website yet, but that has to be one of the lamest websites I've ever seen for a major gaming company, so I'm wondering if I just am missing something.
Just follow this guide I put together and all should go smoothly: Replacement Guide

Joana |

I finally got around to unpacking my case from Paizo.
1 Grindylow 4
2 Rat Swarm 5
3 Bloodbug 3
4 Vine Choker 3
5 Lady Ghoul 2
6 Sea Devil 3
7 Chelish Marine 4
8 Sea Devil Champion 2
9 Wererat 4
10 Elder Brykolakas 5
11 Greater Host Devil 3
12 Wereshark Pirate 3
13 Pirate Sailor 4
14 Pirate Smuggler 4
15 Sentinel Devil 5
16 Ambrose Kroop 2
17 Barnabus Harrigan 3
18 Admiral Thrune 2
19 Sandara Quinn 2
20 Selissa 2
21 Tsadok Goldtooth 3
22 Kerdak Bonefist 3
23 Master of the Gales 2
24 Tessa Fairwind 2
25 Luccaria 3
26 Jakaw Razorbeak 3
27 Arronax Endymion 2
28 Scourge Hellknight Paralictor 3
29 Giant Wasp 2
30 Sea Cat 3
31 Shimerae 3
32 Shark 3
33 Hammerhead Shark 3
34 Cyclops 3
35 Sea Troll 2
36 Drowning Devil 3
37 Aquatic Naga 3
38 Rosie Cuswell 1
39 The Eel 1
40 Brinebrood Queen 1
41 Golden Guardian 1
42 Selytiel 1
43 Lirianne 1
44 Isabella Locke 1
45 Whalebone Pilk 1
46 Gilbrok the Tongue 1
47 Duppy 1
48 The Whale 1
49 The Matron 1
50 Daughter of Imerta 1
51 Paeta 1
52 Cannon Golem 1
53 Captain Riptooth 1
54 Seaweed Siren 1
55 Brinebones, Skeletal Dragon 1
The only damage I noticed was that one aquatic naga was missing his tongue. I also got a Tsadok Goldtooth with a blank base: no number or name.