Orfamay Quest |

Prepare index cards of the summons you are going to use and all of their relevant abilities. Include any applicable feats (e.g., Augment Summoning) and all derived stats so that combat goes like this:
You: I summon 1d3 -- 3 -- Dire Walruses to attack the BBEG. They hit (rolling) AC 26, AC 23, and AC 11 respectively, for 21, 16, and 38 points of trample damage.
DM: Okay, the first two hit him. He tries to grapple the first walrus. What's his CMD?
You: It's 24.
DM: Okay, walrus one is grappled.
instead of.
You: Okay, let me look up what I can summon. I'm going to summon Dire Walruses, I think.
DM: What are their stats?
You: Hang on, I think they're in Bestiary VI: The Search For More Splatbooks.

EpicFail |

I have found sets of different colored dice to help tremendously. That way if I have say a Wolf and a Lantern Archon summoned, I can role my white dice for the Wolf and my yellow for the Archon's attacks.
Also, I study my index cards while the other players and Bad Guys act.
A decisive, prepared Summoner's turn can and should go reasonably quickly almost always.

Rerednaw |
I use the same.
Index cards. I find I usually summon the same creatures at each level. So I don't have cards for all dozen or so creatures per level. I also use the cards to track their status effects or damage taken. I keep the cards under a plastic cover so I can write on them.
Colored sets of dice. I use this as a GM. Easier to recall "red, white and blue" when I am rolling for 3 creatures. Or "black and white" for two.
Dry run. Make a mock encounter, practice summoning and know your tactics. If your turn is taking more than say a minute, practice more. My turns are usually done in under 10 seconds.
Be a GM. Here you get plenty practice with a variety of creatures and handling groups at once.

BzAli |

Pick a select few critters for each level. Have a standard combat beast, a swimming one, and a flying one.
Sure, it means you're not allways summoning the beast that makes the maximum sense tacticly, but your GM knows what to expect, and that's a huuuge help for him.
Then, there's the few out-of-combat summons, such as things that has usefull spelllike abilities (healing, for instance). They're perfectly fine, but keep to 3-4 possible combat summons at each level. At most!

Wiggz |

I'm really interested in running a master summoner at some point, but I've read that if you're not very prepared it can take forever to finish your turn(s).
That being said, how would you prepare, document, simplify running a solid master summoner when it comes to summoning?
One thing that's always worked well for me (and my group) is to purposely limit my monster selection so that I become very familiar with those particular monsters and what they can do. Usually I'll stick just to elementals - there's one for every possible situation and they can be useful in a variety of roles. Specialize in elementals and your life as an MS will get easier in a hurry.
Plus, and this is just an aside, it makes life a little easier on your GM to prepare for you, because oftentimes for GM's MS's can be a real headache and the last thing you want to do is antagoinize the guy running your game.
In combat, there are usually two scenarios that play out - either I summon one or maybe two tough monsters to serve as front-liners, replacing it when it gets taken out of the fight which in turn makes things go pretty smoothly... OR I summon a massive horde to deal with a particularly difficult situation (like laying seige to a castle). In those cases, I am quite comfortable allowing my GM to handwave combat, determining as he sees fit what the effects are and how and when my summoned creatures go down.

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I am running An MS and like the folks above said it's all about the prep. have your 1-3 monsters per level statted out on 3X5 cards and let other players run the monsters if you are using your SLA 3 or more times per encounter.
Mostly don't listen to naysayers about how it takes 45 minutes or so to run your combat sequence, the same could be said for any unprepared character.
Have Fun

Wiggz |

Hmm... I do like the elementals idea. One could even build a backstory around it. Although that'd mean potentially giving up a lot of great utility creatures.
It seems like index cards and study are the popular choice, so if I do go master summoner, then that will probably be what I try to do.
Just throwing it out there. With elementals I had no problem fighting underwater foes, flying foes, had no problem having earth elementals walk through keep walls, having lightning elementals throw armored foes around like rag dolls or having mud elementals slow pursuit when making my escape. I've got creatures at hand available when facing foes vulnerable to fire or cold and whom have a host of immunities as well.
There's a gap at SMI, SMIII and SMIX where there technically aren't any elementals, but their progressions aren't hard to extrapolate and I've made level 1, 3 and 9 versions of each.
The character I started this with was a half-elf whom was befriended by a spirit or creature whom was half fey, half-elemental herself (his eidolon) and the two bonded over being outcasts from their people, from never really fitting in anywhere. She taught him how to summon elementals to do his bidding and the two were more partners than master and slave. I played this particular PC in Skull n Shackles where her ability to fly and breathe/swim underwater made her an unbelievable scout.

Ravingdork |

Sounds good. Quite a few index cards but it sounds like it could be useful.
Create a table on a single sheet of paper. That will allow you to organize loads of information neatly and in a small space.

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Create quick cards for all of your summons. That way you can just pull whatever you're bringing into play out without derailing the session.
Paizo's Buff Deck can be very useful as well for tracking what adjustments you've made to your summoned critters.
Don't over-summon. Remember to leave room on the field for the other party members. You're going to have a lot going on on your turn, so using your summoned critters to help the Rogue or fighter flank, or run defense for other casters, is going to be a good way to keep other players from feeling like you're hogging the spotlight.