Build Idea: Alchemist Vivisectionist DW Greatswords


So I had an idea for a fun build.

I was looking at Alchemist and Vivisectionist and I came across Vestigial Arm. My idea was to make a Str heavy build with two Vestigial arms duel wielding Greatswords. Now I know that using Natural Attacks and going Viv/Beastmorph is the best build but I wanted to see how to make this viable. A couple of things I am looking at.

1. Beastmorph is rough because I loose swift poisoning and persistent mutagen (really hate this one), but I cant see an easier way of getting pounce. I'm considering just forgetting the pounce and going straight Viv.

2. My original thought was to take levels in Master Chemist but it doesn't count your MC levels towards Discoveries, delays extracts, and delays persistent mutagen. And the trade off isn't that great if you aren't using Natural Attacks.

3. Rage Chemist is way to hard. A +2 Str, +4 NA, and +2 Con isn't worth the constant risk of loosing Int/Will save/Dex.

4. Using Secrets of the Alchemist 3PP there are feats that reduce the effort to wield weapons by one category and removes the attack penalty for using a Lightened Weapon. I was planning to take both. Along with the DW feat chain I am looking at alot of feats. A lot simpler to go Natural Attacks but I like the idea so there it is.

So the basic Idea.

Race: Asterion (+1/4 alchemical bonus to Strength when using a mutagen.)

Starting Str of 18 (16 + 2 Racial) Place all +5 from character advancement into Str. Take Eldritch Heritage(Orc)/Improved Eldritch Heritage for the Strength of the Beast for an inherent Str bonus of +6. True mutagen plus your Asterion favored class bonus nets you +13 Str. A belt will net you +6 Str. If you take Greater Eldritch Heritage for Power of Giants you net another +6 Size bonus to Str. Thats a total of a 54 Str. Not too shabby.

Level Progression: Feats
1. Martial Weapon prof (GreatSword)
3. Two-Weapon Fighting
5. Lighten Weapon
7. Skill Focus (Survival)
9. Eldritch Heritage
11. Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
13. Improved Eldritch Heritage
15. Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
17. Greater Eldritch Heritage
19. Lighten Weapon, Improved

As you can see that ties up all of my feats.

Level Progression: Discoveries
2. Vestigial Arm
4. Vestigial Arm
6. Infuse Mutagen
8. Open Discovery
10. Open Discovery
12. Greater Mutagen
14. Open Discovery
16. Grand Mutagen
18. Open Discovery
20. True Mutagen

Attack: Two +5 Greatswords +42 to hit.
Your looking at 6 attacks at 3d6 + 38 + 10d6 if you get SA

I got no Feat room whatsoever. I was thinking about taking a few levels of Fighter. I would loose True Mutagen and 1 point of Str from my favored class bonus but I could pick up Weapon Focus and Power Attack and wouldn't have to spend a feat on a weapon proficiency. If I went 4 levels of Fighter I would pick up a +16 BAB (One extra attack) and I could still pick up Grand Mutagen. It would just slow my progression down in Alchemist. i wouldn't get Grand Mutagen till 20.

I dont know how strong the build is. I dont think I would have a ton of problems hitting things with my str being so high. Unlike most rogues I can still deal damage if I cant Sneak Attack. I'm just not sure if full alchemist for a few levels of Fighter is the way to go.

Any Suggestions? Is the build dumb? I understand Natural Attacks are easier, but this would have to be a unique and scary character to fight lol.

Bump for advice. Anyone have any comments or suggestions?

One last bump to see if anyone has any advice.

Your still have open mutagens. Have you considered mummification or parasitic twin? Your will save is already pretty low, so it doesn't hurt to bolster it and add on some other defenses!

Hard to comment on it, it looks like your mostly done as is. No penalties for dual wielding and kicking tail with 2 greatswords.

Shadow Lodge

There is a debate about alchemists with 4 arms not being able to wield 2 2h weapons. I see this as Bulls#!+ but apparently it exists, so make sure your GM allows it. Linky If you are interested.

What's the argument against two two handed weapons?

Shadow Lodge

Its in the link I Hate Nickelback.


Wow, that is BS, IMO.

Ahh, I thought that someone already had permission to do it and that's why people were talking about it.

I Hate Nickelback wrote:


Wow, that is BS, IMO.

Yes, yes it is. Lengthy complaints about it too.

Silver Crusade

Would it hurt your build to consider a 2 level dip into Barbarian? +4 morale to Str would stack. And the Rage Power Reckless Abandon lets you trade AC for +hit at a rate that scales with level as Power Attack scales with BaB.

Booksy wrote:
Would it hurt your build to consider a 2 level dip into Barbarian? +4 morale to Str would stack. And the Rage Power Reckless Abandon lets you trade AC for +hit at a rate that scales with level as Power Attack scales with BaB.

Barbarian wouldn't be bad... but taking 1 level of Barbarian only nets you +1 str for a very short short time. You lose 2 Str from loosing True mutagen. And you lose +1 str from your favored class bonus.

Taking Fighter levels though would be nice. 4 Levels of Fighter nets me 3 extra feats and I dont have to spend a feat on a Martial Weapon Proficiency. I could take Weapon Focus and it would get me to a +16 BAB for an extra attack.

Im really thinking Alch 1/ Fighter 2/Alch 15/ Fighter 2 would be the best build. I might post a new one up.

@ MrSin - I agree. It is dumb. There is no reason not to allow it. Its actually a WEAKER build then If I went straight Natural Attacks. I would save SIX feats by using natural attacks. I would hit just as often, and all my attacks would be at my highest BAB. I made the build for flavor... cause a ROID RAGED out alchemist wielding two friggin Greatswords is cool lol.

Dragonamedrake wrote:
cause a ROID RAGED out alchemist wielding two friggin Greatswords is cool lol.

I don't disagree! I have a build hidden somewhere at my desk. I use sawtooth sabres myself when I have a choice. Also very thematic.

MrSin wrote:
Dragonamedrake wrote:
cause a ROID RAGED out alchemist wielding two friggin Greatswords is cool lol.
I don't disagree! I have a build hidden somewhere at my desk. I use sawtooth sabres myself when I have a choice. Also very thematic.

Sawtooth sabres... why didn't I think of that. Brilliant!

Or you could 1L dip into synthesist summoner - humanoid form, extra arms, scent (because it's amazing) 2 points for whatever (swim/climb never a bad choice for swim/climb speed, +8 swim/climb)//or 6 arms so you can use a shield and have a free hand (f.h. useful for a variety of feats/climbing/grappling/etc.).

Then you would have 4 arms to dual wield great swords.

ps. I never do more than a 1L dip into ss.

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