Multiclass Archetypes V: More Ultimate MCAs

Homebrew and House Rules

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I've always thought it means that any spells (from the Wizard Spell List) that are on the Alchemist Extract List may be copied. Also the Magus has the following present in the text for the Spellbook class feature, "An alchemist can learn formulae from a magus’s spellbook, if the spells are also on the alchemist spell list. A magus cannot learn spells from an alchemist." This supports that viewpoint.

Glad you like it. It's actually based on a friends old 2E/3.5E character, a drow wizard with an iron spider golem. Just had to to balance the aspect of the eidolon gaining construct qualities with the upgrades and spell access. As I said, it's complex, and that's why I need some feedback to make sure I'm not too OP overall. I don't mind being Underpowered in some aspect if he's overpowered in another, just as long as there is a good balance.

I have found that, although it may take me a few (or more) kicks at the proverbial cat, I can mesh a variety of mechanics together into a fairly cohesive whole.

*Wait until we get to the Siege Marshal (Sum/Gun) and his Cannon Eidolon. That's where I'll really need some feedback on OP levels.

@ Wu Xing adept: after some research, I think Tao Priest is a more suitable name. Other than that, I like it just fine (except for the channel having anything to do with wis... But I can live with it if I must).

@ Clockwork Mage: love it! Great flavor potential that spans multiple genre... Can't wait to roll out a gnome version.

a CHA caster with a spell book that is a new take on spellcasting

i was wondering about why there more one spell per level for the clockwork school

all so i think the arachnid should have 40' of movement

@Jorriko (Byrd): Tao Priest. I like that. Well, it is your MCA Byrd, we can totally change it. Thumbs up for me. Also we NEED a flavor blurp dude.

I think if there is nothing else with the now Tao Priest, we can move on to the next one on the queue, once we get the flavor blurp. :D

@Thomas: Yup, Cha spellbook caster. I went with only 1 spell per level because...hmmm, I don't remember why. This is a hybrid caster and Summoner primary, so, really, he could be gaiinng 2 spells per level. If it was a wizard/summoner, with full spellcasting, the I could see 1 spell per level. Anyone else? Thoughts of the 1 spell per elvel aspect when gaining new spells each level? But then again, how easy it is to obtain new spells (wizard or magus spellbook, or even from an alchemist's formula book), maybe 1 per new level is fine.

i was talking about this part of the school

Construct School Spells wrote:

0th—ghost sound, mending.
1st—animate rope, endure elements, grease, magic weapon, stonefist, summon monster I.
2nd—bull’s strength, cat’s grace, heat metal, locate object, make whole, resist energy, shatter, summon monster II, wood shape.
3rd—dispel magic, haste, heroism, keen edge, magic weapon (greater), protection from energy, stinking cloud, summon monster III.
4th—freedom of movement, geas (lesser), minor creation, stone shape, stoneskin, summon monster IV.
5th—fabricate, major creation, polymorph, rapid repair, soothe construct, summon monster V, unbreakable construct.
6th—antimagic field, flesh to stone, geas/quest, stone to flesh, summon monster VI, wall of iron.
7th—control construct, limited wish, polymorph (greater), statue, summon monster VII, spell turning.
8th—call construct, discern location, iron body, polymorph any object, summon monster VIII.
9th—crushing hand, iron body, summon monster IX, wish, wooden phalanx.

are these all bonus spells?

Oh, that clarifies. They aren't bonus spells, they are just school spells.

"In addition, specialist wizards receive an additional spell slot of each spell level he can cast, from 1st on up. Each day, a wizard can prepare a spell from his specialty school in that slot. This spell must be in the wizard's spellbook."

So, just like a specialist wizard, the listed spells are considered their "school spells" of which they can cast one extra of a day. Essentially, they are also added to the wizard's (or in this case the Clockwork Mage's) spell list, as they are considered specalty spells.

Look at the Elemental schools, they do the same thing, as the spells are only separated into the common 9 arcane schools, they had to list them individually, as I did for the Construct School. :D

FYI, just posted my SWASHBUCKLER base class and my DRAGON SOVEREIGN mythic path. If anyone is interested.

oh just so you guys know there has be some shameless plugging for MCA on Google+ :)

Thomas, A wrote:
oh just so you guys know there has be some shameless plugging for MCA on Google+ :)


Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
FYI, just posted my SWASHBUCKLER base class and my DRAGON SOVEREIGN mythic path. If anyone is interested.

Yep commented generally on the first, and happy to see the second - I don't have Mythic so there's that... I may critique the DS later if I have time.

Thomas, technically the arachnid should have a base speed of 60 ft. (20 ft. to start with + 10 ft. for pair of legs).

The Clockwork Eidolon seems fairly powerful to start with - Hardness 10 is effectively DR 10/- (at 1st level).

The rest of the abilities seem balanced compared to what they replace.


Can I take Piercing Attack and Slashing Attack so that the slam attack does both piercing and slashing damage?

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Thomas, A wrote:
oh just so you guys know there has be some shameless plugging for MCA on Google+ :)

might need a google+ account but if you like me you have one and don't know it....but i prefer it over facebook now

Alfray Stryke wrote:

Thomas, technically the arachnid should have a base speed of 60 ft. (20 ft. to start with + 10 ft. for pair of legs).

The Clockwork Eidolon seems fairly powerful to start with - Hardness 10 is effectively DR 10/- (at 1st level).

The rest of the abilities seem balanced compared to what they replace.


Can I take Piercing Attack and Slashing Attack so that the slam attack does both piercing and slashing damage?

1) Actually, a Giant Spider (Med) and even a Giant Tarantula (Garg) only have a speed of 30 ft.

2) Hmm, well, that's not exactly what I was after. Guess we better remove that. Unless we put in a caveat into the ability description that the "hardness" is only applied if an attempt to "break" the clockwork eidolon is made? OR we could just remove it altogether. Wasn't meant to be an all-encompassing DR effect. Thoughts?

3) No, as each should replace bludgeoning type damage. They shouldn't stack. Guess I better put that in, that it can't be used in conjunction wiht either upgrade.

this is what we are talking about with the speed thing

Limbs (Ex): An eidolon grows an additional pair of limbs. These limbs can take one of two forms. They can be made into legs, complete with feet. Each pair of legs increases the eidolon's base speed by 10 feet. Alternatively, they can be made into arms, complete with hands. The eidolon does not gain any additional natural attacks for an additional pair of arms, but it can take other evolutions that add additional attacks (such as claws or a slam). Arms that have hands can be used to wield weapons, if the eidolon is proficient. This evolution can be selected more than once.

Thomas, A wrote:

this is what we are talking about with the speed thing

Limbs (Ex): An eidolon grows an additional pair of limbs. These limbs can take one of two forms. They can be made into legs, complete with feet. Each pair of legs increases the eidolon's base speed by 10 feet. Alternatively, they can be made into arms, complete with hands. The eidolon does not gain any additional natural attacks for an additional pair of arms, but it can take other evolutions that add additional attacks (such as claws or a slam). Arms that have hands can be used to wield weapons, if the eidolon is proficient. This evolution can be selected more than once.

Ah, that helps. Hm, so a bipded is 20 ft., and a quadruped is 30 ft, then the arachnid should likely be 50 ft., not 60 ft.. Base 20 ft (2 legs) +3 more sets of legs (+30 ft.) is 50 ft. Anyone have an issue with that at 1st level? I suppose its no worse than say a cavalier's horse. Plus, it's only Medium size too.

I wouldn't have an issue with that aside from it being slightly more free upgrades than the other base forms get. To counteract this I'd say that two of the limb upgrades cannot be used for any natural weapon upgrade (e.g. claws).

Alfray Stryke wrote:
I wouldn't have an issue with that aside from it being slightly more free upgrades than the other base forms get. To counteract this I'd say that two of the limb upgrades cannot be used for any natural weapon upgrade (e.g. claws).

So, only 4 of the limbs can be used for natural attacks, unless additional limbs are added beyond the free upgrades? That essentilly akes it on par with the quadruped, except for the speed difference.

Another option is to make it only six legs, and if someone wants an arachnid (8 legs) they can choose it?

Six-legged seems less unbalancing (though I haven't looked the total upgrade cost of the free upgrades from the serpentine base form). Though the quadruped does have the massive advantage of being the only base form that can take pounce.

@ Tao Priest: I have tried writing a flavor blurp for this guy, but it all sounds super hokey. I am trying to emphasize the balance of life and death, and how the Tao Priest acts as a physical conduit of that balance and manipulates its energies to heal, harm, and and maintain that balance. I see them as (in part) being agents who regulate the flow of life and death, and undeath by proxy. As a conduit of those energies, an individual TP can either bolster or smite the living or the dead with equal aplomb.

I just can't seem to get the wording right.

You can post your flavor blurb here for suggestions just like you did for the archetype. I think what you just posted is a great start, honestly.

soooooo remember how i asked if a gunslinger/witch is one I wanted to do, but was told someone planned to do it...maybe I could do one later?

I would like to see the finished tao priest with the charisma thing added in as well.

#Clockwork mage: no reason to get overly scientific, six legs is fine for the spider.

Jorriko Krail wrote:

@ Tao Priest: I have tried writing a flavor blurp for this guy, but it all sounds super hokey. I am trying to emphasize the balance of life and death, and how the Tao Priest acts as a physical conduit of that balance and manipulates its energies to heal, harm, and and maintain that balance. I see them as (in part) being agents who regulate the flow of life and death, and undeath by proxy. As a conduit of those energies, an individual TP can either bolster or smite the living or the dead with equal aplomb.

I just can't seem to get the wording right.

Yup, like AinvarG said, just post what you have. I don't mind reworking flavor blurps, its having to come up with a million of them from scratch on my own that I hate. :D

Mythic +10 Artifact Toaster wrote:

soooooo remember how i asked if a gunslinger/witch is one I wanted to do, but was told someone planned to do it...maybe I could do one later?

I would like to see the finished tao priest with the charisma thing added in as well.

#Clockwork mage: no reason to get overly scientific, six legs is fine for the spider.

RE Gun/Wtc: By all means.

Here's the Tao Priest, as per your request, Toaster.


Primary Class: Ninja.
Secondary Class: Cleric.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Dice: d8.

Bonus Skills and Ranks: The tao priest may select three cleric skills to add to her class skills in addition to the normal ninja class skills. The tao priest gains a number of ranks at each level equal to 6 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The tao priest is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the kama, katana, kusarigama, nunchaku, sai, shortbow, short sword, shuriken, siangham, and wakizashi. A tao priest is also proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Charisma Dependent: All class features formerly requiring Wisdom as its primary ability now uses Charisma to determine its effects, including spells, domain powers, spell DCs, and so on.

Channel Energy (Su): At 1st level, a tao priest gains the cleric’s channel energy ability. This ability replaces sneak attack.

Domains: At 1st level, a tao priest gains the cleric’s domains ability. She chooses two domains from among those belonging to her deity, or she can choose the new Channel Domain, even if it is not on her deity’s list of domains. She may select an alignment domain (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) only if her alignment matches that domain. If a tao priest is not devoted to a particular deity, she still selects two domains to represent her spiritual inclinations and abilities (subject to GM approval). The restriction on alignment domains still applies. Each domain grants a number of domain powers, dependent upon the level of the tao priest (see individual domain descriptions). Unless otherwise noted, activating a domain power is a standard action.

At 2nd level, a tao priest gains access to all her domain spells from each domain, but only those of 1st to 6th level. While a tao priest has no spellcasting ability, she can cast any of her domain spells from both of her domains of a level she can cast by expending ki points (see Ki Pool). This ability replaces poison use, no trace, and ninja tricks gained at 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level.

Ki Pool (Su): This is exactly like the ninja ability of the same name, except that a tao priest may expend ki points to cast spells from her two chosen domains. Starting as 2nd level, a tao priest gains her domain spells from both of her chosen domains. She can cast any domain spell without preparing it ahead of time by expending a number of ki points equal to the spell’s level. At 2nd level, she can cast her 1st–level domain spells by expending 1 ki point from her ki pool, and each subsequent level of spell every four levels thereafter up to her 5th level domain spells at 18th level. Thus, a tao priest could expend three ki points to cast one of her 3rd-level domain spells. A tao priest has a caster level equal to her level when caster her domain spells.

Channel Smite: At 3rd level, a tao priest gains Channel Smite as a bonus feat. This ability replaces light steps.

Ninja Tricks: This is exactly like the ninja ability of the same name, except that the tao priest gains a ninja trick at 4th level and every four level s thereafter. The tao priest may also choose any channeling feat in place of a ninja trick, and must meet the prerequisites of that feat before selecting.

Channel Domain
Granted Powers: You can manipulate both positive and negative energies to a higher degree.

Improved Versatile Channel (Su): You gain Versatile Channel as a bonus feat. When channel you deal an additional point of energy for every 2 cleric levels you possess. You may also change your type without reducing your effective cleric level a number of times per day equal to 3+ your wisdom modifier.

Maximized Channel (Su): At 8th level, you treat your channeling dice as if you had rolled the highest possible result once per day. For every 4 levels beyond 8th, you may use this ability an additional time per day.

Domain Spells: 1st—cure light wounds/inflict light wounds, 2nd—cure moderate wounds/inflict moderate wounds, 3rd—cure serious wounds/inflict serious wounds, 4th— cure critical wounds/inflict critical wounds, 5th—breath of life/slay living, 6th—heal/harm, 7th—resurrection/destruction, 8th—holy aura/unholy aura, 9th—true resurrection/energy drain.

Table: Tao Priest
Class Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special

1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Channel energy +1d6, domains
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Domain spells (1st), ki pool
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Channel energy +2d6, Channel Smite
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Ninja trick, uncanny dodge
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Channel energy +3d6
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Domain spells (2nd)
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 Channel energy +4d6
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +6 Improved uncanny dodge, ninja trick
9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +6 Channel energy +5d6
10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +7 Domain spells (3rd)
11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +7 Channel energy +6d6
12th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 Master tricks, ninja trick
13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 Channel energy +7d6
14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +9 Domain spells (4th)
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +9 Channel energy +8d6
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Ninja trick
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Channel energy +9d6)
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +11 Domain spells (5th)
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Channel energy +10d6
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +12 Hidden master, ninja trick

#Clockwork Mage
Yeah, I think that's the simplest. Gives them one extra set of limbs, gives them a starting speed of 40 feet, and, as arachnids include spiders and scorpions, this allows the clockwork mage to choose limbs (arms) or (legs) and whether or not to put on pincers or keep them as legs. Then, if the want a true 8-legger, they need to pay for it.

OK, I think Tao Priest is done. Let's move on.

Dusty Boy, you're up with your Mag/Sor MCA. Still need a name for it.

On Spell Reaver: I worry that this might be too situational. This is a very specific ability. It requires:
* Enemy casts a meatamagiced spell
* You have a readied action to counterspell
* Your Spellcraft check to identify succeeds
I can't see this being used much. but for a player who prefers a reactive playstyle it might work our. Personally, I feel that damage spells make the best counterspells, as they result in very high Concentration DCs.

On Hardness: Hardness is not just damage resistance against all physical damage that cannot be penetrated, it is also energy resistance against all types of energy. While thematic for a construct eidolon, it is very hard to balance and should not exceed 1 point/level.

Sorry if these comments come in late.

Starfox wrote:

On Spell Reaver: I worry that this might be too situational. This is a very specific ability. It requires:

* Enemy casts a meatamagiced spell
* You have a readied action to counterspell
* Your Spellcraft check to identify succeeds
I can't see this being used much. but for a player who prefers a reactive playstyle it might work our. Personally, I feel that damage spells make the best counterspells, as they result in very high Concentration DCs.

On Hardness: Hardness is not just damage resistance against all physical damage that cannot be penetrated, it is also energy resistance against all types of energy. While thematic for a construct eidolon, it is very hard to balance and should not exceed 1 point/level.

Sorry if these comments come in late.

Never too late Starfox. And always appreciated.

#Cleanser of the Faith
@Spell Reaver, I only see the middle part (the readied action) as being that situational - the first is, granted rare, and the last is the functioning part of the ability. Still, perhaps making the ability more broad is possible, and/or removing the readied action and just making it an immediate action regardless of what you did/will do in your next round. That way, yes it's "situational", but it becomes easier to use and thus more attractive.

#Clockwork Mage
@Hardness - still could be pretty powerful at 5th level, 5 hardness will crimp incoming energy attacks, and at 10th level 10 hardness. Well, it might be okay...

Personally I find the whole Hardness =/= DR thing a headache. I'd prefer a system with one or the other.

#Cleanser of the Faith

I've reworked Spell Reaver to function more like the Counterspell Mastery ability from the Counterspell subschool ability. As it is considered a normal level ability, usable 1/day at 6th and every four levels (4/day max), and Spell Reaver is similar but grants the user any metamagic feats for rounds = Wis mod, I've elected to make it 1/day at 3rd and an additional time per day every 6 levels thereafter. immediate counterspelling + possibility of gaining a free metamagic feat that can be used without increasing the spells level is pretty potent.

Spell Reaver (Su): At 3rd level, a cleanser of the faith may attempt to counterspell an opponent’s spell once per day as an immediate action (instead of a readied action) as if using dispel magic. If the attempt is successful, the enemy’s spell immediately ends and the spell slot is expended as normal. If the spell was enhanced by a metamagic feat, the cleanser of the faith gains the feat as if she had chosen it for a number of rounds equal to her Wisdom modifier. The cleanser of the faith can then cast a single spell from her list of spells known as if she had used the metamagic feat without using a higher level spell slot. A cleanser of the faith can use this ability once per day at 3rd level, plus an additional time per day for every six levels beyond 3rd. If the cleanser of the faith uses this ability again, any metamagic feat gained from a prior use of the ability is immediately lost. This ability replaces solo tactics.

Clockwork Mage
just removing the Hardness ability. Makes it easier and less OP.

This is all fantastic. Thank you (and all the other contributors) for your time and effort spent to enhance the game for the rest of us.

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ecw1701 wrote:
This is all fantastic. Thank you (and all the other contributors) for your time and effort spent to enhance the game for the rest of us.

Thank you for taking the time to look over our work, ewc1701! So glad you like what we've done. By all means, if you have the time or inclination, offer up any further feedback/review/critique or weigh in with a Multiclass Archetype idea of your own... ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes, welcome ecw1701! Anyone is welcome to join in the fu and create their own MCas. Just make sure you follow the Guidelines we are using here at the start of this thread here. We have a queue system, allowing for everyone to get a fair shake at making one.

Spell Reaver
Thoughts on the changes?

Clockwork Mage
Any other thoughts on OP abilities, balance, new "evolutions" upgrades I've presented?

Spell reaver looks good.

Then Cleanser is done. Moving on the Dusty Boy.

@Dusty Boy, you're up with your Mag/Sor MCA. If you could get up today or tommorrow, that be great! Otherwise we'll move on to the next in the queue.

Can you repost the current queue El?

#Cleanser of the Faith

@Spell Reaver - I like that tweak - immediate action.

#Clockwork Mage

Sorry El, haven't been able to look though this, and seeing as I looked over it intially I'll pass for now. I will check out the new upgrades however.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
ecw1701 wrote:
This is all fantastic. Thank you (and all the other contributors) for your time and effort spent to enhance the game for the rest of us.
Thank you for taking the time to look over our work, ewc1701! So glad you like what we've done. By all means, if you have the time or inclination, offer up any further feedback/review/critique or weigh in with a Multiclass Archetype idea of your own... ;)

Excellent, thanks!

I read the opening post, but still have a couple of questions that hopefully you can answer, or direct me towards where it's already been covered:
1. Is there any mechanism (or planned mechanism) for multi-PRC archetypes?
2. Is there any mechanism (or planned mechanism) for more than two class combinations, like the iconic Fighter/Mage/Thief? (I'd be down to work on that one).

As for ideas, my first submission would be:
Spartan -- Fighter/Oracle.


ecw1701 wrote:
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
ecw1701 wrote:
This is all fantastic. Thank you (and all the other contributors) for your time and effort spent to enhance the game for the rest of us.
Thank you for taking the time to look over our work, ewc1701! So glad you like what we've done. By all means, if you have the time or inclination, offer up any further feedback/review/critique or weigh in with a Multiclass Archetype idea of your own... ;)

Excellent, thanks!

I read the opening post, but still have a couple of questions that hopefully you can answer, or direct me towards where it's already been covered:
1. Is there any mechanism (or planned mechanism) for multi-PRC archetypes?
2. Is there any mechanism (or planned mechanism) for more than two class combinations, like the iconic Fighter/Mage/Thief? (I'd be down to work on that one).

As for ideas, my first submission would be:
Spartan -- Fighter/Oracle.


While not a member of the inner circle, I don't think there are any plans for a MCA that is explicitly based off of three classes but it would not be unheard of to "borrow" mechanics from other areas that would suit an MCA. As to MCA's with PRCs, most don't involve them, but I think people would be willing to entertain the concept.

ecw1701 wrote:

1. Is there any mechanism (or planned mechanism) for multi-PRC archetypes?

2. Is there any mechanism (or planned mechanism) for more than two class combinations, like the iconic Fighter/Mage/Thief? (I'd be down to work on that one).

First, apologies for getting your handle wrong the first time!!!

As for your questions:
1: This is unlikely for a number of reasons:
PrCs have very specific requirements, sometimes both mechanically and themewise - trying to meet the prereqs for two is difficult.
Personally I find PrCs to be a limited concept - I do like a PrC that has a good theme/flavor - archetypes are a kind of replacement for PrCs and MCAs core design philosophy focuses on dispensing with the need to multiclass.
Having said that, if you find two PrCs that have achievable, aligned prereqs that you want to mash together as a "Multi-Prestige" class, you can always do that - just keep it to another thread.
2: We've been asked this before. I find the concept a little unwieldy. Given MCAs are mechanically an archetype of the Primary class (though occasionally BAB, HD and saves may change from the Core/Base) trying to fit two extra class abilities onto the one chassis would be cumbersome, and either competey ineffective or gloriously overpowered...

I'm sure Elghinn may have more to say on the matter...

*As a side note there have also been folks who expressed an interest in archetypes for more than one class - i.e. a Themed archetype that applies to more than one Core or Base Class. Again, this is not the aim of the Multiclass Archetypes project...

OSW has pretty much summed it up. I realize there are those who look at the iconic Fighter/Mage/Thief and would love an MCa for it, but trying to put 3 classes together would be difficult, and likely result in something less than what you could likely get by "triple"-classing using the normal multiclassing rules. Although, I'm not adverse to trying something like that, just not in this thread, as it is beyond our current scope (ei. primary/secondary class vs. primary/secondary/tertiary).

Here's the full queue as it sits. I've been plunking brand new people to the thread who have concepts near the top, so we don't lose them, but also gives those who were ahead of them "right of way" if you will. I've put them ahead of myself however, as I have no problem waiting for some of mine to get worked on. Also helps to spread other's concepts out abit so there isn't to many concepts from the same person(s) in a row. I've placed ecw1701 after Starfox and just before my Quipu Mystic.

Current Queue
Blood Mage – Mag/Sor (Dustyboy)
Barefoot Friar - Mnk/Inq (Bardess)
Light’s Shadow – Nnj/Pal (Kyras)
Wondrous Detonator – Magus/Alchemist (Lindley Court)
“Name” – Clr/Rog (Starfox)
Spartan - Ftr/Ora (ecw1701)
Quipu Mystic – Wiz/Brd (Elghinn)
Tristam’s Monk Bloodline – (Toaster)
Secret Sect Knight - Cav/Inq (Bardess)
Twice Chose/Chosen Theurge – Ora/Sor (Kyras)
Ki Mage - Nnj/Wiz (Toaster/Byrdology)
Rune Mage – Alc/Mag (Elghinn)
Chosen Apostle - Clr/Ora (Bardess)
Wilderland Magus – Mag/Rgr (Elghinn)
Boastful Gallant - Brd/Cav (Bardess)
Sacred Illuminary – Alc/Pal (Elghinn)
Lightspeed Master - Mnk/Mag (Bardess)
Relic Hunter – Mag/Rog (Elghinn)

EDIT: Went back to Dusty's posts and I guess he did name his MCA. Just PMed him too.

You need aa avatar dude, so you're easier to find in the threads.

Make sure you throw my gunslinger/wich (haunted gunmen) up.

Ah, yes, will do.

Fighter/Mage/Thief could probably be pulled off as a Bard/Magus Archetype....
Commencing pondering.

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OR even a Magus/Rogue, as Magus is often "seen" as the Fighter/Mage class.

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
OR even a Magus/Rogue, as Magus is often "seen" as the Fighter/Mage class.

Magus/Rogue would work; but some variation on Arcane Duelist Bard + Dex Magus would probably get it done. I've even seen a Arcane Duelist / Dex Bard / Arcane Trickster build that was pretty nice.

I'll spend some time familiarizing myself with what's been done already, and see what I can come up with.

Which begs the question, what kind of combinations are we going to produce when the ACG comes out? I am getting chills at the thought.

i know right....
swashbuckler alone would drive us all nuts im sure. in fact i would put money on a swashbuckler/sorcerer will be the frist

Mythic +10 Artifact Toaster wrote:
Which begs the question, what kind of combinations are we going to produce when the ACG comes out? I am getting chills at the thought.


Thomas, A wrote:

i know right....

swashbuckler alone would drive us all nuts im sure. in fact i would put money on a swashbuckler/sorcerer will be the frist

I will take that and raise you one swashbuckler/bloodrager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mythic +10 Artifact Toaster wrote:
Thomas, A wrote:

i know right....

swashbuckler alone would drive us all nuts im sure. in fact i would put money on a swashbuckler/sorcerer will be the frist
I will take that and raise you one swashbuckler/bloodrager

Is that like Cap'n Jack Sparrow who becomes the Hulk?

And wouldn't that just be the grey Hulk? ;)

i had a PC similar to that in 3.5 using Bo9S petty fun to play i think it was one of my first min/maxish PCs

mmm i saw a tread about the blind fighter looks like it would be to easy to make a MCA for it
so if i could add to the Que
(*note i can not check the wiki at work so if it already there then disregard this)

Cursed Worrier

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