Really old gamer |

Alissa: You think you have heard of them... blue, dopey little lizards with a tendency to erupt in shockwaves of lightning. Especially dangerous in groups. They have a newfangled feel to them.
AM H: You thwack one of them. It look surprised, then dies horribly. Three more hop over to it and look at the corpse, then at you.
Nessy: You need a few more levels for fireball. You thwack with your staff, give me a roll.
Gassy: Those polymorphs are typically contagious, yes. Smart move.
Babby: Great, thanks. Only problem is the bed is cold for my joints.

Really old gamer |

Ooookay.. the shocker lizards seem to be pissed. Sparks start shooting from them, then arclights between them, then a thunderblast as the charge is set off. Babby and Firsty are targeted. It is time for you guys to do saves vs rods, staves and wands. You guys in the peanut gallery outside the door hear a deafening boom.