

I would like your Interpretation of the following text from my (Newbie) GM on my Cleric's god:

Mür: (Muure) Alignment Lawful Neutral

Favored Weapons; Hammers (All), Staves (All)

Domains: Volcano (3rd party), Retribution, Law

Mür is the God-creator of the Xerxene people he is a volcano that is the source of all life because he is the source of all land. Vast oceans made up of the world until he brought forth of himself land and earth where life could take form from the fires that burn the fires that burn in every living thing are created. One day when he has covered all the world in land there will be no more need for him to create and Mür will die.

He embodies vengance, Justice, balance and retribution. when there is too much wrong he will explode covering all that is wrong with purified new land. Volcanic rock is sacred and pure. the body of the god himself.

Violence and fire are necessary to the cleansing process. Purity and the greatest respect for all land and earth is vital. Things that are from under the earth are not as important but are also considered to be part of Mür's body.

Mür does not promote violence toward other deities or their followers but he does promote swift and destructive violence on those of evil or who would disrespect the land or harm the balance that exists on it.

laws protect the balance & are also sacred. ((This last part confuses me to no end...))

So your interpretation please.

Now for my second part:

She has explained in vague details that we are going to a new town a place called "Bot-ri-car" (Phonetically because i do not know the spelling.)

The basic information that i have is this:

Majority alignment Lawful evil: uncontrolled murder in the streets to appease the god of blood (Think Korne from warhammer 40k... "Blood for the blood god" and all that jazz...)

SO... as a cleric of Mür... and that small blurb How should i handle it?

How i want to handle it is this:

1) Roll up a new charicter
2) Burn the city to the ground in the name of balance.

Well, if the laws of the city are that people can be randomly murdered ... how the heck is the city surviving? Why aren't people leaving? They certainly wouldn't be getting new immigrants, and the population has to be dropping rapidly.

Rather than burning the city itself, I think burning the people in charge who passed such a heinous law would be a better idea.

There's no way anyone can remain sane in a place like that.
There's no way anyone can remain sane worshipping Mür.


Laws are there to protect the balance.
Evil disrupts the balance.
Laws that protect evil are perverted and must be clenched.
Let there be fire.

As to the city of murder and sustainability:

The dark-elves in Warhammer do this. They limit it to once per year, and the entire society sees this as the will of their god. A price they pay for his protection.

As long as the annual murder rate is less then the death rate, the city will grow.

In the fantasy-medieval setting, most people can't afford to move elsewhere. And their lives will mostly work. The common people will keep their heads down and pray that they will be spared the murder-paloza. This is especially likely if the murder is ritualized and predictable. Then people can rationalize that they would never be caught. It was the victim's fault for not being smart/pious/fast enough.

Edit: You don't need to be lawful stupid about Batrica. Don't charge the walls or whatever.

Can't afford to move? I'd say they can't afford to stay.

I wasn't aware a fantasy-medieval setting required people to be idiots.

We don't know how rampant the murder is in this city. For example, the rate of homicides in Washington DC is 22 per 100,000 people. This gives a random resident a 0.03% chance of dying in any given year. Yet most people are not overly concerned about death.

If our murder land has say 10 times the murder rate, your chance of death is still only 0.3% in a year. Your chance of living to 50 would be 86%.

That's pretty dangerous from an absolute point of view. Such a city would be pretty Evil. However, sudden murder is still something that happens to other people.

Maybe there are large tariffs to pay for leaving the city, that your family can't afford to pay.

Also, say you leave. Where do you go? Presumably the murder capital is somewhere in a Evil empire. You'd need to cross a lot of land to reach a Good kingdom. Maybe slavers wander the lands looking for undefended peasants? How will you buy food for the journey on minimum wage?

Plus, there are easier ways to not be murdered. Maybe you pray to the god of murder, and he won't have his minions murder you! Much safer.

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