Swearing in Russian

Reign of Winter

Dark Archive

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I don't know about you but language around my table can get a little salty. Well, I was reading the Petrovich books (first three are available as a Kindle collection for like $9 and they're really good. Petrovich swears in his native tongue somewhere between always and constantly and I thought it would be great fun to have Nadya curse like a sailor when she's not at home with her kids.

So here's a big list of Russian swear words. WARNING: This has foul language in not one but two languages. If that's the kind of thing that offends you, don't look. If it sounds fun, here you go.

Designer, RPG Superstar Judge

I removed a post and edited the OP. Do not post profanity (even if in a language other than English) on our message boards.


You missed profanity in the OP Sean.

Designer, RPG Superstar Judge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks, jumped right by that. :)

Dark Archive

Sorry about that, Sean. Anyways I'm going to start our session and curse up a Russian storm. Gonna be good.

I would also imagine that Rasputin's soldiers would curse at the PCs while trying to kill them.

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