Kensai Magus Advice


Lantern Lodge

So, I've been looking at building a Kensai Magus, with an improved familiar (I like the idea of having in combat wand healing :) ). I've decided to build strength (Human), and focus a little bit on frostbite rather than shocking grasp (For a free intimidate on each hit, and it's cohesive with haste). My GM doesn't go for the arcane mark for an extra attack thing. Here's my feat and arcana progression.

*Weapon Focus (Katana)
1.Power Attack
3.Arcane Accuracy
5.Combat Expertise
5.Improved Trip
7.Improved Familiar
9.Tripping Critical
11.Greater Trip
Arcane Edge
13.Intensify Spell
15.Crit Focus
??Spell Blending??
17.Crit Bleed
17.Crit Sickened
19Crit Mastery

STATS at level 1: 16str, 13dex, 11con, 18int, 10wis, 7cha

The questions I have is whether or not a 2 level dip into the Lore Warden fighter archetype would be worth it. I would essentially gain 3 feats (Combat expertise is given for free, and 2 extra feats which I could use for things like Arcane Strike(?), Weapon Specializations, Greater weapon focus, another arcana, extra arcane pool, and/or more meta magics like Rime spell.) I would also gain light armor proficiency, making certain options available. I would lose the auto-20 on initiative/never surprised and the Weapon Mastery at levels 19 and 20, but I really never thought those were that great of cap stone abilities.

Second, if I did dip into another class and picked up light armor proficiency, how worth it would it be to get armor?

Is 5% arcane failure chance really that bad, just a 1 on a D20 roll?

If I stuck with a Ceremonial Silk Robe, what good enchantments should I consider? I'm thinking of wearing a "Robe of the Archmagi" which adds 5 armor, so the enhancement bonus wouldn't really be effective.

Any extra advice?

Thanks guys!

1. Dex is better than str. Str (or dex) should be your primary stat - not int.

2. close range is a good if GM don't like arcane mark.

3. you don't get a magus arcane at lvl 3 as a kensei.

4. Armor - potion of mage armor is fine. buy 10 and stock up. Or even better get a wizard/sorc to cast it on you.
later bracher of armor +5 (goes up to +8) will cover your needs.

FrodoOf9Fingers wrote:
My GM doesn't go for the arcane mark for an extra attack thing

Don't play a magus. The 'extra attack thing' is the only reason the magus can stay relevant when not burning spells, and they don't get nearly enough spells per day to do so consistently, and frostbite does not generate extra attacks(after the first round).

Or, go hexcrafter, so you have that whole at-will debuffing thing going on...

Or there is close range.

On another note I personally do not like arcane accuracy. Most ppl take it to offset power attack as you did. The problem here is power attack is pretty weak with one handed weapons and not often will you be two handing if at all.

Arcane strike is a much better option. Here is a breakdown.

AA+power attack build cost. 1 feat and 1 arcana.
Per use cost. Swift action and 1ap.
Gain +8 damage at max lvl.

Arcane strike. build cost. 1 feat.
Use cost. Swift action.
Gain. +5 damage at max lvl and save a ton of ap to use for other things.

Now that said since Kensai do not gain spell recall until a very late lvl so its not as big of a deal. But even then you can take pool strike to use when spells dry up. Even though ppl consider it to be a bad Arcane strike+pool strike is better damage then Arcane accuracy+power attack.

pearl's of power !!

Bigtuna wrote:

1. Dex is better than str. Str (or dex) should be your primary stat - not int.

2. close range is a good if GM don't like arcane mark.

3. you don't get a magus arcane at lvl 3 as a kensei.

4. Armor - potion of mage armor is fine. buy 10 and stock up. Or even better get a wizard/sorc to cast it on you.
later bracher of armor +5 (goes up to +8) will cover your needs.

Actually you DO get a magus arcana at level 3 as a Kensai, it's the level nine magus arcana that the Kensai swaps out for Critical Perfection (EX). I'd personally leave Intelligence where it is for the arcane pool and spell save DC's, as the Magus doesn't get spells higher than sixth level without taking a particular talent.

Scarab Sages

Bigtuna wrote:

2. close range is a good if GM don't like arcane mark.

4. Armor - potion of mage armor is fine. buy 10 and stock up. Or even better get a wizard/sorc to cast it on you.
later bracher of armor +5 (goes up to +8) will cover your needs.

Spell Blending.

Take Touch of Fatigue and Mage Armor


Might I recommend the Student of War prestige class? The second level ability let's you make great use of your high intelligence. It's a tough start, but once you can essentially add your Int twice to your AC, you'll be good to go. Combine that with the Spell Shield arcana and you will be a tough nut to crack.

donato wrote:
Might I recommend the Student of War prestige class? The second level ability let's you make great use of your high intelligence. It's a tough start, but once you can essentially add your Int twice to your AC, you'll be good to go. Combine that with the Spell Shield arcana and you will be a tough nut to crack.

A nice idea, though the Kensai Magus already gets its INT as a bonus to AC at level one due to it's Canny Defense (EX) adding its INT as a dodge bonus to AC so long as the Kensai wears light or no armor.


Daniel Turner Zen Archer wrote:
donato wrote:
Might I recommend the Student of War prestige class? The second level ability let's you make great use of your high intelligence. It's a tough start, but once you can essentially add your Int twice to your AC, you'll be good to go. Combine that with the Spell Shield arcana and you will be a tough nut to crack.
A nice idea, though the Kensai Magus already gets its INT as a bonus to AC at level one due to it's Canny Defense (EX) adding its INT as a dodge bonus to AC so long as the Kensai wears light or no armor.

I recommend it because the two instances would be separate.

Student of War, Mind over Metal wrote:

Mind Over Metal (Ex)

A 2nd-level student of war is skilled at taking blows such that her armor or shield deflects them harmlessly. When using armor or a shield, she can use her Intelligence modifier in place of her Dexterity modifier for determining her Armor Class. The armor’s normal maximum Dexterity bonus still applies (limiting how much of the character’s Intelligence bonus she can apply to her AC).

Duelist, Canny Defense wrote:

Canny Defense (Ex)

When wearing light or no armor and not using a shield, a duelist adds 1 point of Intelligence bonus (if any) per duelist class level as a dodge bonus to her Armor Class while wielding a melee weapon. If a duelist is caught flat-footed or otherwise denied her Dexterity bonus, she also loses this bonus.

As you can see, Mind Over Metal uses Int in place of Dex for AC. Canny Defense adds Int in addition to your standard AC. A kensai with 20 Int would have a base +5 AC as well as a +5 dodge bonus to AC.

Lantern Lodge

1. I figured going frostbite was a good idea for AoO's, adding 1d6+10 to each hit[at level 10], allowing going two handed with each hit. The math I have would be (At level ten)

pre-buffs (Enlarge person, later other polymorph effects, and a wand of lead blades, haste? [see text])

Rd 1:
Use arcane accuracy + 7 or 8 atk bonus
cast frostbite and use power attack (-4 to attack)
Katana 3d6(lead blades + enlarge person) + frostbite 1d6+10 + power attack 4, per hit.
Three attacks at 12, 12 and 7 (not including weapon enhancements here or stat adjustments other than intelligence)

Rd 2:
Arcane accuracy and using two hands
Use boots of speed, or rely on pre casted haste (or speed weapon)
Katana 3d6(lead blades + enlarge person) + frostbite 1d6+10 + power attack 6, per hit.
Three attacks at 14, 14 and 9 (Not including weapon enhancements here or stat adjustments other than intelligence)

Add in a 15-20 critical threat range, which multiplies ALL of that damage at 2, and grants me a free trip attempt, which if successful will grant me another attack(Level 11);

Add enforcer on that and I get a free intimidate check to each of those hits.

2. Intelligence almost completely replaces dexterity for a Kensai magus. that's why I have it so high.

Dexterity affects:
Armor class
reflex saves
Ranged attack bonus
CMB (With a feat)
melee attack bonus (with a feat)
AoO's per round (with a feat)
melee attack damage (With a scimitar and feat, or weapon enchantment. No two handing here though).

Intelligence affects
Spells per day
Number of skill points
Arcane pool
Armor Class (level 1)
[and by extension, CMD]
Initiative (level 7)
Critical Threat Rolls (Level 9)
AoO's per round (level 11)
Damage to flat footed opponents(Level 13)

3. I decided strength because I felt feat starved already, that and as pointed out above I felt I would be two handing fairly often (at least every other round).

4. Using frostbite allows me to conserve my few spell slots for other spells that I'll need, such as enlarge person, shield, etc...

To Stome: Kensai never get spell recall, it's completely blacked out. So there's not too many other things I'll be spending arcane points on. Arcane Strike is a nice idea though, do you know if it gets multiplied on critical hits?

Student of war looks interesting, but I'm not sure I want to get the two feats I wouldn't normally get, not to mention that I'm not proficient with ANY martial weapons (Just 1 exotic one and simple weapons) so it'd involve another dip into another class.

To bring in the discussion a bit, My questions were:

Is a two level dip into lore warden worth it?
Is arcane spell failure chance a really awful thing for this build?
Since I'll be getting my armor bonus from a wondrous item, what special enchantments would be best to have on a silken ceremonial robe +1?

Lantern Lodge

Might I add that I can replace any of those attacks with a trip attempt if I want to, and each of those enemies become fatigued, reducing their AC by 1 for future hits, and their CMD by 2.

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