Nearyn |

My friend and I are making characters for a fearun based campaign. We've decided to be followers of The Red Knight, and the general idea will be that I am to act as my friend's sworn protector.
So I am looking for suggestions for class combinations, feats and general ideas for character and combat syngery, so we can talk it over and decide what we think would be most fun.
Thanks in advance.

SunsetPsychosis |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

:D I aim to please.
Really, though, the combination is utterly absurd. Combat would go like:
Get into a flank. Rogue full attacks, and if he scores a critical threat (on 15-20), the fighter gets an automatic x4 crit. The crit then triggers Outflank, giving the rogue an AoO, which triggers Paired Opportunist, giving the fighter an AoO. If the rogue crits on that AoO, rinse and repeat until you're out of AoOs, you don't crit threat, or whatever you're fighting is paste.

David Schwartz Contributor |

I wrote an archetype for two characters called the Blood Brothers for Kobold Quarterly #22. It's for rogues, but it's all about teamwork. (If you do use it, I would love to hear how it goes.)

Wiggz |

My friend and I are making characters for a fearun based campaign. We've decided to be followers of The Red Knight, and the general idea will be that I am to act as my friend's sworn protector.
So I am looking for suggestions for class combinations, feats and general ideas for character and combat syngery, so we can talk it over and decide what we think would be most fun.
Thanks in advance.
Standard Summoner built as a melee type with an Eidolon mount and a Master Summoner who's eidolon is trained as a scout. My party had a pair of half-eleven twins running this combo and it was the most potent duo I've ever seen.
I've got the builds if you're interested, just let me know.

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One character with butterfly sting and duel weilding15-20 crit range eapons another character with a tetsubo and both characters with seize the moment teamwork feats.
Every time one character crits the other gets attacks of opportunity to attack it, and if its the tetsubo getting the free hit, then it gets a free crit for x4 dmg.

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:D I aim to please.
Really, though, the combination is utterly absurd. Combat would go like:
Get into a flank. Rogue full attacks, and if he scores a critical threat (on 15-20), the fighter gets an automatic x4 crit. The crit then triggers Outflank, giving the rogue an AoO, which triggers Paired Opportunist, giving the fighter an AoO. If the rogue crits on that AoO, rinse and repeat until you're out of AoOs, you don't crit threat, or whatever you're fighting is paste.
Unfortunately paired opportunist doesn't work with outflank because outflank requires flanking and paired opportunist requires you to be adjacent.

SunsetPsychosis |

You can use Gang Up to count as flanking while adjacent with some clever positioning. Also, if you make the fighter a Polearm Master, then the Flexible Flanker ability lets him treat his position as an adjacent square for purposes of flanking. Use a glaive for an x3 crit multiplier, and use trips and Broken Wing Gambit as further ways to trigger AoOs.

SunsetPsychosis |

Interestingly, it seems that Seize the Moment + Outflank would allow TWO AoOs per crit, causing two triggers of Paired Opportunists.
It's pretty feat intensive, but holy crap if it isn't efficient. Make the rogue a knife master for d8 sneak attack dice with his kukris and take the Opportunist advanced talent to set off the chain when you need to. Clever use of Unwitting Ally + Gang Up also make establishing a flank easier.

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Here is a character i made awhile back that is great for being an ally's shield.
Fighter (Lore Warden) 14/ Monk (Monk of the Four Winds / Monk of the Sacred Mountain) 2/ Ranger (Weapon and Shield) 2/ Rogue 2
STR 14 (+6 magic item) = 20
DEX 16 (+4 leveling)(+6 magic item) = 26
CON 15 (+2 racial)(+1 leveling) = 18
INT 14
WIS 10
CHA 08
fort 22
ref 22
will 13
ac 47 (+5 combat expertise)(+3 fighting defensively) = 55
touch 24 (+5 combat expertise)(+3 fighting defensively) = 32
flat-footed 29
to hit with unarmed attacks with weapon finesse 26 (-4 combat expertise)(-1 fighting defensively) = 21
Threatening Defender
-Feat / Level Progression-
Ra01) Combat Reflexes, Stand Still
Ra02) Shield Focus
M 03) Elemental Fist, Dodge, Crane Style
M 04) Toughness, Deflect Arrows
F 05) Weapon Focus Unarmed Strike, Missile Shield
F 06) Combat Expertise, Weapon Finesse
F 07) Crane Wing
F 08) Saving Shield
F 09) Bodyguard
F 10) Crane Riposte
F 11) Draconic Defender
F 12) Greater Shield Focus
F 13) Disruptive
F 14) Spellbreaker
F 15) Pin Down
F 16) Ray Shield
F 17) Mobility
F 18) Spring Attack
Ro19) Whirlwind Attack
Ro20) Talent - Combat Trick (Weapon Specialization Unarmed Strike)
-Magic Gear-
Bracers of Armor(+8)
Mithril Heavy Shield (+5 Arrow Catching, Arrow Deflection)
Ring of Protection (+5)
Ring of Regeneration
Amulet of Natural Armor(+5)
Belt of Physical Might (+6 str / +6 dex)
Cloak of Resistance (+5)
-Tanking Method-
Fight with caster standing behind u since any thing that enters ur threaten area will not be able to exit ur threaten are via Stand Still and Pin Down as well all incoming missile attacks would veer towards u via Arrow Catching. When making an attack action fight defensively and use combat expertise to up personal ac and grant 1 adjacent party member a natural armor bonus equal to the dodge bonus from combat expertise and fighting defensively via Draconic Defender. Use AoO to grant aid another ac to an adjacent party member via Bodyguard and an immediate action grant shield bonus via Saving Shield. Negate 1 melee attack, 1 ranged spell attack, and 3 ranged missile attacks a round via Crane Wing, Ray Shield, Deflect Arrows, Missile Shield, and Arrow Deflection.

SunsetPsychosis |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Here's the dynamic duo, 25 point buy, at level 12. The rogue takes his favored class bonus of 1/6th of a rogue talent, the fighter takes HP. The Swashbuckler archetype gives kukri proficiency and lets you take Combat Trick twice.
Grimm, human Rogue (Swashbuckler) 12
Str 13
Dex 29 (18+2+6+3)
Con 12
Int 13
Wis 10
Cha 7
1: Combat Reflexes
B: Two-Weapon Fighting
2: Finesse Rogue (Weapon Finesse)
3: Paired Opportunists
4: Combat Trick (Combat Expertise)
5: Butterfly Sting
6: Combat Trick (Outflank)
6b: Weapon Focus (Kukri)
7: Broken Wing Gambit
8: Offensive Defense talent
9: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
10: Opportunist advanced talent
11: Improved Critical (Kukri)
12: Feat advanced talent (Seize the Moment)
12b: Entanglement of Blades advanced talent
Equipment: Belt of Incredible Dexterity +6, +1 Agile Menacing Kukri x2
Attack: 18/18/13/13, 1d4+10+6d6 SA (15-20/x2)
Reaper, human Fighter (Polearm Master) 12
Str 25 (16+2+3+4)
Dex 20 (16+4)
Con 12
Int 13
Wis 10
Cha 7
1: Combat Reflexes
1b: Combat Expertise
1b: Power Attack
2: Improved Trip
3: Paired Opportunists
4: Fury's Fall
5: Weapon Focus (Guisarme)
6: Outflank
7: Broken Wing Gambit
8: Greater Trip
9: Improved Critical (Guisarme)
10: Critical Focus (Guisarme)
11: Tripping Strike
12: Seize the Moment
Equipment: Belt of Physical Might +4, +3 Guisarme
Attack: +25/+20/+16, 2d4+15 (-4 hit and +12 damage with Power Attack)
+3 to hit with AoOs.
When they're flanking with each other, made easier by Flexible Flanker (so they can stand diagonal from each other and still flank), their attack bonuses go up by +6, with an additional +4 on AoOs. I'm too lazy and bad at math to run a full sim, but assuming both get a full attack with only one crit trigger, you're looking at
2d4+27 (x3) + 1d4+10+6d6 (x4) from the full attacks, with the one rogue crit triggering 6d4+81 damage from Butterfly Sting, which triggers another 2d4+12d6+20 from Outflank and Seize the Moment, which triggers another 3d4+6d6+37 from Paired Opportunists. The fighter crit allows him a free trip, which if successful triggers another 3d4+6d6+37 damage from the provoked AoOs.
Total average damage per round: 482. This gets a lot higher with external buffs (Haste, Heroism, Inspire Courage, etc). That's THREE TIMES the HP of a CR 12 red dragon. With a little party support, in a single round, they could kill a CR 20 Red Dragon Wyrm.

Mathius |
One down side that I see is that the Fighter will be on a -2 penalty when fighting due to the need to use pole fighting to shorten the reach on the weapon.
A solution to this could be to put the fighter on a mount. That would allow him to drop the polearm master entirely and both the rogue and the fighter take gang up in place of broken wing gambit. Alternatively a 3rd party member could come along for the ride as well.
For a third party member I would recommend either a bard who knows dim door and haste (+metamagic rod of quick) or a cleric with the travel domain.
You can get the same dim door goodness either way but the bard gets haste and bardsong on round 1 while a cleric get dim hop for more movement.
Pack attack would allow for more movement around the battlefield.
How does does using a combat maneuver against a will person work? This could allow some one to move these two around the battle field so the could keep up the full attacks.

SunsetPsychosis |

The -2 penalty isn't that big of a deal considering the +6 he's getting to hit from flanking + the menacing weapon, and the fact that most of his attacks are AoOs which gain an additional +7 to hit from Paired Opportunists + Steadfast Pike.
The best way to get them into place at the start of a fight is getting the party wizard to use Telekinetic Charge, with a second one quickened via rod, to place the pair in flanking so they can full attack on the first turn. Telekinesis would also work in a pinch, as would Dimension Door or a mount.

Mathius |
Can seize the moment and outflank trigger from the same critical hit. I think maybe the could because I think that you can because seize the moment would go off even if you use butterfly's sting while outflank would not. Conversely only outflank would trigger when someone else benefits from butterfly's sting.
If a the rogue lands a critical can I as the fighter wait until he resolves his AoO before deciding weather or not to take mine? Do I take mine before damage is applied from the rogue initial critical?
The preempting on this could get trick and you could end up with many hits on target before any damage is applied to it.

SunsetPsychosis |

Another option is Invisibility and stealth. Just sneak into position and SURPRISE YOU'RE DEAD.
Your parties caster should be dropping Haste ASAP, which helps speed you up for getting into position. Even if you don't get a full attack the first turn, you're still going to be an utter terror. Move into a flank first turn, fighter trips, setting off a series of AoOs.
Seize the Moment and Outflank should both trigger. Outflank says 'the enemy provokes an AoO', seize the moment says 'you may take an AoO'. Since they're separate triggers, it can also be argued that Paired Opportunists triggers twice, despite the statement on Paired Opportunists of a creature only provoking one AoO per action, since there was only one provoke, with the other being a 'freebie' and thus a different trigger.

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The major problem that I see is the you only have +21 to hit at 20th level, hitting will be a real problem for you. Did you consider In harm's way to counteract one more attack?
T charge is great but getting it quickened at 12th is very tough.
Considered the feat but i did not like it since it ate up an immediate action and made it were the character using the feat will take the damage instead. Its a nice feat if you have a way to self heal or can rely on heals. Instead i took Saving shield which admittedly eats up an immediate action but it jacks the targets ac up by 2 if it is not using a shield.

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Another option is Invisibility and stealth. Just sneak into position and SURPRISE YOU'RE DEAD.
Your parties caster should be dropping Haste ASAP, which helps speed you up for getting into position. Even if you don't get a full attack the first turn, you're still going to be an utter terror. Move into a flank first turn, fighter trips, setting off a series of AoOs.
Seize the Moment and Outflank should both trigger. Outflank says 'the enemy provokes an AoO', seize the moment says 'you may take an AoO'. Since they're separate triggers, it can also be argued that Paired Opportunists triggers twice, despite the statement on Paired Opportunists of a creature only provoking one AoO per action, since there was only one provoke, with the other being a 'freebie' and thus a different trigger.
Ah yes ye old G. Invis easily countered with Goggles of True Seeing which i vergot to place on equipment list. Thank you for reminding me. Btw on all character i always max out Perception and Sense Motive since they are the most useful skills to have for all characters both in and out of combat.

Umbranus |

:D I aim to please.
Really, though, the combination is utterly absurd. Combat would go like:
Get into a flank. Rogue full attacks, and if he scores a critical threat (on 15-20), the fighter gets an automatic x4 crit. The crit then triggers Outflank, giving the rogue an AoO, which triggers Paired Opportunist, giving the fighter an AoO. If the rogue crits on that AoO, rinse and repeat until you're out of AoOs, you don't crit threat, or whatever you're fighting is paste.
It works even better if the one with the high threat weapons is a cockatrice cavalier. At least after 8th level.
At 8th level, the cavalier can steal the glory from another creature’s successful strike. Whenever a creature other than the cavalier scores a critical hit against a target that the cavalier is threatening, he can make an attack of opportunity against the same target.
should stack with outflank, too.

Nearyn |

Why I continue to be blown away by this board's helpfulness, I have no idea, since it consistently happens. Nevertheless thank you for all your suggestions, and thanks for taking the time to post builds or offer to do so, you are all incredible :)
I'll be discussing your suggestions with my friend later today, but its likely gonna be even harder than before, to make a decision, based on all this awesome input :D
Thanks, I'll post again later I think.

Atarlost |
Another route is to exploit the Ferocious Mount and Greater Ferocious Mount rage powers.
A synthesist can save evolution points on natural armor and claws and pounce if he's getting them from the beast totem line. Mount cuts into the gains a little, but not much.
A druid can get a claw claw bite pounce off of a big bite form like the giant vulture and get better scaling natural armor than wildshape. Superstition's nice too.
The barbarian, in turn, gets to ride on something very hard to kill and possibly flying.
Or there's the Sohei Monk. The synthesist or druid gets a bunch of monk abilities including the AC bonus and some temporary hitpoints for an hour/level for one ki and shares in any ki effects that benefit the monk. The monk, in turn, gets to take mounted combat feats without prerequisites and while there's no given definition of mounted combat feats it's commonly taken to mean anything with mounted combat as a prerequisite. Like mounted skirmisher, which is like pounce except it doesn't require a charge. In the hands of someone with flurry. Someone that can flurry with something nastier than a temple sword. (Nodachi is in the polearm group and is a martial 1d10 18-20 crit weapon. Alternately if you feel you need crane style the Urumi is, while not a monk weapon, in the monk group and is 1d8 18-20. Unfortunately it's exotic, but a gnome can get proficiency in pretty much anything if he takes a craft skill and makes it himself.) All he needs is a mount that won't die on him. Preferably one that can fly if necessary.

Vestrial |
The paired op/outflank thing is fun, but it sucks when your buddy dies. (I speak from experience)
You can also do the same thing with a ranger or druid and his pet. Works well with the dinos with the one single attack. In fact, two of them doing the same thing would be AOOs galore if you're all on the same target, lol...