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So i admit to this being a RAW question vs a logical question. But from what i can tell per the rules this is possible.
So take the Grenadier 2nd level Power. Which to this point i have considered rather useless.
Alchemical Weapon (Su)
At 2nd level, a grenadier can infuse a weapon or piece of ammunition with a single harmful alchemical liquid or powder, such as alchemist’s fire or sneezing powder, as a move action. This action consumes the alchemical item, but transfers its effect to the weapon in question.
The alchemical item takes full effect on the next creature struck by the weapon, but does not splash, spread, or otherwise affect additional targets. Any extra damage added is treated like bonus dice of damage, and is not doubled on a critical hit. The alchemical treatment causes no harm to the weapon treated, and wears off 1 minute after application if no blow is struck. At 6th level, a grenadier can use her alchemical weapon ability as a swift action. At 15th level, this ability becomes a free action.
This ability replaces poison resistance.
So ok seems nice on the surface, but why would i just not throw the alchemist fire since range beyond 20 is all but non existent in PFS (thus the ever increasing number of gun slingers).
So i have never used this ability in game. not once. Its a very expense arrow and turns a perfectly good range touch attack into a 3.3 gp arrow with a high chance to miss. Not worth it.
Today i started to wonder how far this rule goes.
Could i take the properties of a Sky Rocket and add it to an arrow? I can see some situation where that might be useful.
What about the ridiculously flexible ammo a gunslinger can use, could that suddenly be used with arrows per this ability?
Please let me know, trying to find an in game use for this ability and 5 levels in not seeing the point, using the item as is has always been the better choice. if it enables other capabilities as questioned above i will need to re-examine that.

Durngrun Stonebreaker |

Well, I believe the alchemist would still be dealing Int modifier to damage with splash weapons (even if they don't splash) so that's a little dmg increase. Since they don't splash you don't have to worry about hitting allies. Not their best ability probably but certainly could be helpful if you've run out of bombs.

The 8th Dwarf |

so the consensus seems to be that this power is pointless. I still did not get an answer as to whether or not it could be used with say a skyrocket. That might make it worth it.
I use it all the time.. It's very helpful last game we were being hammered by trolls I alternated between tanglefoot (entangled no save) alchemists fire and acid on my pistol bullets.
You get to debuff and damage at the same time also it lasts a minute so at the beging of combat you can set up some ammo to use when the opportunity arises.
Bows over distance an extra d6 damage is always handy.

pad300 |
IMO, it's pretty strong, especially if you have say, proficiency with nets.
With a net, that's a ranged touch attack (at -4 if non-proficient), which both entangles (the net), and with an added flask of Ghast Retch (UE P107), sickens (nauseates if they fail the save!)...
That's a strong set of debuffs...No save, No SR...

Xaratherus |

Actually, now I'm wondering...
What if you applied it to a weapon with the scatter quality? One piece of ammunition in that instance technically hits every creature within its cone...
With a net, that's a ranged touch attack (at -4 if non-proficient), which both entangles (the net), and with an added flask of Ghast Retch (UE P107), sickens (nauseates if they fail the save!)...
Net plus alchemical glue, followed up by a bladder containing several doses of glue accelerant?

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My Alchemist uses it all he time too. Combine 2 liquid alchemical items with hybridization funnel, use Explosive Missile discovery, and tangle shot arrows for a 50' touch attack range increment and its a good single shot boom.
the Missile discovery sadly does not make your arrow range touch. I wish it did, but it doesn't.
Also tangleshot arrows are, stupidly in my view, not PFS legal. But thats a different thread.

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My Alchemist uses it all he time too. Combine 2 liquid alchemical items with hybridization funnel, use Explosive Missile discovery, and tangle shot arrows for a 50' touch attack range increment and its a good single shot boom.
Replace a the bow with a +1 distance pistol, and the tangle shot arrows with the Tanglefoot Bomb discovery, and you've got my alchemist 4/gunslinger 1/alchemist X in a nutshell. :P

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Shane LeRose wrote:I just looked through the available alchemical items. There is nothing of worth for this ability. I'm sorry. Just ignore it and move on.Where did you see that list? I'm making a grenadier and I would like to know what's available.
Post 8 of my Alchemist Guide has a pretty solid list of everything available, although I can't vouch for which are PFS legal since I don't play that.
There's quite a few really great things to combine to your weapon, Ghast Retch Flask and Tanglefoot bags being two. It's honestly a great ability that makes you a solid ranged debuffer.
the Missile discovery sadly does not make your arrow range touch. I wish it did, but it doesn't.
Also tangleshot arrows are, stupidly in my view, not PFS legal. But thats a different thread.
The thing that's making the tangleshot arrows a touch attack are the arrows themselves, which specifically are called out as touch attacks.

Pupsocket |

Actually, now I'm wondering...
What if you applied it to a weapon with the scatter quality? One piece of ammunition in that instance technically hits every creature within its cone...
Given how the ability is worded, I would just take it literally: The next creature struck takes the effect; the effect does not affect other creatures.

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@ neferas: Hadn't checked on the availability of the tangleshot arrows for PFS. Also found the dye arrows that are touch attack and not PFS legal. Sadness I tell you. Sadness
Another use for alchemical weapon is to give the away. It lasts for a minute and doesn't say who has to fire it. Your Ranger Archer might like having a hybridized acid/alchemists fire that adds you INT damage on it.
A seperate possibility is to have true strike as one of the extracts in your sipping jacket. Although this particular extract being used might need GM permission as its duration is special and not rds or instant.

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@ neferas: Hadn't checked on the availability of the tangleshot arrows for PFS. Also found the dye arrows that are touch attack and not PFS legal. Sadness I tell you. Sadness
Another use for alchemical weapon is to give the away. It lasts for a minute and doesn't say who has to fire it. Your Ranger Archer might like having a hybridized acid/alchemists fire that adds you INT damage on it.
A seperate possibility is to have true strike as one of the extracts in your sipping jacket. Although this particular extract being used might need GM permission as its duration is special and not rds or instant.
yeah none of the actually interesting arrows are pfS legal. As i said a few times as a separate thread, it is clear that the campaign heads WANT bow use to go the way of the dinosaur, and they are getting their wish. I see 10 gunslingers to every 1 archer played. Asking around 10 to 1 seems to be high. Several people I asked have never seen an archer type played, all gunslingers. Again this seems to be what they want to have happen, makes me sad. Loved the classic D&D archer.

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Could you post the link to sky rocket. All I could find was the sky rocket cross bow and wasn't sure that is what the subject was.
all academical weapons
Alchemical Weapon (Su)http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/alchemical-weapons
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/alchemical-weapons#TOC-Sk yrocket-Firework
its listed right before sneezing power on the site and sneezing power is mentioned in the power so i am thinking yes.

thejeff |
I would say no.
a grenadier can infuse a weapon or piece of ammunition with a single harmful alchemical liquid or powder,
this foot-long wooden tube
The Skyrocket firework is not a liquid or powder. It's the whole setup: rocket body, propulsion, explosive.

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I would say no.
Alchemical Weapon wrote:a grenadier can infuse a weapon or piece of ammunition with a single harmful alchemical liquid or powder,Skyrocket Firework wrote:this foot-long wooden tubeThe Skyrocket firework is not a liquid or powder. It's the whole setup: rocket body, propulsion, explosive.
its the powder in the tube that give the bang, so to speak. So not sure this holds water. It would be like saying you cant use alchemist fire because its in the flask. Its a SU ability that allows you to take the properties of a substance and add it to another object.