Necropunk Campaign Setting- Now Live! [Little Red Goblin Games]

Product Discussion

We've been rambling about this for a year now so it's about time we launched this!

Now Available

What is Necropunk?
Play a complex, deep, political, world where Shaolin monks with bone knives fight 11 ft. tall 2 ton bone golems at the speed of precognitive thought.

Subtle Horror in a Sci Fi Pathfinder Campaign Setting?

Necropunk is a campaign scifi setting that offers a look into what it means to be human.

It is, in the strictest sense, a Pathfinder Campaign Setting set in a fantastic future where science has become indistinguishable from magic and necromancy is the flavor of the day.

Once humanity left the Solar System, our bones began to secrete an enzyme called zerostag that made our bones thought-transmissive.

1,000 years later and bones are worth their weight in gold. They are used to create powerful psycho-reactive weapons and armors, giant mecha bone golems, and to augment ships so they can react before the pilot even thinks a command!

Play as a daring grave robber and steal valuable corpses from the brutal capitalistic Necromancers' Guild's graveworlds, an honorable knife wielding Welshen qu'em with the power of the perfect martial art on his side, a hacking exile psychic with the power to take over any necrotech you come across, a political mover and shaker with a dark past, a righteous no-nonsense Sentinel officer, or maybe a 10 year old feat-swapping genius is more your style! Lets not forget the absurdist Magpies who can literally "see the flow of luck" thanks to the symbiotic relationship they have with an alien fish that lives in their stomach!

All this and so much more is tied together with exciting, thought provoking lore.

New System Additions:

  • 9 New Base Classes with a verity of archetypes for each.

  • 8 New Races (factions/cultures).

  • Over 50 new modern/scifi weapons, over 25 new armors, plus grenades and ammo types!

  • Over 100 new feats (including style feats and campaign traits).

  • The rich history of the Necropunk universe, its factions, cultures, languages, technology, and philosophies is explored.

  • Transhumanist body modification (40+)/necrotech rules.

  • Rule for scifi combat complete with zero-g combat rules!

  • Social combat system along with social armors.

  • Mundane weapon modifications/crafting rules (40+).

  • Phase order rules for precognitive combat!

  • Rules for Pathfinder conversions for the new Necropunk game mechanics.

  • Game mastery, character development, and sample plot hooks to run your own Necropunk game!

    PDF Breakdown:

  • Length: 196 pages (189 of content, no ads)

  • Bookmarked: Yes

  • Optimized: Yes

  • Augmented PDF (Check out our built in navigation tools on the side of page!)

  • Size: 15 mb (approx)

    Buying this book will grant you free access to the Necropunk Bestiary & Necropunk Character Sheet PDFs coming soon.

  • Dark Archive


    Oooohhhhh, shiny! :D

    The Golem's got it! Necropunk is now on!

    Liberty's Edge

    I think it is a bit odd that you chose to make this available to purchasers outside of kickstarter before you sent it to kickstarter patrons, but I am seriously looking forward to it. (Note: I guess it is just a few hours, since the notice says it'll be sent out tonight. Must learn patience. . . . .)

    Please take note, this is a project that is being delivered before its estimated delivery date. This is how it should be done.

    Yeah, that was our bad. We thought we could send out the codes for the free PDF before we made it active. We were wrong!

    We actually had to launch on DriveThru in order to generate the codes for the backers.

    They actually should be being sent out as I type this (or at least the codes being generated).

    Thanks for you support!

    We wanted to make sure everyone had the CRB before we released the Kickstarter reward rather than delay EVERYTHING until they were done (which would have been Oct like we said at first).

    Liberty's Edge

    That makes sense then, this will be the first product I've received through a code at drive thru, so I'm not used to that.

    If there is any issue we can manually send them out for you guys.

    We just wanted to use DriveThru so we can make sure you guys automatically get updated versions and whatnot.

    Liberty's Edge

    No, no issue at all, I just wasn't thinking about that. Drivethru is a fine method of doing it, and I appreciate the thoughtfulness. I've just never done that before so I wasn't sure of what to expect.

    They should all be sent out now. Please let me know if there is an issue.

    Silver Crusade

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Code received. Will read through it tonight!

    Liberty's Edge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Not a problem, but a slight oddity. I checked my mac mail program (where I get my aol mail) and it didn't come through there. Checked online at aol and it was in the inbox there. Followed through with everything and got the pdf waiting on me to finish typing this note. My confirmation e-mail from drive thru rpg came through to mac mail just fine, and without delay.

    (Aka. If someone has a problem getting their e-mail and they're on a mac, they may have to get the e-mail from their provider rather than just using mac mail.)

    So apparently there was some weird PPI capitalization issue we are resolving at the moment.

    Liberty's Edge


    Yeah there was some capitalization issue and a her vs hers issues thanks to a blanket find/replace we did late in the game. It has been adjusted and re-uploaded :-)

    As a heads up, we will be releasing the Character Sheet (a form-fillable one and a plain print-friendly one) this Saturday. It is free for all who bought the book.

    Liberty's Edge

    I don't know how y'all feel about anything but would you all like a list of suggestions for fixing? Not like mechanical things but typos and the like? I mean they're not really important but if you're planning on fixing stuff in a few months anyways, it might help to let people put in anything they find.

    P.S. I haven't been able to devote as much time to it as I would've liked, but I'm loving it so far.

    Of course! Any time you guys find something, send it on over.
    No book is perfectly editing on the first release (especially when it's almost 200 pages).
    You can send any minor mistakes to

    We have just added the Necropunk character sheet for free!
    All orders from DriveThru have been updated. Paizo will up updated soon!

    I like the new character sheets, however I found the lack of CMD and SMD spaces disheartening.

    Character Sheet, that's great. But where. Its not at drivethru or in my inbox. Help?!?

    Very very cool!!!

    AlexiDrake wrote:
    Character Sheet, that's great. But where. Its not at drivethru or in my inbox. Help?!?
    I think you can simply re-download the file from DriveThru and it should be the current files (check "My Library") if you bought it there. If you are still having an issue after that, go ahead and send me an email at and we will manually send you the current version of the PDF & character sheets.

    So we just posted Update #40: Tactics Game Update and I missed Update #39: Update on KS Rewards and Update #38: v1.2 Document + Class Guide.

    Bestiary should be out on the 17th. Just waiting on some last min art, a little playtesting and a few more editing passes.

    So we just got back some of our final sketch work on the bestiary and it is looking FANTASTIC.

    A little update on that: All the creatures are done (and playtested), the PDF is partially formatted, and the NPCs are done at all levels other then some polish work on their highest level incarnations. If the winds blow in our favor, it will be out the door Saturday. If not, Tuesday.

    Necropunk v1.4 - v1.5 Change Log

    We got a lot of playtest data recently and we started to comb through it. That means we have a PDF update rolling out tonight! We also added in some new content for our Welshen players who were feeling gear-deprived.

    -Adjusted the Welshen ranged weapon taboo to be a bit softer mechanically.

    -Added clarification on how to use grenades.

    -Added new Welshen War tokens. Were in the initial draft, but got cut for the Welshen source book. We added them back to the CRB Give welshen something to use in place of some of their prohibited gear. Added 12 sample war tokens and rules to create your own. Added cost for tarantula bomb.

    -Removed cap on UTD Use to be no more than 3 above your tech level. Also lowered the DC to use higher tech level. Use to be 10+ 10 per level above your tech level. Now it is 10 + 2 per tech level above yours.

    -Modified weaponsmith’s multiple purchase rules.

    -Clarified Psychic Efficiency: Weapons Changed Gun Nut & Armor Fanatic to improve tech level by 2 rather than 1.

    -Added a line to the stalkers Extra Precise talent: “A stalker may select this talent a second time, if he does so then all percent chances to negate critical hits are reduced by 25%” Removed repeated weapon penalties.

    -Clarified several weapon modifications in minor ways.

    -Removed “Non-magrail firearms do not fire in a vacuum” from the zero G combat section, because apparently that’s a common misconception.

    -Firearms can fire in a vacuum.

    -Made some minor spelling and grammar clean ups.

    -Adjusted an error on chart 3-1: Magpie regarding Rube Goldberg machine.

    -Added several new bookmarks for ease of navigation.

    This should be hitting DriveThru tonight and other sites in the coming week.

    Necropunk Change Log

  • Clarified psychic efficiency weapon & armor to specify that you must be proficient in that armor or weapon.
  • Added “A qu’em cannot use early path against attacks that he is unaware of or when denied his dexterity bonus to AC” to the early path class feature.
  • Clarified how psychic bonuses to AC work (Function in the same fashion as enhancement bonuses).
  • Items with a charge in it: Added “Any item with a psychic charge currently invested in it gains 2 points of hardness and 10 hit points per point of PPI invested in it.”
  • Social Armors: “In order to provide a bonus greater than +2 to a single category a socal armor must provide a bonus at least 2 lower it in one other category. No bonus may be more than 2 higher than another.”
  • Clarified bullet weave in social armor.
  • Adjusted cartilage weave’s entry.
  • Added the option to purchase lower quality bone that has psychic resistance. Added, “Bones with a PRI go for much cheaper on the market, each point of PRI takes 25% off of the materials price, this cannot bring the cost of the material below 25% of the value of adamantine.
  • Added starting wealth for Medic (Not sure how we overlooked that!). It is 3d6 × 10 R (average 105 R.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 R or less and 5 healing kits.
  • Clarified favored classes.
  • Clarified some of the Welshen Acupuncturist’s class features.
  • Qu’em now have Fly in place of Swim on their skill list.
  • Clarified bone needles (bone battle syringes without the ability to inject).
  • Minor adjustments to credits page (added backer information mostly).

    A big thanks to Nicholas Bianchi and his gaming group! They caught a lot of this stuff!
    Happy Gaming!

  • The Stalker talent Face In The Crowd says it requires the Deceptive Stalker talent in order to choose it, but there's no such talent. Also, there are a number of discrepancies between the Stalker's table and their abilities' descriptions:

    • Stalker Talents say you get one every three levels after level two, but the table shows you getting one every two levels.
    • Uncanny Dodge's entry says you get it at level 6, but the table says level 4

    The entry for Mark Target should probably mention it's limited uses too.

    We will look into it and resolve it on Saturday :-)

    So how often are Stalkers supposed to get their talents? I'm assuming it's supposed to be every two levels since all the level requirements for them are even levels.

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