Spectral Shroud and Amulet of Mighty Fist: Ghosttouched

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

So already on my Monk's "to buy" list is the Spectral Shroud, which grants permanent detect invisibility and a way to get away from flying creatures and many other things martials don't like to deal with. For 26K and your usually-unused body slot (monks robe notwithstanding), I recommend it for any martial above, say, 10th level; but that is neither here nor there.

Well, it also enables you, once a day, to turn incorporeal. This is handy for say, fighting incoporeal creatures or getting places you want.

1. So now let's say I want to get even trickier. My Amulet of Mighty Fist has Ghosttouched (or will if I can do some of the interactions I would like), and I would like to grapple my corperal foe from the incorperal world. Is this a legal action?

2. You could argue only "attacks" or corperal; which still begs the question... can I turn incoporeal and, say, trip people from the otherly realm?

3. Finally, someone mentioned on my "drop out to grapple" that, while you would fall immediately once you stopped being incorperal, you could possibly "ready to grapple", then use the dismiss action as a move to grab your flying opponent (dealing with flying invisible mages is a pain yo). Would this be legal?

You could argue only "attacks" or corperal; which still begs the question... can I turn incoporeal and, say, trip people from the otherly realm?

Inquiring monks want to know.

Silver Crusade

Combat maneuvers are defined as attacks. They just have special qualities and resolution. There is some support for the Ghost Grappler, or that 60's menace the Ghost Tripper.

If only you could attack.

PRD wrote:
This thin, bleached cloth covers the wearer’s entire torso. Some also cover the wearer’s face, but don’t interfere with the wearer’s vision. The morbid burial shroud grants the wearer some affinity with the spectral dead. The wearer can discern invisible or ethereal creatures as though using see invisibility. Once per day, the wearer can become incorporeal for 10 rounds and gain a fly speed equal to half his base speed with perfect maneuverability. The wearer can’t attack while incorporeal, but can dismiss the effect as a move action.

Silver Crusade

So there goes the Ghost Tripper. Hallways will feel much safer. It looks like your plan: readying an action to grapple the invisible flying wizard, dismissing the effect as a move action, and then trying to grab the wizard as you fall, is your best bet.

Dark Archive

Yeah, the ghost tripper plan doesn't work by the reading of Incorperal Shroud. Which is good :).

On the other hand, if I'm 50 feet in the air, is it legal for me to ready to grapple the mage,dismiss my spectral shroud as a move action, and grapple him before plunging to the ground? This would save me the expenses of a carpet of flying; as I would rarely expect to need this more than once a day.

Silver Crusade

Readying an action is not the same as taking an action. An example (since we're using monks, which are never simple about anything) would be the Flowing Monk's Redirection ability.

If I ready an action to hit the first the creature to come around the corner (please don't be a Flowing Monk!) and the first creature to step around is (Oh no!) a flowing monk, he doesn't get to redirect my attack until I actually make that roll.

In the same way, if you are incorporeal and get your arms out and fingers all wiggly for a good grab, you're not attacking. You're just positioned to start attacking. Nothing states you cannot assume funny postures or deliberate stances, just that you cannot attack.

Being 50' up has nothing to do with it. Other than, you know, severe consequences for failing. So don't fail.

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