Bonus Spells Question

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

Figure 1. The Bard Table
Figure 2. Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells

The 2nd paragraph on figure 1 states that Bards never have more spells as they are fixed. Yet the first paragraph contradicts that and says bards may have bonus spells based on a high CHA score. How can a bard have bonus spells if his spell number stays fixed? Typo? Errata? I must be missing something.

Assuming 18 CHA:
4/2 at first level or 4/3?

Never played a spellcasting class before, be gentle.

One of these lines refers to the number of spells known. That's figure 1. It's accurate; barring certain racial alternate favorite class bonuses *ahem*human*ahem*, that's all you get. But the second figure is referring to spells per day. And that's when your ability score bonus comes into play.

You need to distiguish between "spells per day" and "spells known"

For the bard, His spells known are fixed and are listed in the table "Table: Bard Spells Known". While his spells per day are laid out in "Table: Bard" and he can get bonus spells per day based on Charisma score as laid out in "Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells".

Grand Lodge

Right. Makes sense....I think. So at level 1 with 18 CHA I would know 2 different level 1 spells but have 3 castings total of said level 1 spells no? If its just 2 castings than I must still be missing something.

A bard ordinarily gets one spell per day at level 1. A charisma of 18 will give you one first level bonus spell.

So, you know 2 first level spells, and can cast any combination of them up to two times (unless you've got an additional spell per day from somewhere).

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