stormborn / master of storms


Scarab Sages

I'm making a stormborn sorcerer, who may go into the master of storms PrC, only thing is that I'm not sure what race to use....

I was thinking of going with the whole "storm" theme, even for a race. n since i don't like humans (ffs I'm a human irl, why be one in a game?)

i know the sorc's main stat is charisma, and I've looked thru all the races i know of, and none seem to fit....if there's any alternate options for races that I'm not aware of, then please bring them up.

the alignment I'm going to play as is CN, which fits the whole "storm" type of theme.

Is this a game on the open seas or on land and potentially horseback?

Scarab Sages

land/potential horseback

First choice i'd have to say would be the Sylph
It is very arguable to any GM that the Air Affinity could easily be counted towards Stormborn. Same with the favored class bonus.

Other great ones:
Samsarans the Mystic Past Life (Su) alternate racial trait... is just amazing.

Depending on the level of the campaign: Merfolk aren't bad, especially if you take something that grants you Fins to feet (or learn the spell)

Or it's worth taking a look at Gillmen Just take either the Riverfolk alternate racial trait, or the throwback alternate racial trait.

Dark Archive

Gnome. It would be great.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I don't like gnomes (in an irrational, they were worthless dwarf/halfling hybrids in 2nd edition, racist kind of way), but it is actually a good option- +2 Con and Cha is handy and being small gives you +1 AC and +1 to attack rolls if you use any touch or ranged touch spells without penalizing any class abilities, plus their nature-y flavor is a good fit. the base aasimar and several of the variants would also be interesting, especially if you want to sort of play up the Thor-ish elements of the class ;)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

actually... this isn't really what you asked, but since this is the internet and i can post whatever i want:

the spell-like abilities that Aasimar get satisfy the casting requirement of MoS. so, you could actually go Barbarian 5/Sorcerer 1 to get in... take elemental rage powers and pick any bloodline that you like the 1st level power of (since the prestige class doesn't grant any of the bloodline powers or bonus spells), maybe elemental[air]. take the eldritch heritage feats for the Stormborn Bloodline- that way you can actually get the higher level powers. if you go with an angel-kin aasimar you'll get +2 Str and Cha, and you really could be Thor :)

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