Oracle Level Requirement / Advancement for Revelations

Rules Questions

Rather than necroing This 2 year old thread
Or trying to wade into This Sorcerer thread, I thought i'd start my own thread.

So It has been discussed somewhat before, where on the requirement for an oracle revelation says:

You must be at least 11th level to select this revelation.

It has been argued that under multiclassing listed here:

Note that there are a number of effects and prerequisites that rely on a character's level or Hit Dice. Such effects are always based on the total number of levels or Hit Dice a character possesses, not just those from one class. The exception to this is class abilities, most of which are based on the total number of class levels that a character possesses of that particular class.

But it does say most.

So, the reason this makes me curious is because of the following:
Flame Mystery
There are many abilities that state: "You must be ___ level to.."

But under Revelations like Wings of Fire
It states:

As a swift action, you can manifest a pair of fiery wings that grant you a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. You can use these wings for 1 minute per day per oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1 minute increments. You must be at least 7th level before selecting this revelation.

Emphasis mine.

Now, if the entire class required you to be a 7th level oracle, then why call out "Oracle level" in the revelation itself. This is not the only time this occurs, it also appears in touch of flame, and gaze of flames.

Then I got to thinking, why would you put a level restriction on it at all? Well, that much is obvious, balance.
But if you had to be a 7th level oracle to get the wings of flame, then what is the point of ever multiclassing into our out of an oracle?

If it is intended to be 7 (or whatever other level restriction) levels of oracle and not just level, then doesn't that kind of just screw the oracle from ever prestiging into anything but the TWO (off the top of my head), prestige classes available for oracles?

Or is it reasonable instead to consider, that perhaps, JUST perhaps, it is intended to mean level and not oracle level?

If a class ability doesn't specify "character" level, then it refers to class level. I'm not aware of any exceptions.

Cult of Vorg wrote:
If a class ability doesn't specify "character" level, then it refers to class level. I'm not aware of any exceptions.
Right, that's the near exact example of
Note that there are a number of effects and prerequisites that rely on a character's level or Hit Dice. Such effects are always based on the total number of levels or Hit Dice a character possesses, not just those from one class. The exception to this is class abilities, most of which are based on the total number of class levels that a character possesses of that particular class.

I'm just curious as to why it wouldn't say all.

Or "unless otherwise specified"
It's just not clearly defined.

The rule is unless is specifies character level it is class level. Sometimes the way things are written isn't always the best or most cohesive. Remember that these books are written by multiple people writing multiple different pieces.

Pathfinder strongly encourages single class play over multiclassing in terms of optimization.

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