What creatures can use possession on a PC?


Have an idea for an adventure but can't seem to find what I'm looking for, creatures that possess!

What am I missing?? Name your favorite possessor!

Liberty's Edge

A few high level creatures have magic jar, if you are looking for low CR the mindslaver mold can dominate person. I personally like the umbral Shepard, it can possess, its incorporeal, and its powers have a nice flavor. "The host slowly dies as the Shepard dissolves him into the shadow plane, and the CR 5 means he could be a fight for low levels.

Falcar wrote:
A few high level creatures have magic jar, if you are looking for low CR the mindslaver mold can dominate person. I personally like the umbral Shepard, it can possess, its incorporeal, and its powers have a nice flavor. "The host slowly dies as the Shepard dissolves him into the shadow plane, and the CR 5 means he could be a fight for low levels.

Thanks Falcar! I hadn't known/looked at the Umbral Shepard before... nice, very much along the lines I was looking for!

Anyone else have something like this, but with different flavor?

Discovered this yesterday, it's perfect.


It's a tiny worm with Charm-Monster equivalent abilities; if it charms you and convinces you to touch it, you act as if dominated as long as touched. Plus these things are created by a boss monster, the Phrenic Scourge.

Shadow demons are classic.

Anyone who can cast 5th level arcane spells can magic jar someone.

Ghost with Malevolence ability.

Paizo Employee Developer

A dybbuk is pretty good at possession.

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