D20 System Rebalance

Homebrew and House Rules

Hi people!!
Im making some house rules and im here to share, if you like something only ask, ill triy to update this one every chance i have
i would love the feedback.

so, let´s begin:

All scores becomes important.

-dexterity for light and one handed slashing and piercing weapon attacks.
-Strenght for bludgeoning and two handed weapons Attacks.
-str bonus always goes for damage.

-Armor as DR subsystem (pathfinder tweeked version)
-Piece meal armor (d20 Diablo 2 version)
-Hit points replaced by Wounds and Vigor from d20 Stars Wars system

-Skill Points only taken at 1st level (check dc is your own relationed ability with some pluses as DC [much like in 2nd edition but towards up instead of down]), then at 4th level and every four level thereafter you aquire more skill points.
-A new system for alchemy (based on the witcher series)
-A new system for item creation (based on demon and dark souls series)
-A new system for alchemy (based on the witcher series) Now have the alchemy skill worth evrything!!
-A new system for item creation (based on demon and dark souls). Forget the problems and take this ones!!
-Weapon proeficiencies comes at first level for weapons and armors (no more the same fighter in the game with all those options that youll never gonna use)

-Intimidate (Constitution + Charisma/2) and Dipplomacy (Intelligence + Charisma/2) (Bluff inserted here) becomes scores, nor skills,
-Sense motive goes away, now you use youre Will save check against the opposite roll as dc.

-Armor size require specific scores
-weapons have prerrequisites scores needed to can be used. the penalties come as you use the weapon without the stat, or the proficiency (proficiencies can be used as a weapon focus three).

-some feats like exotic weapon, focus and specialization feats goes away.
-Arcane Iniciate: non arcane casters or non caster character can use theyre int modifier as slots, maximum level as the mod itself.
with this feat you learn a cantrip.

-Divine Zealot: non Divine casters or non caster character can use theyre wis modifier as slots, maximum level as the mod itself.
with this feat you learn a orizon.

you need take 1 of each level before take one from higher level.
Now you wizard can heal and your cleric can blast (also one of this feats becomes prerreq for theurge master).


So this is mostly what we play at my home.
good point: the system stand alone and works perfectly with evrythin.
bad point: a lot of work to do

i hope your comments, and i know you probably shock and hate because it isnt raw. but i think this was a necesary upgrade.

SOme points are very intriguing but yeah it is a lot of work to restructure some of these things. How far have you gotten on it so far. Maybe you set up a google page as a reference document? I am not sure about giving non caster classes limited spell casting. Just in my game it seems tough for them to get in a few attacks let alone then have a casting option unless it was able to grow with their level. Once complaint I have with some spells is they become totally useless at higher levels.

Juda de Kerioth wrote:
All scores becomes important.




-dexterity for light and one handed slashing and piercing weapon attacks.
-Strenght for bludgeoning and two handed weapons Attacks.
-str bonus always goes for damage.

So I use Dex to attack with a dwarven waraxe, but I use Strength to attack with a light mace? Are you sure you thought this through?

-Weapon proeficiencies comes at first level for weapons and armors (no more the same fighter in the game with all those options that youll never gonna use)

I have no idea what this means.


-Intimidate (Constitution + Charisma/2) and Dipplomacy (Intelligence + Charisma/2) (Bluff inserted here) becomes scores, nor skills,

-Sense motive goes away, now you use youre Will save check against the opposite roll as dc.

These are terrible ideas. Sense Motive scales very strongly with level, but Intimidate/Diplomacy/Bluff barely scale at all. There is no such thing as "training" in Diplomacy or Bluff? Really? A character cannot make any effort to improve those things?

I would continue, but I'm not convinced you have actually thought through the implications of what you are changing.

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