Temporary hit points to recover a fallen PC

Rules Questions

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Hi from Spain

On my last gaming session, one of my players used a Summon Monster IV to summon a hound archon, giving it the order of casting its "Aid" spell-like ability on two allies who were unconscious and dying.

My doubt was that "Aid" isn't a healing spell, but I ruled that if the temporary hit points gained put them above 0 hit points, they could act until the effect dissipated.

What do you think about this use of temporary hit points. Is it correct?


I dont think it works that way, I would say that they are awake but are still bleeding out, and still needs to make the fort save every round.

Zaragoz ruled correctly, IMHO.

If the PC had -4 and gained 10 Temp HP, they would be at 6. That would enable them to act until the spell ends and they are no longer above 0 HP.

Designer, RPG Superstar Judge

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Zaragoz and Komoda are correct.

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