Warpriest help



My friends and i are doing a small game (4PCs and the DM) For one of our friends to try her hand at being a GM. This is a custom game of her own design... so, bear with me.

well, i was the last to pick a class and with out knowing what everyone else had i chose cleric.

The group now consists of a sorcerer, wizard, monk and my cleric. no one is willing to change classes including myself because we are playing our favored classes.

So i decided to go with the "Tank" (As much as i hate applying MMORPG labels to a tabletop game.) I've played a warpriest in 3.5 but can not seem to find anything from pathfinder on it. either i am not looking hard enough, or it just does not exist. we are using all of the books as well as http://www.d20pfsrd.com and the magic item conpendium from 3.5 (At double cost)

I would like to get an idea of what to do or where to find it. here is what i have on my sheet so far;

Level: 1 Race: Dwarf - Mountain Dwarf (Mountaineer and Xenophobic traits) Alignment: L/N Diety: None selected yet (Gods are being created so i have -Some- leway in trying to perswade her to either let me have my own god or have hers have the domains that i would like)

Str 15
Dex 16
Con 16 (After +2 dwarf stat increase)
Int 16
Wis 18 (After +2 dwarf stat increase)
Cha 15 (After -2 Dwarf stat Decrease)

Class Skills:
Appraise: 0
Diplomacy: 6
Heal: 8
Sense Motive: 8
Spellcraft: 7
Knowledge Religion: 7
Knowledge Nobility: 7

Cross Class Skills (That i think would be nice to have)
Acrobatics: 0
Climb: 0
Escape Artist: 0
Swim: 0

What i need is a multi class option if needed or a link to a guide and the feats that i would need.

Thanks for your time.

It looks like you put your lowest attribute (15) in your most important stat (Strength). Why?

"Tanks" are a lie in table top games. Without a disassociated mechanic like 4e's marking or the Antagonist feat, it's entirely reliant on GM fiat.

What you want to do is to be relatively tough, but mostly able to pour out awesome melee damage. If your damage is weak, you're a weak tank, because enemies can safely ignore you. If you're pounding on their guys that try to get by you and generally making yourself appear to be a serious threat, you're doing your job protecting your party.

The feats you need are Power Attack and, uh, yeah, nothing else really matters. Maybe Extend Spell to get your buffs to last longer? Weapon Focus? If you can swing it, get the deity to have a Greatsword, Falchion, or Earthbreaker as a favored weapon (greataxe is an acceptable substitute).

Get buffs with long enough durations to matter--stuff like Shield of Faith is a good low level start--and go to town. Spells you'd have to cast actually in combat (and thus give up a turn of pounding on the enemy for) are not worth taking early on (so don't bother with round/level durations), but will eventually be worth taking when spells totally eclipse melee in the end game.

I think Travel is the strongest domain in the game, hands down. The abilities are just so useful. Destruction and the Growth subdomain both also offer nice benefits to a melee type.

Skills don't matter by mid game. I wouldn't worry too much about them. Int is the 16 I'd recommend switching. And actually, I'd probably go with a 16 in Cha (which drops it to 14--no different than the 15, effectively), the 15 in Int, and a 17 in Str so at 4th level, you can get the 18.

Grand Lodge

Why not Inquisitor?

mplindustries wrote:
It looks like you put your lowest attribute (15) in your most important stat (Strength). Why?

Because up until a couple hours or so ago i was unaware of the rest of the classes, so i put that as str because i was assuming i was going to be the heal battery... again.

Str 17
Dex 16
Con 16 (+2 race)
Int 15
Wis 18 (+2 Race)
Cha 14 (-2 Race)

How does that look?

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Why not Inquisitor?

Because, i don't like the class. they are impressive, i just do not like them.

Heal battery is a wand, not a class

Try telling that to my group. =/

You just have to show them, I am sure you will be able to out fight the monk with those stats, damn.

You only need like, 16 wisdom to cast 6 level spells, you will be fine

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