Pathfinder Chronicles: Faction Guide

Pathfinder Society

Silver Crusade 3/5

I'm having a hard time finding this in the pathfinder society resource section. Is this on the list of resources because I seem to be missing it some how. I'm trying to find it to possibly order it. I saw few cool stuff on line like the trait "Berserker of the Society (Barbarian, Society)" which isnt too shabby for a trait yet can't see if this is on the aloud resources in pfs. Anyone see it or can tell me if it's not allowed?

Grand Lodge 4/5

It's a Pathfinder Campaign Setting book, in order. I used my browser's search.

Liberty's Edge

I think you are asking for the player/additional resources pages. One of the links in the PFS pages for additional resources is broken, but a search on Paizo found it.
The two possible pages you're looking for are:
Player Resources *Which has a number of links, including the link for Additional Resources below
Additional Resources *There is a link to download the Additional Resources in PDF format

I think Starglim may be referring to the Pathfinder Society Field Guide

Hope this helps.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Be careful with the faction guide. Some of the traits in it got updated in the Shattered Star Player's Guide, but those revised versions aren't legal. It has to be the ones as printed in the Faction Guide.

Shadow Lodge

Iammars wrote:
It has to be the ones as printed in the Faction Guide.

...which basically means that they still have the class requirements.

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Here is the Faction Guide Product Page.

Be aware the Factions listed in it are not the PFS Factions, in fact the Pathfinder Society is just one of the listed factions. Others include Red Mantis Assassins, HellKnights, Andoran Eagle Knights and the Church of Razmir to name a few.

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