People of...

Pathfinder Player Companion

I like the couple of these we've seen (or at least i like the look of the one ive seen and the one thats been announced). I don't have any catchy titles but would like to suggest some more I'd love to see:

  • Geb and Nex
  • Molthune and Nirmathas
  • Absolom

There are others (like razmiran) that would be interesting, but I'm more interested in a campaign guide for those. The above list are ones I'd like to see even if there were no concurrent campaign guide, adventure or AP. I think they'd make interesting places for PCs to come from, even if the adventure was elsewhere.

Cheliax, Taldor and Andoran are the other obvious ones, but I'm presuming the existence of a 3.5 companion for those kind of pushes them down the "likelihood" list.

Silver Crusade

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Strongly suspect Nex, Geb, the Mana Wastes, and Jalmeray would get rolled into People of Magic or somesuch.

Cheliax, Andoran, Isger, Nidal, Galt, and that whole extended family seems like a good match given their web of connections, but that's an awfully crowded bok.

It might seem non-intuitive, but I could see Qadira and Taldor working in a sort of People of Conflict book. But then again Qadira and Katapesh would probably be paired together elsewhere. Hmm...

I figure you could easily combine lots of them, but I think their value is enhanced with just two (or maybe three) countries per book. As it is, I found people of the north left me wanting more in each region.

Maybe Nex, Geb, Mana Wastes in one and Jalmeray, Qadira, Katapesh in another? (People of the East?)

Silver Crusade

Yeah, that People of the East combo sounds more likely.

Y'know, People of the South could easily cover "only" the Mwangi and give each of the ethnicities covered by that blanket term as in-depth a treatment as the others in their own books too... Bonuwat and Zenj seem to be in good shape already, but it feels like the Mauxi don't get as much attention and the Bekyar could use a shot of nuance in the arm. :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

My thoughts lean toward People of Mana for Nex, Geb, and the Mana Wastes, and People of the Lamp for Qadira, Jalmeray, and Katapesh. Those groupings, at least; titles are not my strong suit.

...the lie?


I'm sort of torn on this. I would absolutely love to see a Kitsune of Golarion book get written, but at the same time I'm so ridiculously vocal about the kitsune that i would probably hate it unless I wrote it myself.

Weird how life does that to you, eh?

I would also love to see something called "People of Grit," a book about Alkenstar.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

How about Brevoy? It's in the background of the Kingmaker campaign but for some reason we're given minimal information on it.

Indeed, Brevoy, Mendev, and Iobaria might be a good "People of the Mists" volume in reference to the lake they border?
It might also cover the distinct Dwarven culture of Zavaten Gura...
Although maybe leave that for a volume covering the area north/east of the Lake/Iobaria?

There is the whole pseudo-Slavic thing going on that isn't really explained how it relates to the supposed official ethnicities,
yet could appear to be it's own crypto-ethnicity perhaps combining Ulfen and Kellid influence, perhaps an ethnicity in the making?

People of Encarthan: Molthune, Nirmathas, Druma?

Silver Crusade

Quandary wrote:

People of Encarthan: Molthune, Nirmathas, Druma?

People of the Lake!

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