Eidolon questions (and some more stuff)

Rules Questions

Sovereign Court

Hi all, i am new of the game, was looking for some clarification

1) if an eidolon qualifies for a secondary attack (for example a serpentine form with tail attack), is this attack made at -5 right ?
and also, can be made the same round of the standard attack ?
if so, it can be done only using a full attack option ?
or can be part of the routine of a standard action ?

2) when an eidolon gains 1 evolution point, it has to be immediately spent.
since there are evolutions costing 3 or 4 points, is to be assumed that the evolutions can be resetted at any level, if the summoner wants it ?
example: i have a first level eidolon, 3 points spent to get
- 1 improved damage
- mount
- improved armor
when i get to second level, i get 1 evolution
if i want to get the limbs evolution (2 ev. points) i cant put the evolution gained aside until it's 3rd level, i need to shuffle them ?
so for example i keep improved damage (1) and improved armor (1) and get the limbs (2) ?
i am correct ? if not, can i have some clue about this ?

thanks in advance

1) All secondary natural attacks are made at -5 and deal 1/2 strength damage. They can be done as part of a full-attack option along with the rest of the eidolon's natural attacks, unless that secondary attack is the only attack that Eidolon has, then it can be done as a standard action.

2) I don't know of any rule other than common sense that says you HAVE to spend all of an Eidolon's evolution points, but you just won't get any benefit from them by 'saving' them, you're better off buying a cheaper evolution until you level-up and can reshuffle them.

Since you can change all your Eidolon's evolutions each time you gain a level, it is a little silly to save your evolution points.

"Whenever the summoner gains a level, the number in this pool increases and the summoner can spend these points to change the abilities of the eidolon. These choices are not set. The summoner can change them whenever he gains a level (and through the transmogrify spell)."

Sovereign Court

thanks to both, what i wanted to know about the second question it was if i had read right, that is, if i could reshuffle them all the times i got a new level.
obviously the basic form is set, i cant change it right ?
or by the transmogrify spell i can change it aswell ?

Liberty's Edge

Every time you gain a level, you can completely change your eidolon's evolutions. You can use the Transmogrify spell if you want to change your eidolon's evolutions at another time.
EDITAs you said, the one thing you cannot change is the eidolon's base form.

Sovereign Court

i have seen that the transmogrify spell cant be used to change the base form (as you edited).
it's otherwise possible to change the form at each level gain ?
or is also impossible, so basically once chosen at level 1, the form cant be changed anymore ?

(thanks for all the answers btw)

Tommaso Gollini wrote:

thanks to both, what i wanted to know about the second question it was if i had read right, that is, if i could reshuffle them all the times i got a new level.

obviously the basic form is set, i cant change it right ?
or by the transmogrify spell i can change it aswell ?

AFAIK, you can only change the base form if you are a 8th level Evolutionist.

Liberty's Edge

Human summoner, biped eidolon
First level:
Free evolutions: claws, limbs (arms), limbs (legs)
Chosen evolutions (3 points): bite, climb, gills

Second level:
Free evolutions:claws, limbs (arms), arms (legs)
These are what makes the eidolon biped. They cannot be changed.
Chosen evolutions (4 points): tail, tail slap, slam, gills

There are two ways a summoner (other than Evolutionist) can change his eidolon's evolutions: gain a level or use Transmogrify. When the summoner changes his eidolon's evolutions through either method, he starts with a clean slate, other than the free evolutions. He has a given number of evolution points to spend, and he can spend them however he wishes. A second level biped eidolon could have four tales, if that is what the summoner wants.

A summoner (other than Evolutionist) cannot change his eidolon's base form at all. Ever. No way.

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