APL (Average Party Level)


Greetings all
How do You Figure APL?
Do only Count the PCs or do you include the NPC they have Hired?(not cohorts)
Example My current Party:
13th lvl Druid, 11th lvl Cleric, 11th lvl Wizard, 11th lvl Magus, and a 12th lvl Inquisitor(with 10th lvl Bard/Witch Cohort) just Hired the following NPCs to fill out the party
2 11th lvl fighters
1 8th lvl cleric
1 9thlvlv ranger
1 7th lvl ranger
1 8th lvl Fighter
and 1 7th lvl fighter
would this be an APL 9 group or an APL9+4(+1per every 2 after 5+14
or APL 11 just counting the PCs?

The Exchange

For purposes of calculating an appropriate EL, you need to count the total number of characters, not just the number of PCs. Two exceptions spring to mind: familiars, and mounts/animal companions/etc. that are serving as steeds most of the time rather than 'operating independently'.

Everything on one side vs everything on the other


I use APL = average level of player characters & NPCs who are higher level than the lowest level PC, with an addition for other NPCs. There is not specific math to it, just try to figure out how much utility the NPCs provide. In your example this party is closer in power to an APL 13 party than an APL 11 party.

The APL determination rules provide a guideline for assessing the power of the party, if following the rules provides a poor assessment then don't follow the rules.

Thank you this helps alot

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