Wasum |

Hey there!
I am DMing Kingmaket and we're about to start the third book - varnhold vanishing. Now I just was informed there will be one additional player next session (in 2 days) and I have no clue how to blend him into the story.
It will be an half orc guide ranger and I have no idea how to plausibly add him to the party. Why would he join that group and why would a king and his crew. Travel around with that half orc? I dont really have a good idea tight now - help appreciated! I'd be teally glad for some suggestion:)
Thanks in advance!

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Well, most readily of all, he could be a distant relation to one of the other PCs on his human parent's side - a "moochy" relative who's joining the entourage hoping to cash in.
Secondly, he could be a long-time resident of those lands who has heard that civilization is finally coming to the area and thinks it's about time.
Thirdly, he might start out as an agent for one of the local bosses the PCs overthrew/are going to overthrow, who decides that he'll do better to cast his lot with the group. (As long as the players have openly discussed this option, role-playing their ignorance of his motives and 'turning' him to act as a double agent can be fun; but not all groups are up for that.)
These all depend on how the new player wants to portray the character, so I guess my most fundamental advice would be to ask that new player, flat-out, what sort of person the new PC is, and plan something out between yourselves.

Dragonamedrake |

He might work for an organization that wants the new kingdom to succeed and sends one of its best agents to help (the new PC).
He might have some key or bit of information about the events that are going to transpire in the next volume (Haven't played Kingmaker yet).
He might be related to one of the PC's (as Lincoln suggested).
And as Lincoln suggested... It never hurts to get the new player and the other players together to come up with a backstory as to why they would suddenly add a new companion. Let everyone help come up with the story. It could turn out to be fun for them and add to the RP.

Garde Manger Guy |

He could be the son of a minor noble in the outlying area that the PC's need to court favor with. Maybe a bastard with the half orc parentage. "I will join/agree to trade with your kingdom only if you accept my son into your service" kind of a thing.
He comes from an area close to the Varnhold is the easiest way to go. Who better than a Ranger native to the area to guide you around? That way if he doesn't continue to play with the group it can be assumed that he went back to/stayed in the Varnhold area when the AP is over.