henkslaaf |
Hey all!
My character is a lawful evil character. Therefore, he's really lawful and really evil. So he's cruel and will use any loophole left in any contract, but will keep to the letter of the contract, if not the spirit.
What skill would you use to reasonably expect the cleric to know things about contracts?
* Diplomacy is fitting
* Linguistics would fit (wording of the law if very important and leave many opportunities)
* Knowledge (local) mentions local laws
* Profession (barrister) is really fitting, but you wouldn't use it much
I maxed out diplomacy already and I've taken a bit of Knowledge (nobility).
So there are many overlapping skills and taking all of them is impossible if you want a playable character.
Any advice?
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Necroluth |
Hey all!
My character is a lawful evil character. Therefore, he's really lawful and really evil. So he's cruel and will use any loophole left in any contract, but will keep to the letter of the contract, if not the spirit.
What skill would you use to reasonably expect the cleric to know things about contracts?
* Diplomacy is fitting
* Linguistics would fit (wording of the law if very important and leave many opportunities)
* Knowledge (local) mentions local laws
* Profession (barrister) is really fitting, but you wouldn't use it muchI maxed out diplomacy already and I've taken a bit of Knowledge (nobility).
So there are many overlapping skills and taking all of them is impossible if you want a playable character.
Any advice?
One of my characters in a homebrew right now is just such a character, an Infernal Sorceror. I have used all of those skills mentioned, plus Bluff (to sweet-talk a jury) and Intimidate (cross examinations). All of these skills can help a good barrister, although the profession skill really just helps you know how to file a tort or what the steps are for jury selection. Knowing what the laws are is key, though, and Knowledge: Local should not be passed up. While skill points are at a premium, a high Int plus favored class bonus (plus racial, if human) can keep you in the game.
Claxon |
Profession: Lawyer
Profession: Barrister is the same thing. Barrister is the British word equivalent for lawyer.
I would say a combination of Profession Barrister, Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Bluff, Knowledge Local would be combined to accomplish over all what you want.
Profession Barrister would represent your knowledge on how to write up a binding legal contract. Knowledge local would let you know what laws were applicable in the region to properly write up the agreement, diplomacy/bluff would be to convince someone that you have their best interests at heart and are going to help them, and sense motive would allow you to determine how convincing you're being (maybe). In any event, no one skill is going to give you everything you're wanting, but you could do it with all those I've mentioned above. However, you could probably do away with diplomacy because you're legitimately trying to screw people over (as a LE creature).
Theconiel |
I would add Knowledge (History) and Perform (Oratory) to the list.
...and Perform (Act)
Helic |
Profession: Barrister should cover the bulk of it. Writing contracts, reading contracts, arguing legal cases, as well as knowledge of law (Knowledge: Local covers this too, but is more than just laws - Profession: Barrister should grant you legal knowledge but nothing for local customs or traditions).
Diplomacy/Sense Motive/Bluff are nice to have, but not strictly necessary for lawyers. Many lawyers have very dull jobs sorting through documents and the like, don't let legal TV shows fool you into thinking it's all dramatic courtroom proceedings. If you're just a contract lawyer, it's unlikely you'll be involved with juries in trial, that sort of thing is usually for criminal proceedings.
NotMousse |
I know this isn't a skill, but, if you're a caster I would strongly suggest Power Word: Objection!
Makarion |
It also depends on jurisdictions. Believe it or not, but most RL countries actually don't allow for juries in their justice system. [Whether that is good or not I won't go into.] Obviously, that would change your useful skills. I'd probably favour profession (barrister) > knowledge (local) > linguistics > diplomacy (to deal with the police more than witnesses or juries). If the local justice system is very classic fantasy, add knowledge (nobility/religion), since the judges will likely either be priests or noblemen.
lemeres |
Knowledge (history) might be useful, since a lot of laws, particularly laws prior to the printing press, were based off of precedent.
Example: the previous governor of the area was highly revered, and the people hold a annual holiday in his memory. The governor ruled in a case similar to yours, and found it in favor of the side similar to yours. Draw upon local tradition and loyalty to manipulate the masses.
tonyz |
Diplomacy is the main skill, for negotiations. Bluff is also very important, particularly if you're trying to deceive people.
Sense Motive, Sense Motive, Sense Motive. Probably even Skill Focus (Sense Motive). You really need to be able to figure out who's telling the truth, what your client isn't telling you, whether the guy on the other side of the table is bluffing or serious...
Knowledge (whatever your law practice specializes in) -- but local, nobility, and religion are almost all musts. Depending on where you operate, of course; it's entirely possible that any of them could be handy. What if you were dealing with a contract involving an aqueduct (engineering) for mind flayers (dungeoneering) running through a foreign country (geography) built by elementals (planes)... ?
Linguistics, definitely. Multiple languages, scribing beautiful contracts, detecting forgeries (and since you're evil, making some yourself)
Intimidate is not altogether unheard of. "Nice contract you got there. Be a shame if some codicil to it were to show up."