Barvo Delancy |
Hey there,
I've been playing Pathfinder and its d20 predecessor for a while now, but have been a GM-only for the last decade or so. I'd really like to get back into playing, and PbP seems to fit my model of how much free time I have. I've never done PbP but can promise regular updates, enthusiasm, and cooperation. I also have no preference for race/class - it's all fun to me. So you need a role filled and I will fill it.
Oh yeah, I should mention I am currently running ROTR and Carrion Crown so those have obviously been spoiled all to hell for me. :D
therealthom |
Welcome, Barvo!
While this kind of post is sometimes answered, don't be surprised if no one grabs you for a game in this thread.
If you really want to play PbP, I suggest checking recruitment everyday and actively applying to whatever recruitment threads interest you. The main ways to distinguish yourself from the rest of the rabid pack trying to get into a game are:
1. Read the DM's introduction and build rules carefully and follow them.
2. Create a character that will play nice with others.
3. Write a good backstory. (It doesn't need to be a book, but it should give the DM a good idea of who this character is and what it will act like in the game. This is also a chance for him to see if he likes your writing style.)
4. Make your stat sheet as easy to read as possible.
I was put through the wringer while trying to get into a game recently. The process was unusually tough, and even though I didn't get in, I feel like my PC and application skills were better for it. Linked here. I suggest browsing through that thread and several other recruitment threads, just to see what might work for you and what might not.
Also, sometime during the application process, I strongly suggest you check the DM' aliases, especially if she is running other games. Look for writing style and frequency of posting. I've been disappointed a number of times by games that die very young indeed.
Above all do not get discouraged. Keep trying. Your game is out there.
Good luck!