Question related to three dimension space.

Rules Questions

Hi, I'm just wondering does a character damage another if he falls and "hits" the other guy. If it does, how would it be calculated?

Also, when you cast create pit that can be 30 feet deep into a space where a creature is 25 feet underneath ground (by abilities such as burrow), do you force it into the pit or compressed it further downward?

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Create Pit actually creates an extradimensional space that is accessible only through the "hole" on the ground.

Create Pit wrote:
You must create the pit on a horizontal surface of sufficient size. Since it extends into another dimension, the pit has no weight and does not otherwise displace the original underlying material.

So create pit does nothing to a burrowing character.

As far as falling object damage, there is a table for that.

Thanks, guess I didn't read create pit descriptions thoroughly.

For the falling question, what I meant is if character A fell from a cliff and accidentally hit creature B who is under the cliff, does creature B take the same falling object damage as character A, share the damage with A, or has another way for calculating damage he takes (assume creature B gets damaged if he occupies on the square character A fell unto)

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Treate the falling character as a falling object to determine the damage he does to the character underneath him (creatures should probably be considered "lighter material" except for obvious cases like a stone golem or earth elemental), and the falling character takes damage normally from the fall.

Yeah, sorry. Guess I could have specified that you just treat a falling creature as a falling object for the purposes of causing damage when landing on another creature.

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