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Website Feedback

Has there been any thought to implementing something like this? (With an option to appear or not appear to others at the users discretion).

I find it useful on other forums to know when the person I'm talking to is still reading the forum, writing a post, etcetera. (My favourite is when ones profile says something like - user X is replying to thread titled "ABC").

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Shadow Lodge


More importantly:

Where are the custom emoticon options for this forum?


I don't understand any of those replies, but I do find it useful on the other forums I've posted on (and its always been simple to toggle on and off for those who don't want to be visible to others).

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Depending on how quickly the notification refreshes, Gorbacz and I will be in almost every sub forum at the same time.

You're two of the people I'd be following. (Plus that TOZ guy).

It's not so much about knowing where other posters are. It's more I'm sometimes curious whether they're drafting a reply or have logged off.

I never understood the alias option on the forums..what is the point of having alias accounts to your nick on here?

PBP characters is one frequent use. Joke names being another common one.

If I'd known when I signed up that my real name was going to be my forum tag and that alias option existed, I'd probably have taken it.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

I don't have a problem with Steve's concept; Gary would have to offer an opinion on how transactionally expensive it is, though. It would be a top-level "is logged in" thing, though—people aren't really "in" subforums in our system.

Ah, I see. Thanks. It's hardly urgent, but if it were a trivial thing to I'm,event, it would be useful to me.

... "implement?" :)

I'm not sure I'm ever "logged off." I never have to sign in when I navigate to the forums.

Stubby fingers and the iPad autocorrect don't always mix well. :(

I never have to sign in either, so maybe what I'm looking for would either be impossible or meaningless...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

There's a difference between being logged in and having an active session. That's another thing Gary would have to work out: whether having an active session is close enough to "being online" that it would actually be useful for anyone.

Steve Geddes wrote:

PBP characters is one frequent use. Joke names being another common one.

If I'd known when I signed up that my real name was going to be my forum tag and that alias option existed, I'd probably have taken it.

If I understand what you're saying, you don't want to post with your real name. Why not just create an alias and start using that now?

I don't really mind, I just wouldn't have done that if I'd realised the choice I was making. By the time I thought about it, the damage (trivial though it is) had been done. Now I don't like the aesthetics of half my posts being under my name and half as an alias.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Friendly reminder: if anybody would be interested in suing me/punching me in the face, my real name and contact info is in my profile. I've already had one gentleman plan a trip to Poland in order to tell me what kind of Euro Jerk I am using his Fists of Amurican Fury.

Sadly, he never turned up. Oh well. Come at me, bros!

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Gorbacz wrote:

Friendly reminder: if anybody would be interested in suing me/punching me in the face, my real name and contact info is in my profile. I've already had one gentleman plan a trip to Poland in order to tell me what kind of Euro Jerk I am using his Fists of Amurican Fury.

Sadly, he never turned up. Oh well. Come at me, bros!

When I was a younger man, taunting people on the Interwebs, I used to actually give out my address (I was in dorms at the time) to anyone who threatened me, thus demonstrating that they were all talk. Successfully, as evidenced by the fact that I'm not dead.

These days I'm not quite so bold. On the other hand, I try to post under my real name (this temporary alias notwithstanding) to keep myself honest. In other words, this is me behaving. ;p

For me it's nothing to do with how I'm viewed here. I'm just not clear on how my reasonably regular posting on a gaming site would be viewed by some of my clients (in the unlikely event it came to their attention).

I wouldn't give my home address, but I'd give ways of finding me.

ANd I made one joke at Gorbacz's expense (inferring his bag was full of b.s. cuz he made some outlandish post) and it got viewed as flaming.

Uh oh wait. Does that mean its now a flaming bag of bs? I better leave it on my annoying neighbors doorstep now.

Well anyone could technically find me with my profile, there isn't exactly a crap ton of Christos Gurd(s) floating around the globe. Btw hello from Michigan.

...did I make it weird

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I actually think this sort of thing is generally bad for busy webboards for a few reasons:

1) "I know you're online, why are you not responding? Did I hit a nerve?" If staff do not go invisible, as mod/admins can do under these sorts of board options, they will eventually get called out by people on why they're not responding to their particular concern-of-the-moment. Big deal? No, this happens already with the really insistent and incessant types, but it could very well have the reciprocal effect of prompting more staff to go invisible and not respond to other threads on the hours they are not responsible for being online. So, we could see a general, albeit slight, downturn in the transparency and downright folksiness we enjoy from Paizo.

2) "I see you're responding, dance for me my puppets!" The ability to see your hated nemesis is responding, or, even better, 8 different regular posters are typing a response to your flamebait feeds that atavistic, attention-whoring rush common among so many trolls. No need to fuel the sense of brinksmanship some of the more adversarial posters already enjoy.

Minor things, but those are the sort of little things that add to an atmosphere of negativity I've seen on other boards.

I hadnt really thought of that (the idea of posting just to upset someone being a pretty foreign concept to me :/). I wont pretend to have much experience with online forums, so if that's a likely outcome I'd have to "vote" against my own proposal. :p

Silver Crusade

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I'm not entirely sure how, but I'm pretty sure this will result in genitals everywhere, just like image uploading.


Life will find a way, after all.

genitals. Flagged.

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