Teller of Tales |
9 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |

At 11th level, a myrmidarch using a multiple-target spell with this ability may deliver one ray or line of effect with each attack when using a full-attack action, up to the maximum allowed by the spell (in the case of ray effects). Any effects not used in the round the spell is cast are lost.
I'm not sure how to understand the interaction between the spell and the full attack.
Is it supposed to mean:a) That the spell is cast as part of the full-attack action, adding its effect to a number of attacks (up to the limit of the spell) and resolving the rest as normal.
b)That the spell is cast as part of the full-attack action, adding its effect to a number of attacks (up to the limit of the spell) and forfeiting the rest.
c)Keeping the spell casting as a different action altogether, with the option to add the effects to some attacks of any full-attack action this round instead of instantly resolving them as rays/lines of effect.
While I would (from an outside context) say a) (or maybe b)) was the most likely intent, in my eyes the written text points to c), meaning it can only ever be used with quickened spells or very weird combinations (note that the last line also invalidates casting the spell in an earlier round).
Or am I missing something obvious here?

PhelanArcetus |

Normal Spellstrike lets you deliver a melee touch spell with a non-touch melee weapon attack. Level 4 Ranged Spellstrike lets you deliver a ranged touch spell with a normal ranged attack, but only delivers one missile / ray. (By my reading, all additional rays/etc. are lost when doing this.)
At level 11 it appears that this is meant to interact with Spell Combat, allowing the Myrmidarch to perform Spell Combat and Ranged Spellstrike together to deliver all rays (up to maximum attacks or maxmimum rays, whichever is less).
Basically, level 11 Ranged Spellstrike is useless without Spell Combat, but you'll likely be using that most of the time anyway.

Teller of Tales |
2 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |

No, that it interact with spell combat in any way is pretty much impossible for two reasons:
a) Spell Combat is no Full Attack action, but Ranged Spellstrike calls out Full Attack Action.
b) Spell Combat only works with a one handed or light melee weapon, not a ranged weapon (which is required for Ranged Spellstrike).
So yeah, if Ranged Spellstrike would be useless without Spellcombat, then it would be just plain useless. Because it can't be used with Spellcombat. Ever.

Teller of Tales |

Na, I don't think this is affected in any way by the Spellcombat FAQ, since one was NEVER able to use Spellcombat and Ranged Spellstrike together, since Spellcombat always required a Meele Weapon.
And to say Spellcombat is no Full Attack is in no way a rules change, since it always said Full round action. The only thing leading to problems is giving that as the reason for haste not to work.
I just brought Ranged Spellstrike up now because over all the fuss about spellcombat I took it on myself to read all the magus abilities again in detail (never played or even saw a myrmidarch). And I just have no idea how this one is intended...

Skylancer4 |

At 2nd level, whenever a magus casts a spell with a range of “touch” from the magus spell list, he can deliver the spell through any weapon he is wielding as part of a melee attack. Instead of the free melee touch attack normally allowed to deliver the spell, a magus can make one free melee attack with his weapon (at his highest base attack bonus) as part of casting this spell. If successful, this melee attack deals its normal damage as well as the effects of the spell. If the magus makes this attack in concert with spell combat, this melee attack takes all the penalties accrued by spell combat melee attacks. This attack uses the weapon’s critical range.....
Spellstrike is actually based off the casting action of the spell and allows for the spell to be delivered via weapon. So the 11th level ability modifies that casting, in essence the casting of the spell and delivering of the multiple rays via weapon, is a full attack action. At that level using ranged spell strike gives you a choice, standard action (make one attack) or full attack action (make multiple attacks according to your BAB if your CL allows for them). The precedence for this can be found under the touch attack rules, you can cast a spell that allows for multiple targets (typically standard action; 1 touch) and modify that into a full round action to touch up to 6(?) allies.
I would run it like a full attack action, allow casting of the spell and 1 attack as a standard action. After this, if they decided to make another attack, it stretches it out to a full attack action.

MeatForTheGrinder |

How it works:
It does not, for the reasons you stated.
How it is probably supposed to work:
Level 20 myrmidarch casts Scorching Ray as part of a full round action, gaining iterative weapon attacks as a full attack. The first three ranged weapon attacks that hit deliver the damage of one ray from the spell in addition to the weapon damage from the ranged attacks.

Teller of Tales |

But does the limit on the number of rays only limit the number of enhanced attacks or the number of all attacks?
The fact that one can touch up to 6 willing targets with some spells does not have anything to do with ranged spellstrike.
Btw, if you want to mark this for FAQ (I did now since it seems there is at least some confusion with a few other people too), please mark the first post. My second post (which it seems some have marked) does not contain any questions...

Kazaan |
Fact 1) Spell Combat requires a one-handed or light melee weapon so you cannot combine Ranged Spellstrike with Spell Combat since RSs requires a ranged weapon.
Fact 2) Ranged Spellstrike, at lvl 11, grants you the ability to deliver multi-target ranged touch attacks via weapon when you use the Full Attack action. It says nothing about the casting of the spell, however even a multi-target ranged touch spell cast and delivered normally allows you to multi-target as part of the action Cast a Spell.
Inference A) Instead of delivering the ranged touch spell as a free ranged touch attack, you are given a free full-attack as part of the casting to deliver it since, otherwise, you'd never be able to use the ability.
Inference B) Instead of a free full-attack as part of casting (which would imply you spend a standard to cast, get a free full attack, and still have your move), you are permitted to spend a full-round action to use Full Attack and consolidate the standard action into it. This would mean that you cannot utilize Ranged Spellstrike in a round you've already spent your move action; only in a round where you've only spent your standard to cast your spell and still have a move action available and you can't take your move action after the full attack.
The basic premise that can always be assumed is that an ability is intended to work. If you assume that something is in the game but doesn't work for reasons other than inadvertent error, you fail at logic forever. If it doesn't work explicitly, make every attempt to explain it implicitly. If it cannot work even implicitly, then there is an error in how it is written. Possible errors include, but are not limited to, writing errors and conflicts with existing rules. So, given the standpoint that Ranged Spellstrike must work, the most logical implied method is that the casting of a qualifying spell permits you to make a full-attack action in the same round you cast the spell even though you wouldn't otherwise be able to; specific trumps general. The only remaining question, in that case, is how this full-attack action is reconciled with your action economy; whether you must spend a full-round action to cast the spell and deliver via full-attack or you get to make a full-attack as a free action and retain your move action for the round.

![]() |

Na, I don't think this is affected in any way by the Spellcombat FAQ, since one was NEVER able to use Spellcombat and Ranged Spellstrike together, since Spellcombat always required a Meele Weapon.
And to say Spellcombat is no Full Attack is in no way a rules change, since it always said Full round action. The only thing leading to problems is giving that as the reason for haste not to work.I just brought Ranged Spellstrike up now because over all the fuss about spellcombat I took it on myself to read all the magus abilities again in detail (never played or even saw a myrmidarch). And I just have no idea how this one is intended...
This isn't exactly true. You CAN use ranged spellstrike as is you are just really restricted in what weapons you can use.
As of right now I believe you can only use Brass Knife, Clubs, Daggers, Throwing Axes, Shortspear, Trident, Starknife and Chakram.Each of these weapons are a Light or one handed melee weapon with a ranged increment.
As for the level 11 ability that's trickier since you don't get the full attack action.
Ah well I never liked that archetype to begin with.

Teller of Tales |

Pistol with the archetype should work the same as a bow etc. (as firing a pistol it is a ranged weapon attack).
But you can't use a pistol with spellcombat.
That you can use a throwable melee weapon with spellcombat and ranged spellstrike seems to be also possible by RAW. Though I highly doubt it was intended, going completely against the flavor text of the class and using the less that obvious double nature of many throwing weapons....

Skylancer4 |

But does the limit on the number of rays only limit the number of enhanced attacks or the number of all attacks?
The fact that one can touch up to 6 willing targets with some spells does not have anything to do with ranged spellstrike.
Btw, if you want to mark this for FAQ (I did now since it seems there is at least some confusion with a few other people too), please mark the first post. My second post (which it seems some have marked) does not contain any questions...
The reference was pertinent because we already have something that allows a 'standard' action spell to be used in a full round action (of which a full attack is). Something already exists that allows you to extend such an action and modify its use, which is what Ranged Spellstrike does. The only reason I see to FAQ is your question in this post, how many/which type of attacks are you allowed. From what it says I would say the number of attacks is however many you get from the spell, but that isn't a given.