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No problem, just wanted to be sure you did not miss that post.
I do not mind not getting a hint at all, and would not recommend you giving out hints for these things. After all, it was Garret's decision to leave as much as he did and the decision of the others not to go up and investigate.

GM Alice |

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Pirate baddie had it equipped in PFS Corsair locker and I equipped it. Did I do something wrong? It was my first ever PFS so I am unsure of rules??

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Yeah, you don't keep anything you find in a PFS scenario. You get the gold for everything you find at the end, and then if the item is on the Chronicle Sheet, you can then buy it for the listed price.
A side-effect of how this works is that if you find any consumables in the scenario you can feel free to use them up, because you won't be keeping them and you may be able to buy them back afterwards anyway.

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Ok, I will adjust my sheet when I get home. My AC will drop by a few points but that's really all lol. Still gonna have a bunch o HP :)

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now fixed and correct...my AC went from 19-->18 lol..gained +2 from shield since I went back to my warhammer and +1 dex since I went back to scale mail :)

GM Alice |

Thayn, we've got 6 at the moment. I can technically run 7 at max, but I would really prefer not to. This scenario isn't overly challenging with even four people, as an introductory session, and adding yet another to the mix will probably put it well over the limit. If they're really desperate to join in a game, I can probably squeeze them in, though.
BTW, I'll check everyone's character sheets shortly for any oddities :)

GM Alice |

@Chasik, not sure what your trait 'Brave' is. I suspect it might be 'Courageous' to explain your +2 bonus against fear, however, that is a Combat Trait and thus cannot be taken along with Deft Dodger (which is also a Combat Trait). One of the two needs to be switched out for another trait.
I also suspect your gold/possessions don't add up correctly, but that's a minor detail. Just make sure you have a look at that at some point. :)
@Nicolae, your Fort Save should be +4.
@Yarg, Tieflings get a bonus language (either Abyssal or Infernal) that you haven't added.
Also, you seem to have treated Knowledge (Local) as a class skill, although I can't determine why.
I'd appreciate if you put details of other stuff like initiative and attacks, etc., on your profile, too.
@Thayn, I noticed that you still have the masterwork longspear from the last game...
As the discussion above says, you can't keep items you find from scenario to scenario, although you can certainly buy it if you want to. (That'd be a pretty cool memento of the first game!) :)
I wasn't sure if you has chosen to buy it or not, so I thought I'd ask.

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I found "Brave" under regional traits, I thought those were allowed?

GM Alice |

Oh, I see... This trait, right?
I strongly suggest not using d20pfsrd for PFS material if you can. After they made the stupid decision to splatter their site with ads and start selling everything everywhere, they had to remove all "in-world" references and changed the names of anything that referred to Golarion.
That trait is actually called Intrepid Delver, which implies that you were from a certain region in Tian Xia. Now, I don't care if you want to reflavour this, but you should probably use the correct name.

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Initiative Added to the status bar, Abyssal added to languages and changed Knowledge Local (non class skill, my bad - I thought it would be) for Diplomacy.

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I will simply pick a different trait :)...also I will be out of town from Aug 15-18/19th on a camping trip. No cell service, I hope that won't be an issue :) If it is and you need to replace me I understand :)

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@GM A: Yep, Thayn plans to keep the long spear. I agree that it has too good of a story to let it go to waste. (I do need to update his gold, though.)
No problem with the 7th person, I will let him know we are full. But, if we get to FS1 and need an extra player, he might be able to jump in.
@Chasik: If you don't have the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play, I would suggest downloading it. (Its free!) It explains a lot of peculiarities of Society play.
I know it helped me answer a lot of questions, when I started playing. And your question with purchasing gear starts on pg. 24.

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Thanks for the top. On my phone so downloading will have to wait til I get home

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The only thing I would ever have use for is the Shortbow with arrows, but only if no one else claims them. Otherwise, what should we do with all the gear?

GM Alice |

If you don't want anything, you can just ditch it. The important thing in PFS is to clear certain goals, explore, find things, do missions, etc., rather than collect every little bit of loot here.
Remember too that you can use consumables on missions without much of an issue, as they disappear at the end of the mod anyway.

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On a lighter note, here's episode 1 of a webseries I'm in made by a bunch of friends of mine. I play the Wizard. It's sort of Order of the Stick meets Cheers. It's the first episode and we're all still figuring out what works, but I think we did alright. :)

GM Alice |

Just to let you guys in my running games know, since it will probably affect you the most, I found out today that my grandmother's health is deteriorating quite rapidly. So if I disappear randomly or am slightly slower in posting from time to time, don't worry if I'm abandoning you or anything, I'm just having a bad day or something.

GM Alice |

Coming up soon is the First Official PbP Gameday!
A whole bunch of GMs are going to start PbPs at the same time and we'll have a set period to finish them in. There's going to be boons given out and it should be a lot of fun. :)
If you're at all inclined to GM, definitely sign up for a table! If not, keep an eye out for player sign ups! (I am signing up as a GM, fyi, although I've yet to decide what mods to run.)