kent Lewis |
Greetings Gamers!
Woldiangames.com is excited to announce that we are starting a new ongoing game in our campaign world/gaming community! This 1 to 20 campaign game, using the Pathfinder rules, is named Humbles Ford. Humble Ford is one of the towns located in the Crescent Valley. The Crescent Valley is located in the northern end of the Red Hills. Filled to overflowing with halflings it is both a cheerful place as well as an important place. The inhabitants have great heart and are some of the most kindly in The Wold.
There are three towns in the valley: Hovel, Humbles Ford, and Angel Springs. Hovel is a small, somewhat traditional halfling village and was the first settled in the valley. This is where most of the militia plays out extended war games, which indeed are more like games than real combat training, and serves as the burrow home for most of the oldest families of the valley. Humbles Ford began as a trading post where the giant-kin from the south would come to trade. Now trading posts have been established further south. It still is home to many halflings, especially those interested in the various divine and arcane arts.
The time has come for the annual Crescent Valley Competition, celebrating the defeat of the "Great Big Uns" and the construction of the "Giant Towers."
Our group of intrepid halfings have decided to enter themselves into the group competition, against groups from all over the Crescent Valley and the outside Wold itself. How will they do? Will they do their families and town proud?
This game will be an entirely Halfling game.
To see the campaign material for Humbles Ford go to:
[url]http://www.woldiangames.com/Woldipedia/index.php/Humble%27s_Ford [url]
To see the legends and geography information for other regions of The Wold go to:
To see the main website entrance go to:
The Wold is here to stay! We are not one of those games or sites that will disappear just as you are getting interested in the game and your character. So if you've been looking for that quality game that does not go away, we're your site!
The Wold is an Original Campaign World, currently using the Pathfinder game system. Originating in the early 1980's, it went online in 1997. It has evolved into a very large website with several hundred pages of campaign information.
We currently offer 10 permanent ongoing games and many other pickup games for those members who want more. There are a surprising number of women playing with us. Play by post occurs on our self-made java programmed message boards with their own dice mechanisms, and auto-archiving features. We offer a Message Board called The Giggling Ghost where our gamers can chat "in character" and head out for various "pick-up" adventurers.
There are also a series of private boards that allows the players to talk and discuss just about anything in an "out of character format." These boards helps us create that all important sense of community and friendship which is a part of any good group of gamers. Also added is a board called The Catacombs where all character shopping occurs and The Black Genie Center where all Woldians may go to help develop new original things for our campaign world.
To visit the Games Page to check out the ongoing games, go to:
Please contact me if you are interested in joining this new game or if you have any questions. I'll be glad to help.
Just let them know that Kent L. sent you.
Thanks for your consideration,
Jerry Phelps

Thunderfrog |

There is something unique about the campaign setting... in that its not just a single campaign. Jerry has about 20 or so DM's who are constantly running games there, and they all interact to a point. When a game wraps up the things that happened in their persistent world are noted and change for anyone else who may travel that way.
They have a lot of unique stuff, some amazing and some meh, and some things that could use updating, but it's as solid of a RP/PbP community you will find, with people who have been gaming there for 10 years or so.

kent Lewis |
There seem to have been a couple of issues with two of the links above so here are the corrected links. Sorry about any confusion. KL
To see the campaign material for Humbles Ford go to:
To see the legends and geography information for other regions of The Wold go to: