I'd like to see a Boon to share...

Pathfinder Society

The Exchange 5/5

I posted this on a different thread, but then decided that I liked the idea so much I'd post it on it's own thread.

you know what kind of a boon I'd like to see?
A boon to share - that you can only give to someone who was NOT at the CON you went, or that did something you liked in your game, or whatever. A boon judges could give out - for whatever reason the judge wanted... you know, empower the judge some. Or even a boon a player has to get to a friend who couldn't get to the CON... talk about advertising a Convention. "Yeah, that's the CON Joe went to and got a boon for his kid."

Perhaps a set of "twin boons" that give you a bonus when two PCs are run at the same time (give one to your wife/GF/Kid and run a team).

Talk about causing a stir... you could even call it "someone went to XXX-CON and all I got was this masterwork T-shirt" or something like that.

What does everyone think of this idea?

5/5 *

I am a fan, and to be honest I do this already (on my own).

I do have the luck of living in a city that has a lot of cons, or is near a lot. Atlanta has Dragon*Con, and I can go to cons like SCARAB, Mobicon, Play-on-con, and I get to go to Indy for Gencon as well. so I would say 4-5 cons on average. I try to GM in all of them, so I do accumulate quite a number of boons between what I GM and play.

Last year, I got two Nagaji/Wayang/Kitsune boons. I kept one for myself and donated the other to a special event we had at GA PFS for christmas. I have given out other boons (Tien weapon training, varisian weapon training, prosperity, xenophobia, extra trait) that I just don't want anymore or don't plan to use and given them to players that I think did an excellent job at the table:

Some examples:
Gave one to a player that blew his personal scroll of word of recall to save the rest of the party.
Gave one to a player that I killed and didnt have enough PP to come back. (good incentive to roll up a new charater!)
Gave one to a player that stayed behind to hold back enemies while the rest escape. He was the only casualty, even though everyone chipped in for the raise as well.

Grand Lodge 4/5

So Paizo would reward the people who do not attend Paizo events? Okaaaaay.

I can only see this working if the boon didn't 'activate' unless the non-attendee ATTENDED the next con along by getting the organising judge to sign it as 'activated'.

Aside from that, I'd say this idea has zero chance of happening.
Organise your own con already, folks! Or find an great GM like CRobledo who rewards awesome heroics.

The Exchange 5/5

KestlerGunner wrote:

So Paizo would reward the people who do not attend Paizo events? Okaaaaay.

I can only see this working if the boon didn't 'activate' unless the non-attendee ATTENDED the next con along by getting the organising judge to sign it as 'activated'.

Aside from that, I'd say this idea has zero chance of happening.
Organise your own con already, folks! Or find an great GM like CRobledo who rewards awesome heroics.

piff! KestlerGunner, you think the boon to give away is a reward to the guy who gets it? Naw, it's a reward to the guy who gives it away.

Anyway, anyone using a Boon are clearly using Paizo stuff - they are in PFS after all.

Boons are given out for reasons other than Conventions... I myself have given away PF Tales books with one of the boons (That I won at a CON - kind of like a boon, only better). And Holiday boons are always great.

Yeah, they can give me another triple race boon from a CON... I have 11 PCs now and I've given or traded away my last three Triple race boons...

edit: you know, re-reading this it sounds a bit snarky. Sorry about that. I was just trying to point out that Piazo gives out Boons for lots of other things than attending a Con.
and on your note - "Organise your own con already, folks!" I do. have. am. whatever.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I *do* like the idea of the shared boons though. I also like the idea of high star GMs having lots of goodies to give away at their whims to encourage heroics and roleplaying. I would just get miffed if I was at a con and I won something that I had to give to someone else (I don't have that many boons...)

Shared boons could be really cool for those adventurers travelling together. For example:

You have struck an unusually strong relationship with another Pathfinder. Whether you have sworn a blood oath together, grown up together, or are in a deeply affectionate relationship, when you are adventuring together you both temporarily gain the benefits of the 'Shake It Off' teamwork feat.

Write the name of your character's blood kin here: _________.

You have struck an unusually strong relationship with another Pathfinder. Whenever this ally is killed by any attack that requires an attack roll and you are within 20 feet, as an immediate action you may roll a reflex save to leap in front of the attack to save the life of your ally. This action can be taken immediately after the GM calculates the killing blow.

The reflex DC is 10 + HD of the single strongest enemy close to your ally. Success means you deflect the blow completely and fall prone between the enemy and your ally. Failure means you fall prone as per success, but the damage is resolved against your ally.

This action cannot be taken if you are flat-footed or helpless. Once used successfully, this boon is used up forever.

Write the name of your character's protected ally here: _________.


The Exchange 5/5

KestlerGunner wrote:

I *do* like the idea of the shared boons though. I also like the idea of high star GMs having lots of goodies to give away at their whims to encourage heroics and roleplaying. I would just get miffed if I was at a con and I won something that I had to give to someone else (I don't have that many boons...)

Shared boons could be really cool for those adventurers travelling together. For example:

You have struck an unusually strong relationship with another Pathfinder. Whether you have sworn a blood oath together, grown up together, or are in a deeply affectionate relationship, when you are adventuring together you both temporarily gain the benefits of the 'Shake It Off' teamwork feat.

Write the name of your character's blood kin here: _________.

You have struck an unusually strong relationship with another Pathfinder. Whenever this ally is killed by any attack that requires an attack roll and you are within 20 feet, as an immediate action you may roll a reflex save to leap in front of the attack to save the life of your ally. This action can be taken immediately after the GM calculates the killing blow.

The reflex DC is 10 + HD of the single strongest enemy close to your ally. Success means you deflect the blow completely and fall prone between the enemy and your ally. Failure means you fall prone as per success, but the damage is resolved against your ally.

This action cannot be taken if you are flat-footed or helpless. Once used successfully, this boon is used up forever.

Write the name of your character's protected ally here: _________.


Yeah! I like those!

The Exchange 5/5

wow... I can't beleave that this tread got such little response...

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
nosig wrote:
wow... I can't beleave that this tread got such little response...

Because It is You... :)

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

I like the idea, but they have limited appeal to those who don't regularly play with a buddy/partner/child/etc.

The Exchange 5/5

Rusty Ironpants wrote:

I like the idea, but they have limited appeal to those who don't regularly play with a buddy/partner/child/etc.

I actually would like a boon to give away to a person at my table (or even 1/5 of my tables) when I judge - Something to "reward" the player who made the game the most fun. Someone I never expect to see again...

The Exchange 5/5

Dragnmoon wrote:
nosig wrote:
wow... I can't beleave that this tread got such little response...
Because It is You... :)


I figured that when I post anything, people would jump to point out how I got it all wrong...

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
nosig wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
nosig wrote:
wow... I can't beleave that this tread got such little response...
Because It is You... :)


I figured that when I post anything, people would jump to point out how I got it all wrong...

Well, it appears that you got that wrong... :P


Actually, I'd love to see teamwork boons. You get two copies at a con; one MUST be given away. When two characters at a table have the same boon, they get to use the teamwork feat (or something similar).

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

pathar wrote:
Actually, I'd love to see teamwork boons. You get two copies at a con; one MUST be given away. When two characters at a table have the same boon, they get to use the teamwork feat (or something similar).

We've already done teamwork boons and they received nothing but negative feedback. I don't remember even one positive post or email about them. A, teamwork boons will most likely not be made available on a boon.

The Exchange 2/5

Michael Brock wrote:
pathar wrote:
Actually, I'd love to see teamwork boons. You get two copies at a con; one MUST be given away. When two characters at a table have the same boon, they get to use the teamwork feat (or something similar).
We've already done teamwork boons and they received nothing but negative feedback. I don't remember even one positive post or email about them. A, teamwork boons will most likely not be made available on a boon.

I've never seen one of these - and I would have loved to get one, especially either of the ones that KG suggested upthread. Possibly it's because I tend to play at tables with friends rather than random groups.


Michael Brock wrote:
pathar wrote:
Actually, I'd love to see teamwork boons. You get two copies at a con; one MUST be given away. When two characters at a table have the same boon, they get to use the teamwork feat (or something similar).
We've already done teamwork boons and they received nothing but negative feedback. I don't remember even one positive post or email about them. A, teamwork boons will most likely not be made available on a boon.

Mike, I think the big problem with those teamwork boons was in the execution. And the execution had some pretty big flaws:

1a) Boons are usually handed out randomly, so it's very hard to predict who is going to get which boon. This means that it's statistically very unlikely that you and a friend will both get the same one if you go to a con. This means that there's a good chance that if you mostly play at local gamedays, if you don't have a match now, you won't have a match until next year when you go to that big con again (and even then it might not be likely). The idea in this thread to give the second copy out to a person of your choice fixes this.

1b) It's so rare to find someone who matches, that you'll probably stop obsessively asking if people have it eventually, so even if you sit at a table with a match, you might not know

2) Teamwork feats often are good only for certain kinds of characters. So for instance Target of Opportunity is godlike for an archer, but worthless for a melee character. Thus, this even moreso reduces your chances to get one you can use.

3) After all this reduction of chances to usefully match (and I've never seen someone match in all my tables), you only get a one-time benefit anyway

I have some ideas for how to make an effective teamwork boon. One quick idea is to make you permanently count as having a teamwork feat of your choice for the purposes of letting other people use their teamwork feat with you (but you gain no benefits). Any rogue who plays with the same person would die to give that boon to a buddy for Outflank. If you're interested in giving out teamwork boons that would make people more excited and would like to hear some thoughts, I'd be happy to PM some others.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

No, these were not random. Every player that participated at a con was supposed to receive one so that all six players at a table could utilize them. It was probably miscommunication between the con organizer and myself so I will take the blame for that. Think of it kind of like a door prize for showing up at a con.

Also, we made sure there were 3-4 different teamwork so casters and melee and ranged could all benefit.

I don't have the boons in front of me because I'm at Origins but I know they should have been made readily available and that most, if not all, players at a con could have benefited from them.


Michael Brock wrote:

No, these were not random. Every player that participated at a con was supposed to receive one so that all six players at a table could utilize them. It was probably miscommunication between the con organizer and myself so I will take the blame for that. Think of it kind of like a door prize for showing up at a con.

Also, we made sure there were 3-4 different teamwork so casters and melee and ranged could all benefit.

I don't have the boons in front of me because I'm at Origins but I know they should have been made readily available and that most, if not all, players at a con could have benefited from them.

Oops! Maybe this isn't from the same set I saw? It's been over a year, so I could be hallucinating, but I'm almost positive that I remember rolling randomly for which boon to get. Maybe there was a sleeker version later that gave out all the options as choices?


Michael Brock wrote:
We've already done teamwork boons and they received nothing but negative feedback. I don't remember even one positive post or email about them. A, teamwork boons will most likely not be made available on a boon.

Regrettable. I like teamwork feats, but I always assume that no one else uses them, so I don't bother taking them myself ... and as far as I can tell, so does everyone else at the PFS table. ;p

Rogue Eidolon wrote:
One quick idea is to make you permanently count as having a teamwork feat of your choice for the purposes of letting other people use their teamwork feat with you (but you gain no benefits)

I like this. I think it needs tweaking, but I don't know what I'd do with it to tweak it, so hm.

If we saturated a big con with these, this could lead to more people being willing to take teamwork feats. I know I wouldn't mind collecting the whole set on several different characters, even if it gave me no benefit, just because it makes the table more efficient ... and knowing that there are other PCs like that at the table ... hm.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16


The Emerald Elixir boon is sort of a teamwork boon.

How well is it being received?

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

Chris Mortika wrote:


The Emerald Elixir boon is sort of a teamwork boon.

How well is it being received?

I've received no feedback yet.


Michael Brock wrote:
Chris Mortika wrote:


The Emerald Elixir boon is sort of a teamwork boon.

How well is it being received?

I've received no feedback yet.

I liked it.

Grand Lodge

I also liked it. People at the table I used it on got excited when I reminded them and we all got out our elixirs and chugged it on down.

Lantern Lodge 1/5

Michael Brock wrote:
Chris Mortika wrote:


The Emerald Elixir boon is sort of a teamwork boon.

How well is it being received?

I've received no feedback yet.

I liked the Emerald Elixir boon. I liked it a lot! My impression was that it showed a surprising amount of thought, art and planning. I liked it enough that it ~almost~ made be regret having sold my share of a guild-level pledge.

I like the idea of teamwork feats, but I can see how logistics could make them less usable.

A friend and I have linked characters but we find it quite difficult to get them to table together. We live 15,000 clicks apart, so this is hardly a surprise, but it also means that we'll never, ever table together at a convention. I can totally see my character using "Nooooo!" to protect his "little bird". :D

In general, I like the idea of linked characters. Unless the players are related, and/or living with one another, these characters can be logistic nightmares to coordinate, but they are lots of fun. It seems to me that PFS discourages this practice. For example, I completely understand why the Leadership and Squire feats (and Cohorts/followers) are not allowed in PFS, but I don't see why squire archetypes aren't allowed. Since the "squire" is an independent PC If the local Brangelinas want to play a knight and squire, both being full-fledged PCs, why shouldn't they be able to? Maybe that's a potential "team" or "partner" boon that can be offered someday?

Using KestlerGunner's format...

"Dynamic Duo"

You have struck an unusually strong relationship with another Pathfinder. One of you, and only one of you, may choose to make a pledge of service to the other. The benefits and limitations of this relationship are defined as follows:

1) The pledged gains access to any Squire archetype for which they qualify, following all existing rules for archetypes. However, none of the benefits or limitations of the Squire feat apply. The pledged is NOT a true "squire", and the liege need not be a true "knight". There is no official title to this relationship, though Seneschal, Major Domo, Right Hand Man, Girl Friday, and even Squire have been used in the past. The pledge is only enforced by the PC giving it and they may choose to rescinded it at any time and for any reason. A PC that chooses to leave the service of their liege loses all Squire archetype abilities and gains nothing to replace them.

2) The liege gains the love, admiration, loyalty and/or service of a devoted ally. Whatever they did to earn this pledge, it is the greatest gift they could receive. If they are wise and worthy of this pledge, they will continue to do the things that built the relationship. If they are not, they may find themselves having lost their most valuable resource. The liege has no right or ability to impose his will on his aide-de-camp. A liege may find that rewarding the loyalty of their ally in kind makes imposition completely unnecessary.

Check and complete one of the following:
[ ] Pledged service to... [name of ally] ........... _________________
[ ] Accepted a pledge of service from [name of ally] _________________


4/5 5/5

pathar wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
Chris Mortika wrote:


The Emerald Elixir boon is sort of a teamwork boon.

How well is it being received?

I've received no feedback yet.
I liked it.

I like it, but when I asked some of the players in my region about it, it was pretty much panned as "play to win" and some players even said they'd single out and specifically target characters who use the Elixir if they were GMing for that character. This doesn't apply for all of the players, of course, but I received no positive responses, only neutral and this.

Grand Lodge

Play to win or pay to win?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

pathar wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
Chris Mortika wrote:


The Emerald Elixir boon is sort of a teamwork boon.

How well is it being received?

I've received no feedback yet.
I liked it.

I thought it was bloody AWESOME

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

Mike & Chris, My GF and myself got the Emerald Elixer boon, we LOVE it, though we are waiting to use them at PaizoCon...

The hardest part is trying to choose what effect we want... (Not that that is a bad thing)

4/5 5/5

Nuku wrote:
Play to win or pay to win?

This is why I shouldn't post at 2 AM. Yes, pay to win.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rusty Ironpants wrote:
I like the idea, but they have limited appeal to those who don't regularly play with a buddy/partner/child/etc.

And if you do play with a regular companion you already have the possibility of taking teamwork feats, which gives you options not generally considered by the bulk of PFS players.

For example, my wife and I have characters with both "Lookout" and "Outflank" feats, and have built a "first strike" team that has a fair chance of seriously inconveniencing many enemy spellcasters at the onset of combat (possibly even culminating in a full attack from the rogue against an outflanked, prone, and still flat-footed opponent).

The Exchange 5/5

did anything every come of this? are there any "Boon to share..." Boons out there?

If nothing has come of this, I'd like to toss my hat in for I like the idea of shared boons (teamwork feats as boon being something different) I think it could add a lot to inner party roleplay (but not enough to slow the game down) by hopefully getting people more "into" their characters and how that character would inter/act with those around them and the world in general. This dynamic between "boon bubbies" © could hopefully also create a space where other players get more "into" roleplaying. why not reward roleplay, big numbers have enough advantages

Dark Archive 1/5

I would love to see and get a hold of such boons.

Then again, my favorite character I play is one who gives teamwork feats to people, so I am heavily biased.

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