Parsantium: City Sourcebook for Pathfinder / D&D underway

Product Discussion

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Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know about a couple of posts on the blog.

Firstly, I've posted a (rough) expanded world map which I am hoping Symatt is going to redraw for me properly. In the meantime, you can see a bit more of Aqhran and Sampur here.

I've also written up the Boss of All Bosses, the infamous Avishandu, as an icon for 13th Age here. Beware the secret knowledge bit at the bottom of the post if you are a player rather than a GM!



Hi there,

If you haven't bought Parsantium yet, the PDF is on sale at 33% off ($7.99) from today through to 24th June!

You can get it here at Paizo or at



Hi all,

I've posted a write-up of Jagadamba, the Witch of Flotsam, to the Parsantium blog here.




I've added a write up of Naelere, the Dragon, to the Parsantium blog.



Hi all,

There's a brief news update on the blog. I'm also hoping that Parsantium will be on sale at Paizo Con - I know Liz has ordered some copies to take to the show.




I've added a write up of a brand new icon, the Maharani of Sampur, to the Parsantium blog.

Let me know what you think!



1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi all,

Endzeitgeist has just reviewed Parsantium: City at the Crossroads and has given it 5 stars and his seal of approval!

He says "Parsantium BREATHES authenticity and love – New York City meets Byzantium, modern metropolis meets swords & sorcery – this book actually manages to portray a believable, interesting, unique city that oozes the spirit of Al Qadim, early weird fiction and recent phenomena like the god of war-series, all while staying believable."

Read the full review



I've included the PDF version of Parsantium in the "Not Going to Paizo Con" Sale so you can buy it at $7.99 through to 8th July :)

Print copies are on the way into Paizo from the printers this week.



Hi all,

Here's the Gnoll Khan of the Great Grass Sea.

Let me know what you think



The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Picked up my print copy at PaizoCon. Looks good!

I'm reading through this campaign setting, and I can't put it down! I must have talked it up to a half a dozen people this weekend at PaizoCon.

Liz Theis wrote:
I'm reading through this campaign setting, and I can't put it down! I must have talked it up to a half a dozen people this weekend at PaizoCon.

Thanks Liz - so glad you like it!

All the best


Hi all,

I've posted a new icon write up - the Platinum Knights of Themecia.




Parsantium: City at the Crossroads is part of the Christmas in July sale on, so the PDF is available at 25% off until 28th July!



Hi all,

I've just posted a write up of the Water Lords of Loranto.



Hi all,

And here's the Mummy Queen Merytnofru.



Hi all,

I’m going to be at GenCon this year for the first time ever and am really looking forward to it! Kate and I are playing in a few games and have tickets to some seminars but hopefully I’ll get the chance to meet some of the gamers I know via Paizo,, Twitter or G+.

Please do say hi if you see me wandering around and feel free to ask me any questions about Parsantium. I’ve got some postcards to give away too. And if you want to meet up for a beer, let me know.



Hi all,

We're back from GenCon where we had a great time playing plenty of cool games and meeting lots of awesome people!

I've got a few more icon posts to write for the blog but in the meantime, Parsantium has had another cool review, this time on the Thoughts of a Part-Time Hobbyist blog. Read the full review here.



Hi there,

I've just posted the Emperor of the Jade Throne to the blog.



Hi all,

The 13th icon, the Lady of the Summer Kingdom, is now on the blog. Two more still to come.



Hi all,

Here's the 14th and penultimate icon for Parsantium, the Caliph.



Hi all,

And it's a wrap! Just posted the fifteenth and final icon, the Rajah.

Hope you're enjoyed reading them ;)



Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know that you can save 20% on the print, pdf and print/pdf bundle through to 30th September.



Hi all,

I’ve been a bit quiet on here recently – my day job has been pretty busy – so it’s definitely time for an update on what’s going on with Parsantium.

Firstly, although it’s not that scary, Parsantium: City at the Crossroads is included in the Halloween sale at so you can purchase the PDF at 33% off through to 31st October!

I’ve also been doing a fair bit of thinking about how to follow up the book in the last few weeks and have a couple of projects in mind. The first is Icons of Parsantium, a PDF compilation of the fifteen 13th Age icons I wrote for the Parsantium blog – thanks to everyone who voted in the poll or gave me feedback. This will be a professionally edited and laid out PDF at a low price, probably around $2. I’m hoping this won’t take too long to do but Kate will need to fit this in around her other commitments.

The second project is much bigger and will take some time to write and pull together so we’re looking at publishing some time in 2015. Tentatively entitled Tales of Parsantium, this will be a collection of three or four low to mid-level adventures set in and around the City at the Crossroads. Ideally – and this depends on WotC producing a third party license for D&D – the adventures would include stats for Dungeons & Dragons 5e as well as Pathfinder and 13th Age.

At the moment I am writing (and DMing) the final epic adventure in my long-running 4e Parsantium campaign featuring the infamous Juma Gang and their attempts to prevent the return of the Rajah Vrishabha, and this has been taking up a fair bit of my free time. I’m also going to be running Blood on the Sands, a D&D 5e adventure set at the Hippodrome, at Dragonmeet 2014 so there’s work to do on this too (made all the more challenging by the absence of a DMG!). Once both of these projects are done I’ll be able to devote more time to working on the new adventures for Tales. I’ll keep you all updated on how it’s going in this thread.

Finally, I’d love to hear about how you are using Parsantium in your games. And please do let me know if you have any questions or comments too ;)



Hi all,

Just wanted to let you all know that between now and 5th January, you can purchase Parsantium: City at the Crossroads in print & PDF at 25% off the usual price.

You can find out more here.

Have a great Christmas!


Hi all,

I've posted a news update on the Parsantium blog.



Although I'm not running a game set in Parsantium, the sourcebook has made for fun reading and a great resource for my own Pathfinder game which is set in its own fantasy counterpart Constantinople.

I've often found it peculiar how there are a lot of iconic fantasy cities meant to be "crossroads of the world" vibe (Greyhawk, Waterdeep, etc) but virtually none have been modeled after Byzantium, the real one for most of the Middle Ages.

Libertad wrote:

Although I'm not running a game set in Parsantium, the sourcebook has made for fun reading and a great resource for my own Pathfinder game which is set in its own fantasy counterpart Constantinople.

So glad you liked the book and found it useful for your campaign!



Libertad wrote:

I've often found it peculiar how there are a lot of iconic fantasy cities meant to be "crossroads of the world" vibe (Greyhawk, Waterdeep, etc) but virtually none have been modeled after Byzantium, the real one for most of the Middle Ages.

Well Greyhawk was Gygax's D&D version of the literary fantasy city of Lankhmar which was Lieber's literary fantasy version of New York.

Waterdeep is a northern coastal trade city set in the western european section of the realms and not at a crossroads for the arabic asian and western sections of the world.

Freeport is another big mercantile trade fantasy city but it is a tropical island based on D&Dified pirates with a little bit of far east but not any real arabic influences.

Ptolus is supposed to be a big trade city, but it is set on a river in the middle of a land continent and not surrounded by arabic or far east influences though there is a little arabic influence with their distant former superpower Uraqi culture.

Absalom comes closer with a strong trade and cultural connection between western and not-arabic powers but it is a city-state and not part of a bigger empire. It is partly a Golarion version of Greyhawk and partly other influences.

Hi all,

I've posted the cover sketch for the forthcoming Icons of Parsantium PDF to the Parsantium blog.

Let me know what you think!



Hi there,

Just a quick note to say that the PDF of Parsantium is 33% off in Paizo's GM's Day Sale.

You can also get the print/PDF bundle for the special price of $19.99 while the sale is on.



Hi there,

Here's a preview of the finished cover art for Icons of Parsantium – I think Joe Shawcross has done an awesome job!



Hi there,

I've just posted an update to the blog on the forthcoming supplement, Icons of Parsantium.



Hi there,

We’ve both been very busy with our day jobs so work on Icons of Parsantium has been slow-going since my last update.

However, I do have one bit of exciting news to make up for it – Rob Heinsoo has very kindly written an excellent foreword to the book in his own inimitable style. Rob’s connection with Parsantium goes back a few years when he found out I’d named a villainous rakshasa in my campaign after him. Fortunately, he took this in good spirits, and since then, he’s given me some great advice on how to adapt Parsantium’s NPCs into icons. I’m thrilled to have him write the foreword to Icons of Parsantium.

Today I’ve been wrestling with InDesign as I make some final revisions to the text before editing, including adding a short section to each icon describing their NPC champions and followers. This has played havoc with the two-page layout for each icon but I’ve every confidence Kate will be able to fix this when she starts editing.

More news and hopefully a finished cover to follow soon….



Hi there,

The cover for Icons of Parsantium is finished and we've completed editing and layout. Just need to proofread and upload the files to and Paizo :)



Hi all,

Icons of Parsantium is now on sale here at Paizo and at :)

Any questions, please shout!



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