Awarding EXP when two characters died in the last encounter.

Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

I ran a game a few days ago where I had two characters die in the last encounter. How should I go about awarding EXP now? Do the two remaining PCs get all the EXP split between the two? Or do I divy up the EXP by 4 for all the fights but the last one and then the EXP for the two dead characters just goes to waste?

Yeah, divvy it by 4.

I assume you're letting the two players with dead PCs come back in with new characters, yes?

Losing a character is punishment enough, there's no need to punish them more by having everyone the other two be ahead of them in EXP.

Silver Crusade

We were finishing up the end of the 1st Jade Regent module and the party went through about 4 major fights, but by the end they were pretty well tapped out and Nindinzego ate two of their faces off.

I don't really have a lot of experience doing regular EXP awards, I've typically done story based exp or PFS style EXP, but I thought I'd give it a shot for this game.

I just don't know that it's fair to award two players all the EXP when pretty much all the fights were a 4 man effort.

Yeah, that's generally how I feel. Just because the two died in the last fight doesn't mean they contributed less, so I think they still deserve the EXP.

But ultimately it's your call.

Silver Crusade

Rynjin wrote:

Yeah, that's generally how I feel. Just because the two died in the last fight doesn't mean they contributed less, so I think they still deserve the EXP.

But ultimately it's your call.

Well, it's not so much that they "deserve the EXP" as they're dead, it's more I feel that giving all the EXP to the surviving two is unjustly enriching them. I decided to take your advice and divy it up by 4 except for the last fight.

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