Featured Races - Which do not require a chronicle?

Pathfinder Society

Silver Crusade 4/5

Now that I've gotten my feet wet (and dirty lol?) with my first society character. I've been been more inclined to create a new pc for days when high tier tabled is undermanned and low is promising. I've been looking through the ARG and saw the Tengu and immediately fell in love. However, I've heard that majority of these require a chronicle from a Con. Most of the threads I've found are dated and mainly pertaining to those who acquired a chronicle.

So my question is, if any, which races have been lifted from this requirement?

Tengu, Tiefling, Aasimar. It's in the Guide (I think).

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It's all spelled out in the Campaign Guide and Additional Resources what you have access to as a given, and what other things are required for any specific item/race/spell/class/archetype/ whatever that have a conditional allowance into the game. These are updated as changes are made.

Download these from the PFS section of the website.

Bearded Ben wrote:

The free Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play, which should answer most of your questions about PFS specific rules.

Also, PFS Additional Resources tells you which things from books other than the core rulebook are allowed, and which are changed.

And the FAQ contains additional PFS rules clarifications, as does this list of posts by PFS leadership.

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