

I wanted to find some good stuff to make a more utility based character.
Like not high military, or economy, but more based around doing stuff like non combat based.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Would a cleric be a good choice to do stuff like this.

Thanks, have a good day all!


If you're playing an Elf, Dwarf, or Gnome with a decent Intelligence score I'd suggest taking Breadth of Experience. My Dwarf Magus just took it for his 7th level feat. Previously he was only putting skill points into Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (planes). Now he can make any Knowledge check with a +5 bonus, and should a random Profession check ever come up in a scenario he has a +4 to that, too.

Make a utility character that is also good in combat. there are more than enough builds that do both very well

Silver Crusade

Out of combat stuff pretty much means skills and utility spells, so pick a class with a lot of skill points, or one that gets a lot of mileage out of a high intelligence, or both. The ability to use scrolls and wands is also good, since you can always have just the right spell for the job, if you invest in diverse consumables. Just remember that every single PFS scenario has multiple combats, and many of them are straight-up dunheon crawls, so have useful things to do other than diplomancy.

Alchemist, bard, ranger and rogue all get good amounts of skill points, as well as access to spells or Use Magic Device. A bard/ranger probably has the best breadth of options, with pretty much all skills as class skills, buffing, healing and utility spells, and a good punch in combat.

Buy plenty of mundane items that can solve problems, stock up on wands, and remember not to gimp yourself for combat in a game that has a large amount of combat. I like using casters for support. Casters can come with plenty of utility and options in the form of spells, and wizards/witches in particular have so much intellect they tend to have plenty of skill points to toss around.

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The best utility character would be a creation sub school conjuration specialist. I might splash one or two levels of Crypt Breaker Alchemist too. This is the ultimate problem solver. I might go halfling and take well prepared.

High int for skills, spells and you have assess to both magical and mundane answers to almost any problem.

Improved familiar and the pilferer familiar archetype would add another layer of versatility.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

How does your utility character fit into the notion of being the heroically-scaled enactors of the mandate to Explore. Report. Cooperate. of the Pathfinder Society in game?

If ya don't have an answer, your concept needs some adjustment until it does...

Be a wizard. With the fast study feat and your many skill points, you can basically cover almost anything.

My wizard is actually great at disable device, and will be leaving a slot open for aram zey's focus in case it is ever needed

TetsujinOni wrote:

How does your utility character fit into the notion of being the heroically-scaled enactors of the mandate to Explore. Report. Cooperate. of the Pathfinder Society in game?

If ya don't have an answer, your concept needs some adjustment until it does...

I have to agree totally. However I have seen characters who conceptually fit but mechanically don't have anything to add utility wise and no way to add to combat either.


You can buff combat and non-combat
You are a spellcaster
You are great at ALL knowledges
You are a social monster

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