Animal companion list for ranger

Rules Questions

While checking out various best animal companion threads, i noticed some threads with people suggesting that T-rex, Roc and big cat are good for ranger.

So far i thought ranger is limited to what is marked with 1 on that list: imal-Choices

except for the beastmaster archetype.

But rereading the ranger description:
"This ability functions like the druid animal companion ability (which is part of the Nature Bond class feature), except that the ranger's effective druid level is equal to his ranger level –3."

it does not seem to be restricted.

Beastmaster archetype on the other hand says: er-archetypes/beastmaster

"Unlike a normal Ranger, a beast master’s choice of animal companion is not limited to a subset of all possibile animal companion choices—he may choose freely among all animal companion choices, just as a druid can."

So is standard ranger choice limited or not?

(And does anyone disagree that of limited list wolf is the best, unless one needs a mount?)

The Ranger's list is definitely limited.

That said, I think the "best" companion is debatable. I think the Wolf is certainly in that conversation, but I'd also consider the Constrictor Snake. The Small Cat is also worth a look, since it has trip on its bite plus it gets two more claws.

Is there anything besides beastmaster broadening it?

About "best" snake lacks item slots, especially neck (, and GM might even get strange look about equipping it with a mithral chain shirt. Cat lacks strength, size and hp and wolf gets second attack at lev 9. Therefore wolf, at least in the long run. (at lev 4 with snake large and no money anyway to equip, snake probably better)


I am personally fond of the Giant Scorpion. The Dungeoneer's Handbook (or whatever it's called) has an underground Ranger archetype with an expanded list of Animal Companions.

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I just noted that normal ranger gets enemy and terrain bonuses for companion:

"A ranger's animal companion shares his favored enemy and favored terrain bonuses."

While the beastmaster lacks this text and says: er-archetypes/beastmaster
". This ability functions like the druid animal companion ability except that the Ranger’s effective druid level is equal to his Ranger level – 3."

"This ability replaces hunter’s bond."

So per RAW beastmasters companions do not get favored enemy bonuses.

Liberty's Edge

There is some debate on whether Roc qualifies or not because it is not on the CRB list, but explicitely mentions Ranger in its Bestiary entry.

I had not noticed the expanded AC list in the Dungeoneer's Handbook's archetype.

I think it is a GREAT idea, as a great way to further differentiate Ranger archetypes.

Shared bonuses for companion is great when your companion has Pounce ;-)

Interesting point on Beastmaster. Might need some FAQ if there is not one already.

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