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Both the Magus Skirnir and Wizard are legal in PFS. I'm not likely to do this in that environment, but I've read the section on Arcane Bonded items several times now, and nothing seems to say that you can't acquire another from another source... Could you have both an Arcane Bonded weapon and a shield if you chose to have a level in each of these classes?

Robert A Matthews |

Arcane Bond (Su)At 1st level, a skirnir gains a shield (except for a tower shield) as an arcane bond item. This is identical to the wizard class ability, but the skirnir may only bond with a shield, not a familiar or other item.
I don't recall the Arcane Bond ability saying you can have two, therefore no.

Patrick Harris @ SD |

Both the Magus Skirnir and Wizard are legal in PFS. I'm not likely to do this in that environment, but I've read the section on Arcane Bonded items several times now, and nothing seems to say that you can't acquire another from another source... Could you have both an Arcane Bonded weapon and a shield if you chose to have a level in each of these classes?
To make someone taking a level of Skirnir ignore the "bonded object" feature because they already have one from the Wizard nerfs their personal implementation of Skirnir (without nerfing anyone else's).
Since the discount is considered part of the class feature, you get it twice.

Patrick Harris @ SD |

Skirnir wrote:I don't recall the Arcane Bond ability saying you can have two, therefore no.
Arcane Bond (Su)At 1st level, a skirnir gains a shield (except for a tower shield) as an arcane bond item. This is identical to the wizard class ability, but the skirnir may only bond with a shield, not a familiar or other item.
Yes, but all the text you didn't bold argues the opposite. A wizard can't bond with a shield, and the Skirnir can only bond with a shield. Neither power satisfies the requirements of the other; so it can't be limited to one object between them.

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I would say you could but remember that you require enough levels in the class to actually enchant your item
for example if you bond with a shield and a dagger you require 5 levels of wizard (to meet the level requirement of craft arms and armor), and 5 levels of skirnir (to meet the level requirement of craft arms and armor).
The lowest level combination available is Amulet + Shield (which is level 3 wizard + level 5 magus)
Relevant rules text
"A wizard can add additional magic abilities to his bonded object as if he has the required Item Creation Feats and if he meets the level prerequisites of the feat. For example, a wizard with a bonded dagger must be at least 5th level to add magic abilities to the dagger (see Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat)."

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hmm that would most likely not work as arcane bloodline explicitly stacks with wizard levels and as it predates any other arcane bond using class one could argue quite easily that it stacks with any other class that grants an arcane bond.
except that I'm suggesting it instead of the wizard levels, and if wizard levels would allow a Skirnir Magus a second non-shield bonded item, then so would Eldritch Heritage: Arcane, without multiclassing.

Robert A Matthews |

Arcane Bond (Su): At 1st level, you gain an arcane bond, as a wizard equal to your sorcerer level. Your sorcerer levels stack with any wizard levels you possess when determining the powers of your familiar or bonded object. Once per day, your bonded item allows you to cast any one of your spells known (unlike a wizard’s bonded item, which allows him to cast any one spell in his spellbook). This ability does not allow you to have both a familiar and a bonded item.
You guys are also forgetting about casting spells. You will have to constantly switch between dropping your weapon or dropping your shield as both hands will be occupied, barring you from spellcasting unless you choose a buckler as your shield, or a spiked gauntlet as your weapon. Also the shield will give you an arcane spell failure chance on your Wizard spells.

Patrick Harris @ SD |

I would say you could but remember that you require enough levels in the class to actually enchant your item
for example if you bond with a shield and a dagger you require 5 levels of wizard (to meet the level requirement of craft arms and armor), and 5 levels of skirnir (to meet the level requirement of craft arms and armor).
The lowest level combination available is Amulet + Shield (which is level 3 wizard + level 5 magus)
Relevant rules text
"A wizard can add additional magic abilities to his bonded object as if he has the required Item Creation Feats and if he meets the level prerequisites of the feat. For example, a wizard with a bonded dagger must be at least 5th level to add magic abilities to the dagger (see Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat)."
Agreed, except that you don't have to have relevant levels in the RIGHT class. A Wizard 1 / Cleric 10 could still use his cleric spells to enchant his bonded item; that would theoretically be the same here.

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Caderyn wrote:Agreed, except that you don't have to have relevant levels in the RIGHT class. A Wizard 1 / Cleric 10 could still use his cleric spells to enchant his bonded item; that would theoretically be the same here.I would say you could but remember that you require enough levels in the class to actually enchant your item
for example if you bond with a shield and a dagger you require 5 levels of wizard (to meet the level requirement of craft arms and armor), and 5 levels of skirnir (to meet the level requirement of craft arms and armor).
The lowest level combination available is Amulet + Shield (which is level 3 wizard + level 5 magus)
Relevant rules text
"A wizard can add additional magic abilities to his bonded object as if he has the required Item Creation Feats and if he meets the level prerequisites of the feat. For example, a wizard with a bonded dagger must be at least 5th level to add magic abilities to the dagger (see Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat)."
Also incorrect, when level is referred to in a class stat block it refers to class level unless it specifically defines it self as referring to character level. When level is referred to in a feats stat block it refers to character level unless otherwise specified.
for example
"Bonus Feats: At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, a wizard gains a bonus feat. At each such opportunity, he can choose a metamagic feat, an item creation feat, or Spell Mastery. The wizard must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including caster level minimums. These bonus feats are in addition to the feats that a character of any class gets from advancing levels. The wizard is not limited to the categories of item creation feats, metamagic feats, or Spell Mastery when choosing those feats."
Notice this also says level, with your argument I could be a 1st level wizard 4th level fighter and still get my bonus discovery/wizard feat this is obviously incorrect.
It is a common mistake but fairly easy to correct after looking at the syntax as it is always built in that way and was an obvious shorthand.

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Yes but like I said the Eldritch heritage explicitly stacks and due to the fact that no other class had arcane bond as an option when the arcane bloodline was written, means that some people and GMs would consider it to stack with any class that grants an arcane bond
Explicitly stacks with wizard, and redirects you to the wizard's arcane bond text. The arcane bloodline specifically calls out wizard, so it's no different then being a wizard, and as mentioned in the OP, a wizard cannot select a shield for their arcane bond.
Skirnir does not call out that it stacks with wizard, it is a huge leap to say that since one thing says it stacks with wizard it stacks with another ability with the same effect even though the second ability doesn't say it stacks. Plus if we are already establishing that Skirnir would not stack with wizard, why would sorcerer be any different Skirnir?
Basically, if Wizard is A, Skirnir is B, and Sorcerer is C, and you can have A and B bonded items at the same time (AxB) but A and C stack (A+C), and C refers to A (C=A) then why can't we have C and B at the same time (BxC).
You guys are also forgetting about casting spells. You will have to constantly switch between dropping your weapon or dropping your shield as both hands will be occupied, barring you from spellcasting unless you choose a buckler as your shield, or a spiked gauntlet as your weapon. Also the shield will give you an arcane spell failure chance on your Wizard spells.
It does become a problem if the character doesn't choose a buckler, as they need to hold the shield to cast their magus spells and they'd need the wizard bond to cast their wizard spells, such a character is not viable due to having no free hand without a buckler and wouldn't be a viable spellcaster anyway due to there being no combination caster class for two arcane sources. Eldritch Heritage (Arcane) with a pure Skirnir Magus (or magus that goes into a PrC) would be much more viable, but doesn't get the ability to cast spells with a non-buckler shield while using a weapon until level 8.

NWOrpheus |
But the 'level prerequisites for the feat' are Caster level. Not class level. Not character level.
As long as you meet the caster level (not necessarily in that class), you're free to enchant it.
I would agree with this, EXCEPT for the fact that it's an ability being granted by the CLASS.
By your argument, if I was a wizard 1/cleric 3, and casting a magic missile spell, I would have 2 missiles, because I was casting it at CL 3. The reason that doesn't work is because magic missile is a wizard class ability, not a cleric class ability.
If you actually had the item creation feat, then yes, your argument would be valid. But you don't. This is a bonus granted by the wizard class, so only wizard class' caster levels apply.

darkerthought7 |

"General rule: If a class ability modifies your spellcasting, it applies to your spells from all classes, not just spells from the class that grants the ability. (The exception is if the class ability specifically says it only applies to spells from that class.)"
Unfortunately, the losing your Bonded Object nerfs all of your casting. The Object only refers to "spells," not "wizard spells."
If the object is an amulet or ring, it must be worn to have effect, while staves, wands, and weapons must be held in one hand. If a wizard attempts to cast a spell without his bonded object worn or in hand, he must make a concentration check or lose the spell. The DC for this check is equal to 20 + the spell's level.