Zyren Zemerys |

Hey everyone!
I was thinking about starting a pulp action campaign based on D20 modern rules. Haven't decided much about the plot by now, but I can imagine a gritty version of Indiana Jones/ Hollow Earth.
All players would belong to an allied special forces unit consisting of frontline soldiers as well as scholars and people who have a knack for the supernatural.
I guess it would turn out rather action oriented with some puzzle parts and mostly in-group RPing...I mean who wants to chat with dinosaurs or savages...or nazis?!
Ah yes, nazis, as you might have guessed, the campaign would either take place prior to WWII (mid 30ies maybe) or at the time when the Germans look like they were winning (40-41).
Gimme some feedback if you are generally interested and what your thoughts on this are.

Pixel Cube |

I'm very interested, but why D20 Modern? There's like a million of better system that can give you WWII Pulp action, like Mutant & Mastermind (which I actually used to run a Superheroes vs. Hitler campaign), Savage Worlds, Hollow Earth Expedition, Spirit of the Century...
If you go with one of these system instead than Modern, count me in.

Pixel Cube |

I would prefer D20 modern, because everyone on this boards is fairly familiar with it...which is not the case for many other pulp action rpgs (which might have a better ruleset, I agree).
Interest is nooot that impressive, let's wait a bit more and decide later.
If you are looking for familiar, then M&M is what you need. It has d20, feats, modifiers, DCs and such. Give it a look, it's also OGL. It's extremely flexible and fun, and perfect for what you are looking for (the Golden Age splatbook has Nazi supervillain).

TarkXT |

I'm against the idea of M&M purely for my lack fo actually having the book. There are better systems however for it. That being said I do rather like the idea.
Now I just need to think about when the British SAS was founded to make sure that concept is valid...
Oh! Oh! Or Russian infantryman way in over his head works too! Shooting national socialist ghosts for glorious motherland!

grmnbln |

I reckon a badass Finnish/Norwegian sniper a la Simo Hayha.
Expert in winter warfare and generally sneaking around and shooting people from a long way away without them seeing him. Or at least he will be if he survives the pulpy goodness for long enough.

Shunka Warakin |

Sign me up as potentially interested, though I'd prefer to know era (pre- or early- war, or 60s as the last post mentioned) before trying to define a specific character. There seem to be a lot of shooters already so I'd probably lean towards someone who was a mystic information specialist on the hairy edge of 'unsolved cases and Things The Public Must Not Know'.
Has anyone else here run across the RPG 'Cold City' by Contested Ground Studios? The game actually describes itself as "Think ‘Hellboy’
meets ‘The Third Man’ meets ‘The Manchurian Candidate’."
Conflicted ally secret groups cleaning up after Cthulhu-esque Nazi experiments in partitioned early Cold-War Berlin. Deliciously evil. Nazis, ex-Nazis, KGB and GRU, SAS, OSS, MI5, SIS, MI6, CIA, Réseau AGIR, Red Orchestra, NCS, etc., etc., etc., etc...All creeping around cold war Berlin in the late 40s/early 50s hunting things that come out of the walls and dark remnants of weird Teutonic and Slavic rituals.
If anyone has ever read Tim Powers' [u]Declare[/u] with its mystical secret services hidden within secular secret services, etc., it's a lot like that.
Not suggesting the use of the system mind you, just pointing out another similarly impinging 'mid-20th c. supernatural espionage' setup. :)

HarbinNick |

Game is certainly taking place now in summer/fall 1940.
Turkey was strictly neutral, I'll have to come up with another crazy character...games like this need characters with character. In some ways the more cliche the better. Ohhhhh I got one...and he's all kinds of messed up...I hope we're not starting at level 1 though.

Shunka Warakin |

Turkey was strictly neutral,
Just because TURKEY was strictly neutral doesn't mean a TURKISH individual was similarly neutral. Even in Turkey's government there were a number of different groups with different objectives and lack of cooperation with each other.
For a good example of just how CF'ed it could be, take a look at the various internal movements involved in Turkey's WW1 relationships with Germany and other nations. Lots of underhanded backstabbiness and near-coup material going on.
If that's helpful. :)

Shunka Warakin |

Currently looking at a German-Jewish occult scholar who fled first to France, then to the UK to escape Reich pressure to work for some dark program or else. Emphasis on languages (modern and ancient), mythology, etc. Has some experience bluffing and forging credentials (which is how she escaped). If time was available before deployment but after agreeing to work with this SF group, may have had some limited martial training, otherwise is liable to know which end of a gun one doesn't want pointed at them and not much else (your usual SOE/SIS recruits were given some minimum but time pressure didn't always permit for much training of 'specialists')! Which would be more appropriate?

HarbinNick |

ent objectives and lack of cooperation with each other.
For a good example of just how CF'ed it could be, take a look at the various internal movements involved in Turkey's WW1 relationships with Germany and other nations. Lots of underhanded backstabbiness and near-coup material going on.
If that's helpful. :)
Being 25% syrian I'm well aware of the whole 'let's give syria to turkey for neutrality' that's still screwing up the region. I'd rather run a 'state sponsered' agent rather than a lone wolf. I'm thinking of somebody with the KMT right now...

Zyren Zemerys |

Let's see who is really up to this:
I think six people would make a very good team especially, since I already know three of you already.
If everyone is still really up to this and comitted, I'd prpose to start thinking about chars and everything else in OOC and we end the recruitment?

HarbinNick |

The KMT guys were at least liked by the Americans^^
Torturer/secret police sounds really creepy...
The idea is that his family fled the revolution to Shanghai when he was a child, so he's got a serious anti-maoist anti-red chinese thing going on. And he's been given many party members to practice on. That said he's as patriotic as anybody in the KMT.

Zyren Zemerys |

I have to admit that certain elements of D20 Modern are just bloated...How many of you have the D20 Cthulhu Rulebook? I would prefer it for its rather minimalistic approach and openness.
For those of you who don't have it, this website leads you through the whole character creation process
I would suggest a 25 point buy.

grmnbln |

Only problem with Cthulhu D20 is it doesn't produce the toughest characters on earth. We start coming up against super soldier types and from my experience at least a Cthulhu character will be dead pretty sharpish.
Anyway, slight expansion on my idea for Mr Finnish Sniper. Took part in the winter war against the Soviet Union and killed a sizeable number of Soviets in his time (obviously not quite the crazy huge number that Simo did but still a lot). When it looked like the Continuation war was going to break out and Finland were going to work with the Nazis against the Soviets he left his country and joined the Allies to instead fight the Nazis. Left either due to being Jewish or just not agreeing with the Nazi party policies. I'll read some more second world war history and then work out some more.

TarkXT |

-I'm thinking of a half-Russian half Chinese
I seriously doubt this character would get anywhere too much considering the rampant racism of the 40's. The chinese can be particularly irksome I hear.
Also don't have d20 cthulu myself. Have the d20 modern book right in front of me however...

TarkXT |

Anyway, slight expansion on my idea for Mr Finnish Sniper. Took part in the winter war against the Soviet Union and killed a sizeable number of Soviets in his time (obviously not quite the crazy huge number that Simo did but still a lot).
"Is amusing that young finnish boy think he man because he shoot from cowardly sniping position in blizzard against conscripts in clothing of toilet paper. Does not know Gregori went over trench to get testicles bitten off by angry german machine gunner before chocking him to deaht on own intestines. Is why Gergori not banging your mother."
Have to go with d20 modern seeing as its the only one of the aforementioned books I happen to have.

garabbott |

Only problem with Cthulhu D20 is it doesn't produce the toughest characters on earth. We start coming up against super soldier types and from my experience at least a Cthulhu character will be dead pretty sharpish.
I'm currently working on a modernish campaign right now based in Oregon around 1914, right before the USA enters WWI. I was planning on using the Cthulhu rules because, as Zyren mentioned, it keeps things well rounded and simplified, but I agree that the characters you get from Cthulhu rules are pretty weak. I've been working on ways to get around that that go beyond toning the monsters down (because who wants to fight weak monsters? :P) and I thought I'd just give you guys one of my ideas, in case it helps. At the very least, I might get feedback, and since I'll probably be looking to start the campaign on these boards within a month or so, it would be appreciated :P
Here's my idea: all characters, starting at level 1, gain a bonus feat (like the bonus feat Humans get in Pathfinder). On top of this, combat-oriented characters also gain a bonus Weapon Proficiency feat, while defense-oriented characters can choose between a few feats I select. I'm thinking things like Dodge, Skill Focus, etc. Character advancement will give feats every two levels, like Pathfinder. Thoughts?
Also, as for this campaign, if I weren't already playing in 5 PbP's and hoping to start DMing my own, I would jump on this in a heart beat. Zyren's an awesome DM, and the subject matter is really interesting to me, so I hope everyone has a good time. If I have to drop one of my campaigns, I'll be keeping an eye out for a space in this one :P

grmnbln |

D20 Modern is good for me.
"Is amusing that Gregori was stupid enough to charge out of trench when well placed sniper could get rid of machinegun with out making himself eunuch. Oskar make sweet sweet love to Gregori's mother every night because he 'shoot from cowardly sniper position'."
Also, alternate idea due to me listening to a lot of celtic punk/rock today. Northern Irish explosives expert. Joined the royal engineers at the outset of the war and spent the first year of his service blowing up various bridges and generally cutting things far too fine fuse wise. Then volunteered for special services and got assigned to a group of commandos sent behind enemy lines to blow up various bits of Nazi controlled europe. Has been blowing up, shooting and generally terrorising Nazis ever since.

Zyren Zemerys |

Sounds really good, I was also thinking about granting everyone an additional choice when levelling up like:
Take three skill points or additional 1d4 hp. (for example)
This could also help to diversify characters into skill monkeys and hitters for example.
Sad to hear that you don't have the time to join us, man :/

TarkXT |

"Is amusing that Gregori was stupid enough to charge out of trench when well placed sniper could get rid of machinegun with out making himself eunuch. Oskar make sweet sweet love to Gregori's mother every night because he 'shoot from cowardly sniper position'."
"Is sad to see youth resort to f#+$ing ugly dead woman for lack of testicles drop during baby years. Perhaps when all boy has is potato and weapon with no bullets he will grow hair on chest and kill socialist slave like man in Stalins's glorious People's Army"
Yeah, yeah this is going to be fun. :)

grmnbln |

"Hahahaha, glorious? Goat pleasurer Stalin's army of deviants and mongoloids could not even beat a force third its size mostly made up of 'young finnish boys' and old men. Stalin only fit to lead pigs to slaughter and boys to his bedroom."
Haha, well that settles it. Finnish sniper it is. Might make Irish man as a backup.

Shunka Warakin |

I guess d20 modern is what most people own, so we just stick with that-Anyway, I'd recommend planned generation, or are you keen on rolling stats?
As much as I hate to break up the Slavic-Finnish dialogue here, I would go with d20 modern. I have many of the d20 books, however, so I am flexible.
Also, I tend to prefer point-buy. I have freaky online chargen dice. They revert to standard probability once RP starts but I've made dice generators on multiple forums gout out amazing strings of below-average-and-minimum numbers before. I can think of one D&D campaign where the GM allowed me two rerolls, then rerolled my character himself, then went offline and used his dice and came back with the numbers, because there wasn't a single score in the first three sets over eight.
A friend has some joke dice which are basically marbles with '1' painted on opposite sides. He offered to let me use them once and I suggested that might be bad, because they'd probably crack in half to give me a 0.5...
There need to be more lowball systems!

Zyren Zemerys |

HarbinNick |

And here we go
Strength 12 (+1)
Dexterity 10 (+0)
Constitution 16 (+3)
Intelligence 10 (+0)
Wisdom 10 (+0)
Charisma 14 (+2)
Remain Conscious
Total Hit Points: 36
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 13 = 10 + 3 [class]
Touch AC: 13
Flat-footed: 13
Initiative modifier: +4 = +0 [dexterity] +4 [improved initiative]
Fortitude save: +7 = 4 [base] +3 [constitution]
Reflex save: +2 = 2 [base]
Will save: +0 = 0 [base]
Attack (handheld): +3 = 2 [base] +1 [strength]
Attack (missile): +2 = 2 [base]
Grapple check: +3 = 2 [base] +1 [strength]
Reputation: +2 = 2 [base]
Walther PPK autoloader [2d4, crit 20, range incr 30 ft., 1 lb, ballistic, semi-automatic]
Law Enforcement (starting occupation)
Gather Information
Improved Initiative
Defensive Martial Arts
Point Blank Shot
Far Shot
Simple Weapon Proficiency [free]
Personal Firearms Proficiency
Skill Name
Gather Information+10
Knowledge (streetwise)+7
Languages Spoken
Russian(Native)Chinese(Native)Japanese, English, German
Languages Read
Russian(Native) Chinese(Native)
Top Secret
Agent's code name: Red Fish
Agent's Identifier: Manchu
Real Name: Li, Ivan Nikolaievitch (uses mother's family name)
Race: Half Russian, Half Chinese
Plack of Birth: Vladivostok Russian Empire
Date of Birth ??-??-1910 (records lost)
Currnet rank: Captain, Military Police, Kuomintang , Shanghai Branch
Skills: Police work, handguns, interigations,
Languages: Native Russian and Chinese, fluent English, Japanese and German
Education: Agent RED FISH was born in the Russian Empire to a petty Vladivostok Aristocrat, and a Chinese Woman. He was brought to Harbin in 1918 by his father, who was fleeing the Russian Civil War. He was educated in Harbin, Japanese Occupied China, and moved to Shanghai upon graduating university. He found work as a police man in the international settlement, quickly moved up the ranks, and joined the KMT in 1935.
Experiences: He has specialized in the tracking and identification of persons of interests, and ascertaing threats posed by such targets. Due to his unusual looks he can pass as either a Russian or a Chinese. His skills in languages and his foreign upbringing alow him to blend in with almost any group of people of any nationality.
Warnings: RED FISH is known to 'silence' and 'liquidate' anyone who poses a clear threat to his mission. He is a cold, efficent, and merciless killer and will use torture. That said, he is far from a fanatic or sadist but simply devoted to his causes, which are a free China, and a non-communist China. His relations with Soviet agents may be strained, but his ability to work with them is not in doubt, provided his leadership is effective
Vices: RED FISH is known to frequent low class prosititues, as he feels they are "less likely to ask questions." He does not drink or smoke.
Reasons for being assigned to ASSF: The KMT leadership has decided that he has the finest language skills of any avaible special agent. In addition he is the only Chinese agent who can pass as a 'European'. KMT Intelligence HQ has recommended him in particular as recent developments in Asia suggest that the crisis may be widening to include either war between the USSR and Japan, or an invasion through Burma into India. Agnet RED FISH is to serve as a European liaison officer for KMT Intelligence as well as completing any duties for the ASSF