Good enchantments for arcane bonds?


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What are some good enchantments for arcane bonded items?

I've been toying with the idea of a wizard character. Because having a familiar doesn't fit his personality, I thought of giving him a gauntlet arcane bond, but I have no idea what kind of enchantments would be good for it. Is spell storing any good?

Ring of telikinesis is generally useful.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Generally, because of the CL requirements and versatility, the "best" choices (IMO) for an arcane bonded item are (in order): amulet, staff, wand, ring, weapon (mace or club), then other weapons. Of course, if you have a specific concept in mind, go with what fits the concept.

Amulet - Craft Wondrous Item, the most versatile magic item creation feat, at 3rd level. Nothing more needs to be said.

Staff - Craft Magic Arms and Armor at 5th level and Craft Staff at 11th level. Starts slow, but powerful at higher levels.

Wand - Craft Wand at 5th level. The bonded item can be reused once all the charges are gone; also, check out icicle wand in Reign of Winter (if you have it). Good choice immediately after low-level play, but loses ground quickly without the Staff-Like Wand arcane discovery.

Ring - Forge Ring at 7th level. Rings can be powerful and versatile.

Weapon (mace or club) - Craft Magic Arms and Armor at 5th level and Craft Rod at 9th level. Not as versatile as a staff, but there are some good possibilities.

Other Weapons - Craft Magic Arms and Armor at 5th. For the most part, only worth it when combat will be a main focus.

Enhancements. Enchantments are spells.

The Dueling magic weapon special ability (gives the wielder a +4 enhancement bonus on initiative checks, provided the weapon is drawn and in hand when the Initiative check is made) is my recommendation

Well, if you take the ring, you might as well make it a ring of sustenance. Some good magic ring things over all that you could add to it conceivably.

For story purposes, I chose a rapier as my arcane bond. No one even realizes she's a wizard until she starts blasting people. Anyway, I put the defending weapon property on it since wizard AC is usually pretty bad, and I never use the weapon for hitting. With that weapon property, now her AC is only a few points behind the rest of the party who wears armor. It's a pretty expensive, time consuming option, and doesn't even start paying off until 6th level, though.

Sovereign Court

I think rings are a good choice, because you don't really want to take Forge Ring; this way you can get a fairly expensive ring at a discount. Also, rings are fairly near to the end of the table of items that might get hit with AoE effects if you roll a 1 on your own saving throw; so little chance of your Bonded Item getting fried by accident.

submit2me wrote:
For story purposes, I chose a rapier as my arcane bond. No one even realizes she's a wizard until she starts blasting people. Anyway, I put the defending weapon property on it since wizard AC is usually pretty bad, and I never use the weapon for hitting. With that weapon property, now her AC is only a few points behind the rest of the party who wears armor. It's a pretty expensive, time consuming option, and doesn't even start paying off until 6th level, though.

In order to gain the AC bonus from a Defending weapon, you must make attack with it on your turn. If your GM house-rules it otherwise, that's fine, just thought you should know the official way it's supposed to work.

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