So Confused on Spell Casting

Rules Questions

The Exchange

I'm playing a spell caster for the first time, and I'm very confused. I created a 1st level Aasimar Sorceress. I have 4 0 level spells and 2 1st level spells.

How many times a day can I cast each of these spells?

Our DM was letting me use magic missle I bet you 1o times in one day. It is a first level spell.

Surely, there is a casting limit on spells, right?

I'm so confused because I want to play her the right way. I've read the core book, but must have misunderstood what I was reading or I'm over thinking.

Can someone help me?



Silver Crusade

At Sorcerer level 1 you can cast first level spells 3 times. (Not each, total) if you have high charisma you can get more spells per day. You can cast level 0 spells as many times as you like.

The table for how many spells you can cast is in the Sorcerer section and the table for bonus spells is (i think) at the end of the abilities section.

The four 0-level spells and two 1st level spells are your spells known.

Your 0-level spells have no limit on the number of times per day they can be cast.

There is a limit to the number of 1st level spells you can cast per day. As a first level sorcerer, you can cast three first level spells per day (see Table: Sorcerer > Spells per Day) PLUS one or more bonus 1st level spells per day depending on your Charisma score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells). Let's assume an 18 CHA, so that means one bonus 1st level spell, for a total of FOUR 1st level spells per day. These spells can be any combination of the two 1st level spells you know for being a level 1 sorcerer. So that's 4 Magic Missiles, 3 MM + 1 Burning Hands (or whatever your other spell known is), 2 MM + 2 BH, 1 MM + 3 BH, or 4 BH.

The Exchange

Ok, I knew I couldn't keep casting that many. Thanks guys for the info. I feel better now that I know there are limits.

Thanks again!

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