Zippykat |

If I am building a magus hexcrafter and I choose prehensile hair as a hex, this gives me an intelligence bonus the same as if it were strength. So say I have 20 INT. I have +5 to hot and +5 damage. This weapon is 10 feet reach
If I take White Haired Witch, I am automatically granted a five foot prehensile hair attack with my INT bonus used for damage.
If I do a prehensile hair attack, am I choosing one prehensile hair attack over the other or are they combined. Can I add my regular bonus of +5 to hit to my white hair prehensile hair attack and use that bonus for grappling or tripping?

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |

The White Haired Witch 'White Hair' Class Feature is not the same as the Prehensile Hair Hex. The wording has a number of very specific differences. Not least of which, right out of the gate, is the fact that 'White Hair' is a primary natural attack & Prehensile Hair is s secondary natural attack.
On the bright side, this does mean you get your total BAB with White Hair attacks, including the Maneuver actions.
On the other hand, there are a number of factors regarding White Hair that are either unclear or rule unfavorably.