Umarian |
HeroLab has most of the Paizo material in it, though they have packages to purchase for the different books. The Core HeroLab is only $29.99 and can be gotten here, and you can view the other packages here.
To start with this product as a DM, you really only need the core package and the bestiary bonus package ($29.99).
There is also a large community of people who do coding for things like the Adventure Paths, third party publications books, and other random things. The majority of this is contained in the Community Bestiary that is maintained by ShadowChemosh (He is not a LW employee, just a helpful and knowledgeable member of the community) and can be downloaded through HeroLab. ShadowChemosh has also created some great FAQ's for getting started with the community files here. Many people have hesitations to using the Community Bestiary portion because in their mindset, it is not "Official" HeroLab material. The part that many of them do not understand is that the most of the people that do the coding for it are ones that help LoneWolf with some of the "Official" packages you are purchasing. So don't be afraid to use it. (Plus it is free to download)

The 8th Dwarf |

I have had no regrets buying hero lab, if you are short on cash you can pick up the extra bits as you need.
It is a very good product and if you have an iPad 2 or better there is a free app to display character sheets.
The only negative is the official character sheet on HL is un polished and could be set out like the app.