Pathfinder Level 0 or Path

Homebrew and House Rules

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i made one rule like this one for 3.5 some years ago, and my players still enjoy it.

Path: path is the name i made for the level 0 it represent the way youre character lives her life before becoming a Hero, and it represents what he does when his in a town, working in downtime!!

HD: Racial HD (humanoid d8)
Skills: 1+int mod (max 1 rank and the rule aplies normaly when reach level 1)

lvl Bab F/R/W/ Special
0 +0 +1to1 2 traits, 1 Ocupation (from Tome of Secrets), Bonus Feat

1000 xp are needed to reach level 1st

Weapon and Proficiencies:
All character are proficient with simple weapons, no armor, no shields.

its flavorful for long play characters. Perfect to play with slow xp rate

I've seen Level 0 before. Yours has some nice flavor to it.

This can be done a number of different ways. It can be good if the PC's don't want a particularly heroic or harrowing background.

I'm sure your players will enjoy it. But, I wouldn't necessarily make this a prerequisite for every campaign, as it may get cumbersome.

Silver Crusade

AD&D had a module (Treasure Hunt) for 0-level characters where you chose a race, but you role-play through the module determined what class and alignment you would have. Skills were role-played out as well (e.g. yeah, I want to climb those vines, but my character has always been afraid of heights). Everyone knew a simple weapon and could "learn" others as they went. A future arcane user "chose" when they felt it was time to use magic after being exposed to it.

Not for the faint of heart or new players, but definitely a good challenge.

Super Genius Games has a book specifically designed to do just this. While I don't have a copy of this particular book, I do have a few other SGG materials and they are all great. You might want to look into it, so you don't have to reinvent the wheel.

Genius Guide to Apprentice Level Characters

MendedWall12 wrote:

Super Genius Games has a book specifically designed to do just this. While I don't have a copy of this particular book, I do have a few other SGG materials and they are all great. You might want to look into it, so you don't have to reinvent the wheel.

Genius Guide to Apprentice Level Characters

Sounds Great!!

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