PFS TWF Rogue 5... what feat to take?


Liberty's Edge

Just made 5th with in Rogue, and while I have some ideas for higher level feats, I am struggling to figure out what to take at 5th.

S:13 D:17 Co:14 I:14 W:10 Ch:14

Current Feats/Tricks:
1: Dodge
H: Two Weapon Fighting
2R: Weapon Finesse (from Finesse Rogue)
3: Two Weapon Defense
4R: Weapon Focus (Short Sword) (from Weapon Training)
5: ?

Skills (at 4th):
Acrobatics: +10
Appraise: + 5
Bluff: + 9
Diplomacy: +10
Disable Device: +14 (with MW tools)
Escape Artist: +7
Intimidate: +6
Kn: Arcana/Dungeoneering/Local: +5/+5/+7
Linguestics: +5
Perform (Oratory): +6
Sense Motive: +7
Sleight of Hand: +7
Stealth: +10
UMD: + 9

Traits: Reactionary, Indomitable Faith
Race: Human

Currently, I am wielding a pair of Gladii (both +1 enchantment), with a back up of a cold iron MW gladius, as well as a variety of other weapons. Wearing +1 Mithral Chain Shirt, which gives a total armor class, everything included, of 20. If attacking defensively (something that saved my life against a raging Yeti), it becomes 24, and hits 27 if I have to go total defense.

I've even toyed with the idea of picking up a level of fighter, sorcerer, or bard, but I am not sold on any of these (sell me if you think it is the right choice!!!) Alchemist might even be interesting to splash, but since you cannot sneak attack with a bomb, it would be of minimal use.

So, help an adventurer out! What should I do?

Is there a feat that lets you reroll? Jk, is there a way to get a ki pool so you can pick up a ninja trick?

Take a look at Piranha Strike. Sort of like a Power Attack for Weapon Finesse martials.

Byrdology wrote:
is there a way to get a ki pool so you can pick up a ninja trick?

Yes, there is. You can acquire a Ki Pool as a Rogue Talent option, then take a Ninja Trick to make use of it. With a WIS of 10, however, that would give the OP 1 ki point in their pool.

Liberty's Edge

@Lamontius, while that sounds good, there are only 2 things wrong with it, for me.

1) I don't own the Pathfinder Companion: Sargava, the Lost Colony, so couldn't use it in Society play.

2) I don't know that I'd want to take the penalty in attack bonus... already down from a fighter... at 5th level my attack bonus will be only +7 when using TWF and flanking.

So, to be clear, I can use the following books:
Core Rulebook, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Advanced Race Guide, Seekers of Secrets, PFS Field Guide. These are the only books I own, so the only ones I can use.

Talk about a 1 trick pony...

Start working towards two weapon feint.

Silbeg Cailean wrote:

@Lamontius, while that sounds good, there are only 2 things wrong with it, for me.

1) I don't own the Pathfinder Companion: Sargava, the Lost Colony, so couldn't use it in Society play.

2) I don't know that I'd want to take the penalty in attack bonus... already down from a fighter... at 5th level my attack bonus will be only +7 when using TWF and flanking.

So, to be clear, I can use the following books:
Core Rulebook, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Advanced Race Guide, Seekers of Secrets, PFS Field Guide. These are the only books I own, so the only ones I can use.

Fair enough. PFS definitely changes things.

I'd suggest taking a look at Friendly Switch, from the APG. Especially when you're playing among people who aren't as aware of your desire for positioning and flanking, this feat can be fantastic.

Personally I think it's time to switch classes. Barb is I quick way to boost your static dmg if you take double strike. Paladin boosts your saves and and helps out with full BaB, but you have to be lg. ranger has some nice options as well as keeping up on your skills. Fighter is always a solid choice as well. You could take boon companion and hunt master cavalier for a flanking buddy. Pick up a lvl or two of sorc to add some magic to your arsenal, namely vanish and umbral shadow bloodline... Let me know if anything looks good to you.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the advice, so far...

Barbarian really doesn't fit his background... he is pretty much a "city rogue", and grew up in a Caydenite orphanage. Ranger is a little better, but still has a feel, to me, as more of a "woodsy" class.

Really, Fighter, Sorcerer, or Bard seem to be the best choices, though I would really hesitate to take a class that would slow down his BAB right now.

He's CG, so paladin is out.

Friendly Switch does sound decent (actually it is from Seeker of Secrets). However, I haven't found this to be an issue... and if they are willing to move from this feat, they are likely willing to take a 5 foot step if I just delay.

Please, keep the ideas flowing. To be honest, my preference is to stay single-classed... that's why I was talking about "selling me" on another class... what are the benefits, and the costs.


Dark Archive

Oh, two feats I am now considering are:

- Perception and Sense Motive are very heavily used skills
- With the number of time he has missed his acrobatics check, it would be nice to get the higher AC value.

Barb and ranger both have urban archetypes, and you can flavor any class as you see fit.

Very cool.
For other feat ideas...

You can certainly take a look at the feat trees started off by Dodge, and also with your INT of 14 Combat Expertise is an option. I'm also a big fan of Butterfly Sting, a feat that allows you to pass off a critical hit to an ally. There's always the Extra Rogue Talent feat, as well.

If you are thinking of multi-classing...take a look at a level of Cleric of Cayden Cailean. It's thematic, and the +10 movement from the Travel Domain combined with the ability to keep moving when trouble hits from the Liberation Domain can be a very nice addition to a rogue.

I was totally going to suggest cleric! Pick up a mithril b-plate and boost str from here out. See if you can pick up a sun sword or two if you can. And then get a wand of lead blades.

Dark Archive

Yeah, with a 10 WIS, he'll be a GREAT Cleric... which is why I'd already ruled that out. :P

Combat Expertise doesn't work... I erred above... his INT is only 12... that is a mistake I made at first level... should probably have switched his STR and INT back with a level 1 rewrite, especially when I had picked up gear to help with his carrying capacity, but never did it.

2 good saves, medium armor, useful domain abilities, 0 lvl spells, and free access to several wands... No sarcasm needed here. Be a crusader of a dirty with a bow and pick up weapon focus bow, now you are a switch hitter if you take QuickDraw at 5. And you can channel for when things get really sticky... Last resort though.

Grand Lodge

My wife's PFS Rogue has discovered that Shadow Strike is a good feat to have.

At the risk of answering your original question I would recommend either Iron Will or Combat Reflexes. Toughness wouldn't be a bad option either.

Grand Lodge

Deane Beman wrote:
At the risk of answering your original question I would recommend either Iron Will or Combat Reflexes. Toughness wouldn't be a bad option either.

Good Will saves are always a plus and extra HP is great for any melee character, but I don't see much use for Combat Reflexes for a character without reach or some trick like Greater Trip + Vicious Stomp. It just doesn't occur enough to be that useful, especially when he is not going to get Sneak Attack with it. Mind you it is kind of cool that Combat Reflexes + Uncanny Dodge = never functionally flat-footed, but that's about all I can say about it.

Liberty's Edge

I'll say Combat Expertise to open up the path to Improved Dirty Trick and/or Two Weapon Feint.

At lvl 5 I would be focused on survivability. Among other things. Sell one of your "short swords, get the brawling property put on your armor, and take a lvl of martial artist monk. Take snake style as your lvl 5 feat and snatch Aries as your monk bonus feat.

1) Desperate Battler (Combat)

Benefit: When no ally is within 10 feet of you and you are not receiving benefits from the aid another action, you gain a +1 morale bonus on melee attack and damage rolls.

Good for surprise round to pump up attack & damage at the same time.

2) Precise Strike (Combat, Teamwork)

You are skilled at striking where it counts, as long as an ally distracts your foe.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: Whenever you and an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same the creature, you deal an additional 1d6 points of precision damage with each successful melee attack. This bonus damage stacks with other sources of precision damage, such as sneak attack. This bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.

I know it's a teamwork feat but I'm sure someone other then you would like the extra damage. Ask the party if they'll cooperate with you.

Dark Archive

Thanks for the additional advice.

@Byrdology: I thought more about the idea of a level of cleric... just can't get over the loss of BAB this would cause, on a character at risk for falling behind the curve already. As for going Monk, I don't qualify, because of being CG (I know, something I didn't detail earlier).

@Deane and trollbill... I am definitely considering Iron Will... since I am getting to the point that I'll be facing more and more "Save or suck", it would be good to cover what is my worst save.

Still strongly considering Alertness, but I don't think this will overcome the need to get good Will saves.

I'll be finalizing the decision Sat. AM, as I am playing him Sat afternoon (that is, if I don't play my Gunslinger)

Martial artist is an unaligned monk. Weapon master fighter may be good for you.

If you do decide to go cleric, stock up on hold person scrolls.

Dark Archive

Iron Will was the choice. He was in a group of min/maxed characters this weekend, playing a tier 5-6 (my first time at this level). Unfortunately, he was a bit over-matched by many of the others... at least part in fact due to no one (save for the 2H Fighter) doing any threatening... and in part due to the dim light everywhere.

Oh, well, there were times he was effective... he was the only one that was packing cold iron weapons, so was the only one that was able to overcome the DR of the demons.

However, there are few choices that would have helped in the lack of flanking issue.

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